daily: botb ades  e-memi to I-m mmiI '--cii "f Ji-tim- ' III right: I.'ti i.l...l....  t ihmij -
selve8s diregardin_ everything but vi -tmiry ait any cost
   The legislative con-test .oni..itte  wmm' ivmrwlmeinigiv Ileumm' i  :i'mm. mf   rae
as p-Judjeed aa their asa-biUt-s .-d mim 1 mrs:mrics I timimimmy  mii Ivl   u-mm a  little
onsidered by either party.
   Janury 29th. the eviden -e a     is e..i.phltid. January 30th. ti.. ..i.i.i.iitti'.- ininileml
to make Goebtl governor; that 1ily he -I. Gbut. mv-rn-or Taylmr immnmi'illttcl mlYlemi
the entire State nilltlia to Frminikf.mrt. pr-iciimi d i-d sIIIrrc- ti'i- nii . amljminrmn'ml the
egislature to Iondon. a Rtepuilla .... ...ini..i ity.
   A reign of terror threats of rtii' rmv'ithm. mltaik ..n ..militia. kidi Iappi.,iig of
legislators. ete.. nere rampi--C.
   Wednesday. January 31st, the Denmoermtm     Legisimhti-re. Iiliiiiiig  t Imaic mimit lii
-esal.n In the Capital HMtAl. delearm- l I           Ai  giivrmimr. ai a iFriday.
Fhbrnary 2d. and Goebel waa agtiul n   lmrdil go  ernrw  ad wanw a-irni in hry Chief
Justlce Hazelrigg. Saturiay. Felruiry I. lI.i lied. ,miid l.imlntcuant-  ernr -tikha
was aworn In as go-ernor.
   Tbe Republican legilalture mi' t 1in i.-'ilmii miil Itie tmd icith mrmlt retmiacid tlm gum. G om-
-ral Jobn B. Castlemman a mis mm  , limmitmm  It mmii'  aidjiM;itit x,-ii,.iAl  ihi II gmn
forming a new vmilltla.
   A peace confereni' -.ms helil lin DI.iilstille Flitrhiiry  Itil. .ilt ihoerimir T;iyl.mr re-
fuaed to endorse It.
   February 8tb. 41-vermmmr CoGml-1.0 wmmo iwmri.l lii Frmmimkfirt: m1 .i...iii.. i t mistinig
9100.000 nil be i re-tel to his wme-iiry.
   Rewara8 aggregating 980.000 1     N-,n ,.fm-rn-l fur the-       ....l.r . dimimmim f tih i.sit-
sin., and anne t-enty fimnimoc leti     - rca mir trslug tm alu it.
   February 9th Democratic LLgilmi.tmir  int iIn LouisvileI' imirt il---mam.
   Fcbrmary 12tb. injunction -kalme  by ex-l-ovmrnir W. i. BrtmlebY. 1ii time FeiAl-rml
Courts. to restrain allegeM  pr-iA    mtp      f Iltstimiii i, ,   ...,.iaimmu .mi. ltmjmilmimbau
minor cundidates.
   The prcaent sit-iation is mit eMtir-ly imliql - 1i tIlmilt d Simitmum hltmiry. itie.i1e
aland In 1844. South   -ndmlima mimil t.mmm'immmi1i. tibm  a-iemitis-. Ii: l Stiet.- mlitial
troubles rery sImilar. lint lIn time liitter mimily ams th  risis mia grm'mt -i Is, K,-,it,.iky.
The ba  of lIfte in t         ousisana aims mImmi-m grt-r. liit -immr trimmil-les mire ,mi-t ym-t mt aim etM1i.
   Fo.r great aIassinatlomis hav -    miiirrml In thl momi-mtry. I'rm     .Airahmibai
Lincoln and Janes A. Ciarielld. ( artir timirrisolm. mimimymir mt ihl :mgmi  mi W'1ililIaum
G-oebel governor. The last tavo  -er- t-r imhti-eIl remmamma.