
         0-MORROW wve shall he home," said Elwood
         X 3raiidon, addressing his companion, although
         at the tinme he was looking out on the moon-
lit sea, in the direction of California.
    Yes; if nothing unexpected happens," replied his
cousin, who was pushing and drawing a large Newfound-
land dogf that lav at his feet.
   And what can happen " asked his cousin, turning
abruptly toward him.
  "A hundred things. Suppose the boiler should blow
up, we run oIn a rock, take fire, or get struck by a
squall    :
  " Or be carried away in a balloon," was the impatient
exclamation. " One is just as likely to happen as the
  " Hardly-heigh-ho!"
  Howard at that moment had twined his feet around
the neck of Terror, the Newfoundland, and the mis-
chievolls dog, spriaging suddenly to his feet, brought his
master from his seat to the deck, which, as a matter of
course, made both of the cousins latugh.
  "He did that oIn purpose," said Howard, recovering
his position.