to the other in writing, terminate this lease if it shall be
found that the purposes of this conveyance are not being
executed in their spirit.

      (2) The University will institute and maintain upon
said lands such model farm or farms, orchards end such ex-
perimental research in agriculture as rmay be within its
judgment, to the end that practical demonstration, study
and work in operating fprms in the mountain region so as
to conserve tho 'soil fertility, add to it, utilize the re-
sources of the region most profitably and practically.

      (3) The University may institute and maintain in coop-
eration with local school authority State Vocational Educa-
tional B'ducation Board upon or in the vicinity of said lands,
one or more model schools of the grade at least of common
schools of the Kentucky public school system.   This pro-
vision may be satisfied by utilizing existing or other of
the common Rraded high or consolidated schools of the coun-
ties wherein said land or some part of it is located, sup-
plemented as may be deemed expedient by The University, and
'under such arrangement with the local boards of education or
any successor thereof as The University may be able to ar-
range for.

      (4) The IMJountain Fund will appropriate to The Univer-
 sity not exceeding ten thousand dollars (O'10,000) the first
 year and such sums as it may deem expedient thereafter, to
 carry out the purposes of this agreement and as aid in its
 extension educational and experimental work aforesaid in
 said region, upon condition that The University provides or
 applies at least ten thousand dollars ($l1O,000 a year for
 such work.

      (5) The administration of the work herein provided shall
be exclusively under the control of The University, which
may cooperate with such agencies or aids as it may see fit
to employ.   Provided, a Joint board shall be formed con-
sisting of six members, is hereby provided three of whom
shall be named annually by and from the Board of Trustees
af The University and three named annually by and from the
Board of Trustees of The Mountain Fund.   The President of
The University shall be Chairman ex officio of said board,
without vote.   The joint Board shall recommend to The Uni-
vecsity the course of development and execution of the gen-
eral as .vell as specific plans of the work herein contem-
plated.   INo general plan or annual budget for said work
shall be adopted without the concurrence of at least four
of said joint board,

      (6) Income obtained from the operation and development
'I the properties under the direction of The University shall