‘ l
    University Lists ll Recipients Ol     l,";‘;;lQ;_"€g flllfgx
  • • •
  First State-Wtcle Law Scholarships T    , _·¤l»~
  .  l     M lllll.l.€C .<>ll<>\\
I the first recipients of the Kentucky graduate ol \~\’ittenberg College. -     l'll'3“°lC
‘ Q Law Scholarships, recently established First-year students-Fauster Vittone,   _     1   gs "He tl
g Irv the lawyers ot Kentucky. Masontown. l’a.. $300, graduate ol`         -  .__   »‘€·* ~   ill l»0Nll
. - ' . . . .   . . . , , · .,. ,.. · . .       --»· -   ss     ·iV‘$  ""=‘ ‘ 4 •J·:
‘i ‘ .-\nnouncenrent ol the selection ol M"ll*”‘H*'l‘L} (·"ll€B€- ,l***€ S- l'l"§¥,»      s_ _    _g_ _;    = lull —-l-
; . . ,7 ‘ ,. ·- '·<)   · t ‘ -._   _..i;$._  » »-—-·~".     ·  is     V ·
Q the scholarslnp wnrners was made by “ll'l°§l’l'l%- i>—0ll· 81-*0**-lli (ll MON y   _-   ,_   ~--:».= __  __». V   gk  3 _l*>}lllll‘llll;ll
  . ` . . . · . · — , .   · . · .. ‘ . .. . . ·   @?»»» .=- "   -.,  ··   ; - - ·i ·
t ; scholarslnps represent initial grants ol _1 l‘*_ l’*‘*‘{» "b.l€‘“‘L (ll lll? “‘l‘f’l‘“` $j__ ;c_ __ Q;    =»·· »  _ .,   ,  ’_’V _;    will l
- Q $3,2.00 rrrade available by Kentucky at- $l"l” “ “’ ‘“Tl’Y‘“'€ me ‘l"“l“Y el lllc   · i  ..;.   »    i_`. »   , "l "'l”‘_
  mrncys [Or the lg)5566 ;u.u(iCmi(- ycmx luttrre bar ol Kentucky by providing  yy _ _‘__     " I, ]li|$$lll§.§ ‘
{ Dum smh]. Said help to a lew well-qualified and de-       A_-_   _V. ;¤; ·r·‘ t .   its hardl
` · · SC1`\'lll§ lil\\' Sttltlellts ol strong nr()t·;il Y     ~···   · ` is no lt);
.-\ small amount remains in the new I I lm I [uh ,0 ·l I Ur   , H
. . . ·ra··· · rrr ;··s·rrr.·; - ·`=·.==     · ·»   ..·.» ;  ~
. lund lor possible awards to late ap- ( iu `. ( L .l` H ( fi I   wg  .v; V     l·_
._ _ _ cult hnancial problems nr obtaining     .·». E- -.·.=   liiiiiiiii
.— phcants, the dean reported. . * —   =`— =·~ , ,
Q _ _ il l€g(ll C(lll(CZltlUll_   lcgrrtttglg
z Three ol the sclrolarslrrps have been \ . .· · ‘ ` · --   H
4 . . . .- statewide committee ol lawyers   served (
designated bv the contributing lawyers 1 _ . _ . _ _ _ _. _ _ .;_3;2<;»,  _
i - · . * · ras been lornred, with representatives   r lor the 1
to have particular names. and they . .   .   . _ _ _   _ i, (
_H I k ll I tl I- nr all indicia] districts and in most ,1,1.)-18
' ’ ()\' ’{} `_' ’ . ` . . . . . . .
lu ml D m lmugl lc it Us )l counties, to assist in the adnrnristration —l°h¤ W· Knox Lxecutrv
these names. - __ _ _ . _ __   _
ol the scholarslnp program. lrustees
i One ol these, the George K. Holbert Selections 0[ recipients iii-C being john \\’. Knox is a new associate ex orhcit
-» Kentucky Law Sclrolarslrip. has been miidc (iii the basis 0[ Chiiyiii-tel-, ngcdy bacteriologist in the biological control ecutive 1
  established nr honor ·ol the late judge and (i€m(,iim~iii€d iibiliiyy imqiiicliiig department ol lili Lilly and (lornpani. it l)irect~
ol the Ninth Jll(ll(`l2ll District, com- me miietrc i-Ci-0i—(]_ The umimiitcc lndianarolis. He will rerlorm salon ol the U
; , i>{>>€l. He was
a second rear law student this l`·ill. .\ nredical teclrnolo¤·ist re risteretl hi nl the d
. Th, ihini   to be ,i,,l 1 wg, the M"H°'°'$T M""'$TER in   s(.aa§.,i» tlii..t..i   t ,r..  
_ Moo kcmml (lomuy lxcmlwky Law The Rey ]i mk (milky,   JT, 0[ thologists Knox. spcnt thnost tln-tt thc soln
Scimimshipv WCM to A_\].[lm]_ E. Aly Lexington, has been graduated lrom years as a blacteriologist with St. lat rentlcy i
shire MC_\mlmw` _l University of the (jimtllqy 5(·]i(,()] (ii Iligqlogy iii cents Hospital in _lacksonvillc. l*l<>1°· slancest
Kentucky gmdumc and n second year Lnrory University, Atlanta, Ga. 1ll lleveloptnent Laboratorics lll with iii,
. . Clay High School and UK. In addi- l°lll€ lllllll J\l`SCll2ll. Al`l€ lll Sllldylllg €1lll$€‘ Ul lllnr
l)0\\'Il||lg   Lexington, $400, grad- clrur·clr_ of diseases. This instrument is houscll hllillly (E
llille ol UK: Denver Ga r, Bowlin - This lall Mr. Gullei is urrdertakirr ‘ lll lllc UK l‘ll0l0 ical S(`lCll(YC$ llllllll illlltllllll
  , l . . . 2 . E %
town. S500. pre-law at Berea (rolletre; a rrorram at Vanderbilt Universit *, lll · l’C¤ll` Sill
Y rr l _ hr ) c
. l-larold K. Huddleston. Horse (iave, leadtnr toward a l’h.l). de tree, where °l‘ ’l‘ °*‘ l'l€lll