or composition, till two o'clock, when he dined, taking for des-
sert only his favorite cup of coffee, which, indeed, with its accom-
panying modicum of toast, made his supper also. Immediately
after dinner, he usually slept an hour on his sofa, or in his study
chair. And so completely did his body obey the mandates of
his will, that he fell asleep the moment he laid down, and awoke
exactly at the expiration of the hour. He rarely, when well,
retired before twelve or one o'clock.
  His longevity, as well as the good health and activity of body
and mind which accompanied it, were, no doubt, in the first in-
stance, to be attributed to a naturally sound and vigorous con-
stitution; but it is also undoubtedly true, that he was greatly
indebted for their preservation to his lifelong temperance, regu-
larity, atd self-restraint. -
  The long protracted, useful life, and the almost painless death
consequent on this wise system of self-administration, are, perhaps,
not unworthy of note and remembrance.
  flis health continued good, and his habits of exercise and
study uninterrupted up to about the commencement of his eigh-
tieth year; at which time he suffered an erysipelatous attack com-
plicated with a very severe neuralgic affection of the sciatic nerve
on the left side. And, though he recovered from his disease, he
never felt himself to be perfectly restored; and ever afterward
found it necessary to allow himself each day a few hours more of
quiet and repose.
  The last day which he passed in his study was devoted to the
revision of a portion of the manuscript of his Autobiography.
  Somewhere in that work, he casually adverts to certain charges
of infidelity, which were, at one time, sought to be fastened
upon him by his detractors and enemies.
  He never, at any time, paid much attention to such accusa-
tions. Perhaps in this he was wrong. But he habitually disre-
garded the opinions and strictures of those persons for whom he
entertained no respect. On this subject, it is deemed just and
proper to offer a brief statement.
  Dr. Caldwell's faith in the fundamental and essential doctrines
of the Christiau religion was firm, and exercised a salutary influ-
ence on his life and actions. A year or more before his death,
he made to a personal friend, a clergyman in the Episcopal