MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJun-$4,l9O7 Page 179(cont'd)

              President Patterson offered the following resolution:

              Resolved that the request of Professor Tuttle with refer-
         ences to the enlargement of the Ohemistry Bldg. for laboratory
         purposes, be refered to the Executive Committee with power to

              Said motion was seconded by Mr. Brooks, and carried.

              President stated in response to a question from some member
         of the Board with reference to Prof. Tuttle's request that
         provisions be made for some person to stay in the Chemistry Page l1O
         building at night and have an oversight of same, that he would
         make arrangements with Prof. Tuttle to do this.

              Mr. Nicholas, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, asks
         for further time to make report on the reports of the Treasurer
         and Business Agent, which was granted.

              Thereupon upon motion of Judge Lafferty, duly seconded
         and carried, the Board adjourned sine die.

                                                  D. C. FRazee

                                                                Page i8i
               Semi-annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A.
         and M. College, held on Tuesday, December 10, 1907, 2 O'clock
         P. M I9M7, at the President's Room, Gymnasium Building, Lexing-
Ceoul~an ton, Kentucky.

A       t     Chairman D. C. Frazee in the chair.

           7  Roll-call showed the following present: Messrs. Clay, Frazee,
\$     -JqIaKinkead, Lafferty, McChord, Nicholas, Smith, Pres. Patterson and
T  A+ q Terrell.    9