Lexington became exhausted to such an extent, that, on her hus-
band's return home with George one night, almost famished with
hunger, she had been able to save for him a small piece of bread,
about two inches square, and about a gill of milk, which she pre-
sented to him; on which he asked, if there was nothing for George
She answered, not a mouthfull. He called George, and handed
him the bread and the milk, without taking any of it himself.
  George was tendered his liberty by the daughter, on her ar-
riving at age, and often since, but he has wisely preferred to re-
main with the child of his benefactor, in the state in which he
left him.

                   NOTE S.-PAGE 125.

The names of the members of the Convention in 1787, held in
  Jefferson county--Richard Easton, Alexander Breckinridge,
Michael Lackasang, Benjamin Sebastian, James Meriwether.
  Nelson county-Joseph Lewis, William McClung, John Cad-
well, Isaac Cox, Matthew Walton.
  Fayette county-Levi Todd, John Fowler, Humphrey Mar-
shall, Caleb Wallace, William Ward.
  Bourbon county-James Garrard, John Edwards, Benjamin
Harrison, Edward Lyne, Henry Lee.
  Lincoln county-Benjamin Logan, John Logan, Isaac Shelby,
William Montgomery, Walker Baylor.
  Madison county-Wm. Irvine, John Miller, Higgerson Grubbs,
Robert Rodes, David Crews.
  Mercer county--Samuel McDowell, Harry Innis, George Mu-
ter, William Kennedy, James Speed.

           Members of the Convention in 1788.
  Jefferson county-Richard Taylor, Richard C. Anderson, Al-
exander S. Bullitt, Abraham Hite, Benjamin Sebastian.
  Nelson county-Isaac Morrison, John Caldwell, Phillip Phillips,
Joseph Barnett, James Bard.
  Fayette county-James Wilkinson, Caleb Wallace, Thomas
Marshall, William Ward, John Allen.
  Bourbon county-James Garrard, John Edwards, Benjamin
Harrison, John Grant, John Waller.