  , ation comes from the Annual Giving ]
{ Three Deans In ¤ R°w Fund. Herring joins seven other UK j
, professors who are receiving the salary .
  Three colleges begin the 1990 aca- supplement. 1
· demic year with different men in the “It’s quite an honor,” Herring said, i
i dean’s office. The College ofEducation "I’m in very distinguished cornpany.”
‘ has   john Harris III; Engineering, The other current Alumni Profes-
Thomas W. Lester, and Library and sors are Dibakar Bhattacharyya, chemi— I
Information Systems, Thornasj. Wald- cal engineering; john Bryans, veteri- j
hart. nary science; Guy Davenport, English; l
Harris, former professor and dean Vincent DiMartino, music;joseph Kuc,  
ofthe college ofeducation at Cleveland plant pathology; William Markesbery,  
State University, is the first person of Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and "
African-Arnerican heritage to serve as jacqueline Noonan, Pediatrics. _
dean ofa UK college. He will also be a I Herring has been a UK history
member ofthe facultyin the College of j professor since 1969. His specialty is .
Education department of administra- U.S. foreign relations, but “the more I r I
tion and supervision. learned about Vietnam, the more curi-   __ ;
T Harris, earned his Ph.D. in educa- ous I became,” he said, “and the only   _,., _ ' 3,4~`~— §
IlOl13l 2lClIHllllSU"3[iOIl and supervision way to satisfy that curiosity was [0 rg-   . AI T 8 -, r
in 1972 at the University of Michigan.   search it." ’ ‘ _ i
S Lester came to UK from Louisiana The result was a book entitled ' L. i
  State University where he was a profes-   Americas Longest War: The United States y ’~ _ V
l sor and chairman of the mechanical j and Vietnam, 1950-1975.    
1 engineering department. He said in- A The New York Times called the book "     y
  dustry outreach and research expan— ' “the IDOSI balanced overview of the ;   `\ _ y
 l sion are two of his highest priorities. A war,” and recommended it as the best 1 _ / j  
  Lester earned a Ph.D. in mechani- 1 general book in the field. Another re- i   _ ;é,    
_ cal engineeringin 1974 at Purdue Uni- { view hailed it as “an impressive and \
  versity. i enduring contribution." IBM and UK dent and faculty
  Waldhart has been serving as acting   Herring’s reputation as an expert j 3::;:;::;:;:,:5: ::|'I:I:n':_;:?:::;f
§ clean of the College of Library and In- has earned him frequent invitations to ,,|,;,|, ,,,,|,|,,| ug ers .|,, will 5,,9;,,
i formation Science since july 1988. He f lecture around the country. j to upgrade its collaborative
  has been a member of the UK faculty y Recently, he also served as a con- j :I°::T;:"g=:: '° :;:°::::°:;;:j“°
’¥ since 1970, serving as both a librarian 1 sultant on “Vietnarn: a Television His-   muh. 6°°_|®_ ngfgd ug as ¤
  and a professor.   tory,” the 10-part documentary series   Ulhlfzzlgrersilies :'¤;¤•¤¤?’l¢¢;"Y '
  Waldhart received a bachelor’s   that was co-produced by WGBH rn y ::d°I$ uf ;:g°:;::r,? 
i degreern zoologyandamaster sdegreeg { Boston, the French Second Channel 1 c,,.,,,“' M;,|,;9,,,' 2.,,,,, up .4,;;-
l in library science at the University of i and Central IndependentTelevision of   Slanfordz Penn l¤?¤¤| ¤v•¤w¤¤ hr
i Wisconsin. He received a Ph.D. from j Great Britain. i :::':;c’:;T';°:‘;°’° :::::5:::s
y Indiana University in 1973.   Herring, the 1988 Distinguished Q $4_9 m;";,,, gm ',,,.,,,,,,,| .,,4 re.
    Professor in UK’s College of Arts and   UNM IBM ¤|$¤ in- $°¤¤'¢'¤•*‘* *•"'d·
It {Ti I ii [I 5 1 Scieucessaiditiswspeeiallysatisryiiiy   ::‘“*°’ ‘I°:®'°'“V ""*"°·
  vlellnuln speclullsi to teachwhathe knowstootlrers,andhe   ,;;:3:: ,,Q,',,,|,,.,
T Kn if 7 WM if says he feels rewarded when students l and I0 laser print-
I George C. Herring, a UKlrist0ry profes-   follow his lead by researching the war i :I::°:’I::::°;?:N_
. sor whose recent book on Vietnam was j Ou their Own T
praised by The New York Times as “the   Two of his former Ph.D. students,
; IUOSI bk1lii¤€€d nvenricw 0fih€ WH!`»”h3$   in fact, also soon will have books pub-
4 been named a UK Alumni P¤‘0f`¢sS<>r. lished: Mitchell Hall *77, new at Cemral
_ The h0n0¤`car‘¤‘i¢sa3$5,000 =mi¤n¤€f`¤raSl0ng religious opposition to the Vietnam  
HS H€FFi¤g F€mHl¤$ Hi UK- l War and Clarence Wyatt ‘84, now at
M0¤€YfOF the PT0§i`?1m $P0¤$0¤`€d   Centre College, has written about
by ih€ UK National Alumni ASSOC? l A1T1€I`lC21llj()lll`Il2lllS[SIll Vietnam.
Full [990 Kvrmrrk) Alurrrnrrs 3