"It is fortunate for all parties that we met you,"
added the man with a smile, "for we receive a very
liberal reward to bring you back, no matter whether we
niet you within a dozen miles of San Francisco, or were
obliged to spend the summer hunting for you among
the inountaiiis, only to succeed after giving the largest
kind of a ransom."
  " Prosaad," said Tim O'Rooney, with a magnificent
wave of his hand, without rising from his reclining
position. " We're glad to maat yez, as me uncle ob-
sarved, whin SMicky O'Shaunhanaley's pig walked into
his shanty and stood still till he was salted down and
stowed away in the barrel, by raisin of which Micky
niver found his pig agin."
  The next day the party reached the outlet of the
Salinas River, Monterey Bay, where they succeeded in
securing transit to San Francisco, and the two boys
were once more clasped in the loving arias of their
anxious parents.
  Howard and Elwood remained in San Francisco until
autumn, when they came East again and entered col-
lege, and having passed through with honor they re-
turned to the Golden City, and are now partners in a
flourishing business. Tim O'Rooney is in their service,
and they both hold him in great regard. He is as good-
natured as when " Adrift in the Wilds " with the boys,
and his greatest grief is that he has never been able to
meet Air. Shasta, the most " illigent savage gintleman
that iver paddled his own canoe."
                     THE END.

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