" Of course he did. You have been pestering him for
the last half-hour, and he is getting tired of it; but I
may say, Howard, I shall hardly be able to sleep to-
night, I am so anxious to see father and mother."
  " So am I; a few years makes such a difference in us,
while I can't detect the least change in them."
  "Except a few more gray hairs, or perhaps an addi-
tional wrinkle or two. What's the matter with Tim"
  "Tim! 0 nothing, he seems to be meditating and
smoking. Fact is that is about all he has done since lie
has been with us."
  "It's been a grand time for Tim, and I have no doubt
he has enjoyed the trip to and from California as much
as either of us."
  The subject of these remarks was seated a few feet
away, his arms folded, while he was looking with a
vague, dreamy expression otit upon the great Pacific,
stretching so many thousand miles beyond them, rolling
far off in each direction, until sky and ocean blended in
great gloom.
  "Maybe he is looking for Asia," laughed Elwood in
an undertone.
  "More likely he is hoping to get a glimpse of Ireland,
for he would be as likely to look in that direction as any
other. I say, Tim!"
  The Irishman did not heed the call until he was
addressed the second time in a louder tone than before,
when he suddenly raised his head.
  "Whisht! what is it "
  "What are you thinking about F'