
   be used, by The University to promote experimental and demon-
   stration work in agriculture an& forestry and to meet the
   expenses of the operation of this project.

   1   (7y' This agreement shall become effective from this
   *.;ate, upon ratification by the Boards of Trustees of the
   parties hereto.

        (8) The lands herein leased are particularly described
   as follows:  (Here insert.)   The Movntain Fund does not
   warrant the title to the property hereby conveyed or any of
   it, and conveys same subject to such reservations respect-
   ing the title to said lands as may be contained in the deesd.
   to The Mountain Fund therefor, and subject to such convey-
   ances as it may have made of record.

      For The 'University          For E. 0. Robinson Mountain- Fund
        Frank 1. MoVey               E. C. O'Rear
        Thomas P. Cooper             C. Y. Manning,

     After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. McKee, seconded-by
Senator Froman, and uanaimously adopted, authorizing the chairman.
of the Executive Committee to appoint a committee to execute a
contract, drawn in accordance with the report of the committee as
outlined above, for and on behalf of the University.

     In accordance with the provision of the agreement between the
Mountain Fund and the University for the creation of a board to
carry on the work as provided in the agreement, Messrs Stoll, Gor-
don and Froman were elected to act as members of the Board on be,-
half of the Universkty.

     WVhereupon a meeting of the Board of the E. 0. Robinson Moun-
tain Fund was held, and a motion was made, seconded and carried,
authorizing the President and   Secretary of the E. 0. Robinson
Mountain Fund to execute an agreement for and on behalf of that
organi zation.

     (5) Patterson Residence.   President McVey stated tha-t Mr.. C,
IN. Manning, President of the Security Trust Company, and execuvto
Af the estate of the late James K. Patterson, had called on him and
stated that Walter K. Patterson desired to request a recons-ldeara-
tion by the Board of the use of the Patterson residence, and some
means be found by which he may continue to occupy a part of the
hjuse.   It was the opinion of the members present that the house
is badly needed. by the University find that it would not be in th6
csst interests of the Institution to permit it'ito continue to be
o3cupiod b:, Mr. Patterson.

     '6) Alumni Election.   President McVey reported to the Board
that under the statutes it is necessary that an Alumni election:.Ibe.