DOD'? Sell CCITS K U   °   R h F d Ray CC
    y. lt ihes wes esearc: un S
  (Continued from Page 13) · • _ On all
  mountable, but the determined men         _.\ News
  from the Bluegrass were not to be de- (ia., 1`€[><>¤
`   n llled all "PP0rt““ltY tO Prove tlrclr     Grunt the College of lingineering jointly au. ¢°\`llll*l?rvl·
be mettle. Stating their case with a venge- l iiiiiiiieed ihe giie Oiheieis ei the ii,iih,i. thy ol lst
  ance on the turf of neutral Legion Made For Year eiiiiiiiiiiii, Siiid ihe grime has heeii iiimic vtealuig t
—§ Field in Birmingham, Ala., Kentucky U l iis iiziii (ir ihe emhimiiius iimgiiiiii in vporiting i
  raced into an early lead and gave The l{€1l[l\(`l<}' Utilities Colllpftlly work im. ihe iieiviiiicemeiii Oi E,(im.u_ [,ientc·n
  every indication of holding it until has established a fund at the Univer- limi in iee“m(_i;\,· ihi. isiiiiiii
{ Auburn counted two quick TD’s in sity ol lientucky to assist in the ex- ' in thc l·`1
  the second quarter. The second half pansion of thc research and `tearlnng iiiiiieii ii,
i was almost a repetition of the hrst. i>¥`0t{¤‘Pu¤$ of UW <·<>ll¢*s<“ ol l‘·llf§l“€(`l`·   Bctunist Chosen ~¢‘¤i`\'*<`¢_§l'
  but the (Eats managed to hold ofl lng. _ |;urs with
i touchdown trouble while scoring the Under provisions ol the p1an.lthc For Af|’|Q(]|‘\   'l`he|o1
· l z" r tl at >roved to be the final €l€<`U`it` >0W€‘1` C0lU)2l|l}' him n1Fll€ il _ _ ol Somers
Y llirltlrioirrer I gilt of il2.000 forl the year ending UD'}  liggtiyutituéllf ltentucky
t Bmii Cmuiles admitted [hm their rg _[une~3(l, lflolfz, to be used lor research l_";;cr“' lv 1 [ ‘L ·_ U'. t _ l‘ ii lll s·1;(. tean
V r ,. ·. . .. , ,- · and instructional purposes in the de- " _ "t*‘ll}· Q t Cxlllotml lil lll} "ll i·,rryr.\\rost
2 *P*·°tl‘°‘ll‘l’*·‘“‘l tht °l’l"’“'t‘°"l““‘l€ . i Q i Oi ciecirimi en .in€€i,in,,. a State l)epartment educational tour Umic hi
1 llllsttllrts in the tllrllllng l“r`lLl` dcrrtr   ui H i `,·ii be udniiniheiid bv ii; which will take him to .»\I`rica for niur ii·ii(iL.i‘iS
i ¤¤¤k· 1*¤‘s¤kS» t>¤¤¤lti<=S wd ¤¤iS¤¤€S— .‘€ `Y“Y " . ` d · I i mails of r—mi—t»iv aaa icaiaae. ‘ "
l and one side or the other's inability to licliiulkl RCSCQ/iflgi YO?] IRVOHU   _ _ li __ li I *11
` capitalize on the1n—accounted for the ‘fl‘_‘fl‘   LEO { ‘ Hitt) (ir sur mt till? (l°l’“rtm€“t hem S ttutl ""‘l Maj. H
i lack of H decision. Both teams had versity vice president, I5 Rl€Sl(l€ll;i [ teaching abroad has been arranged hi imig, Fi,
Q opportunities to end the affair in their 1 Dli   Alex RFnTnOl`ltf’ he? 0_ thc brute Deliarlgtricilt tl§lT)llg£r\7?_pt"rlt Bronze I
favor in the dosing Stages. Late in tie- tepartmenlti 0 eeepiea lengineeti under the l·ul rigvrt  ct,4 I ite ia lime], 3
i the fourth quarter, Kentucky missed mg will toercmate it ieieiut il myc _\trrc;i, ·D1.~ls1ley` will be aitaclted in m€1_hm,i0
t by a vital yard R mst down On the teiiclnng to >e carrneci on tnoug le tty the liniveisiey olxlietonia. oyattd ai
. tiihiim eighi that might easily have i-{¤·m¥- s€\€Y§¢l Y€5€€*1€h }>F0gl”?¤n1g· Hi the city of lretoria in the [ mon ol -—»—
  resuimi in the gmnewinning much ready are being developed byivaiious South Africa.
J _ down. Three times the Plainsmen at- mcmbcrs Ot the elccmml cugmcmmg r·\lthough he will engage iu rest¤n`€flF1iH, K. W· stitutions in the area by the U. S. ithoinatot
race, the \\’ildcats came up to the BFOWH, \'l<7€ |>l`€SlH11)’ 11n¤$ 20-l4· Alth<·¤sh t>l¤ri¤s cf- ¤<>¤¤<>1 of tits 1>is$ki¤¤ ¤lt<¤‘ it hit his aware sevmi imuiae.i and trips ai iQ¤_.°l‘*°t
ratically, far from their peak form of fingertips. It was one of those things Ah·ieii_ smtttrrr
the previous week, the Wildcats almost that happen in football. In both in- __f_ passed lr
V plucked the game out of the fire of stances, the defense was set up to pro- [lurks tll
defeat as they led 14-13 in the closing tect against the expected long pass. _ _ y It shc
minutes. The never—say-die Mississippi Knockecl out of contention for the The UmV€lSl}Y of K€mll€l°$€ l’l?g1`€§S
' lmm quarterback Bill Stanton to half- that they just might sneak up on some of assisting them in the solution Ul Itlillllsl
back Earl Morgan that covered 83 more good teams before the final gun lh€l1` PY0bl€mS· Sl¤€€ lis eslilllllslllrltm Clllwrmll
' )'2iI’(l$ illlil left lll€ Kentucky secondary is sounded, Don’t sell these V\/ildqatg in 1927, the Bureau has C0ll(ll|(`l(°(l ll Eoltlls i
r defenders wondering what happened, short! total of 69 research studies. tllel
. I4   TH s i