lems of pregnancy are prevented; whereas the obstetrician is at
the mercy of the patient who fails to come to the clinic. This dis-
tinction may partially account for the decrease in maternal
V deaths in an area where nurse-midwives provide the maternal
. care."
Mrs. John Sherman Cooper, wife of Kentucky’s senior sena-
‘ tor, offered her lovely Georgetown house for a tea arranged by
our Washington Committee on May 9. Dr. Beasley flew to Wash-
ington for the occasion, to bring Washington friends of the FNS
S the latest news from Kentucky. The Committee was honored to
have as the guest speaker the Secretary of the Interior, the Hon.
Rogers C. B. Morton, who remembered coming to Hyden with
his family for the dedication of our present hospital in 1928. Mrs.
· Robert W. Estill, Chairman of our Washington Committee, who
2 also has Kentucky ties, is to be congratulated on a successful
I In March of this year we were pleased to have a brief visit
. from Miss Barbara Schutt, contributing editor of the American
Journal of Nursing. She was eager to observe all aspects of our
» work in preparation for her article entitled "Frontier’s Family
Nurses" which appeared in the May 1972 issue of the American
Journal of Nursing. Following publication of Barbara Schutt’s
article we were gratified to receive from our Congressman, Dr.
Tim Lee Carter, a copy of the Congressional Record for May 16,
1972, in which Miss Schutt’s article was printed in full. We
quote Dr. Carter as follows:
· "Mr. Speaker, our rural areas face many problems in the
A matter of adequate medical care. I am very pleased to submit an
article about an organization that is making great strides toward
solving many of these problems-—Kentucky’s Frontier Nursing
_~,\ Service.
I "The dedicated people of the Frontier Nursing Service are
fulfilling an important role in Kentucky that is now being emu-
lated in other parts of the Nation."
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