Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trus-
tees, University of Kentucky, for Friday, April 13, 1923.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky mot in
regular quarterly session in the President's office at the Univer-
sityi, on Friday, April 13, 1923, at 11:30 a. m.  The following
,persons were present: Frank McKee, H. M1. Froman, J. I. lyle, W.
C. Hanna, J. R' Rash, R. C. Stoll and Rainey T. Wells.    Frank L.
-McVey, Presi&ent of the Univiorsity, and Vellington Patrio'k, Secre.-
"tary of tha Board, were also present.

     The minutes off the previous meeting were approved as published.

     (1) Purchase of Coal.   On motion, duly seconded, and unani-
mously adopted, a committee for the purchase of coal for the coming
year was authorized.   The chair announced that the committee for
the previous year would. be asked to serve again.   This committee
consisted of President IicVey, Mr. XIhipple and. Mr. Peak.

     (2) Scoville Park.   Prosident 3Mo'Vey stated to tho Board that
the filling in of the tract called. Scoville Perk was about com-
plated by the City of Lexineton; that at one time the 01ty had of-
fered to give the park to the Universit7y under certain conditions;
that in order to mlake sure that the park would. be carefully looked
after and used for proper purposes, some steps in that direction
should be taken.   He suggested to the Board that it might be well
to organize among the citizens in the community a Scoville Park
Association.   The members prfaent were of the opinion that some
such steps should be taken.

      (3) Honorary Degrees.   Prowident MoVey stated to the Board
that the University Senate had made a recommendation for the hon-
orary degree of LT. Dl. to be conferred on the following persons:

     George Ol.vin, State Superintendent of Schools.
     Ellen Churchill Semple, of Louisville, Xentuc'Ky.

     On motion, duly seconded, and unanimously adopted, the degrees
recommended were authorized to be conferred.

     A motion was made by Mr. Lyle, duly secoIded, and unanimously
adopted, authorizing the Executive Committee to pass on any other
honorary degrees recommended by the Senote during -the year.

      (4) E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund.    (Sea minutes of the Ex-
ccutive Commrittee for March, 1923.T   Thire apnearea before the
Loard, the Board of Trustees of the E. 0. Pobtneon Mountain Fund,
consisting of the following persons: Mr. E. 0. Robinson, C. M.
Manning, Eudgo '. C. O'Rear, F. W. Mcbraj and Ieland Bqnning.