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Vol. 5, No. 3 ......................... Summer 1959 li
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural _
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Ex erzment Statzon, Umverszt 0 Kentuck , Lexmvton
l{l·ZN'l`U(ZK\' .o\(LRl(2Ulfl`UR.r\L lLXl’lZRll\rIENT Material appearing in this publication may be re-
Sr1`·`\T1()N produced without further permission, provided that S
QQILANK   Y;/E;.Cll .........................................   ...... glI'CCl[OI`   acknovvlcdglucnt is Inudc of the Source and that ix?
~ uirmm .`EAY . .. . ..   .... . .... ice irector . . . .
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w. 1>.e,urrooos .................................... Associate Director :0 °l “lg°l‘“ ‘“"‘“g’ °‘ "°`“ “ ‘“"° W“h°"t "’p'°“ W,
j. Ai,i.rxN Ssirrn ..............................,... Agricultural Editor Y tw Aut mn
Kcntucky Farm (md Hcme Science Address correspondence about articles in this pub-  
jossru G. l)uNc:rtN ................................................ Editor h°“tif’“ t" eil]? the "“th°“ Tl the _D€p“"m°l“ Of rr
M. Nasa Cox ........................................ Assistant Editor Pubhc Inlomlatlon and E