CONTENTS.                           Vii

                       CHAPTER IX.

Prizes-Never lost one-Dr. Rush unfriendly-A prophecy-Brunonian theory of
  life-A public speech-Dr. Coxe-A scene in his lecture-room-Vitality of the
  blood-Dr. Darwin, Currie, Beddoes, and Lettsom-Correspondents-American
  medical independence .    .   .   .    .   .    .   .   .    . 288

                       CHAPTER X.

Sedatives and stimulants-Scbuylkill water-Phrenology-Disease a unit-MNetho-
  dical nosology-Reformation-Melancthon-Luther-Gen. Jackson-Ramsay-
  Coxe-Seybert-Death of Dr. Rush-Memoir of Dr. Rush in Delaplaine's Reposi-
  tory-Rev. Dr. Staughton-How to teach one's self the best tuition-Dr. Chapman

                       CHAPTER XI.

War of 1812-Port Folio-Nicholas Biddle-No contributors-Contents-Officers of
  the army-Events of the war-Gen. Brown-His character-Theatre-Quakers
  -Notes to Cullen-Chapman-Faculty of Physical Science-Appointed to a
  professorship-Dr. Cooper-Charles Hare, Esq.-Death of Dr. Wistar-Pro-
  nounce a eulogy on him--Rev. Dr. Holley-Invited to Lexington, Kentucky-
  Resign my professorship in Philadelphia-Character of Cooper-Priestley com-
  pared with Cooper    .    .   .   .    .        .   .   .    . 321

                      CHAPTER XII.

Leave Philadelphia-State of travelling-Long drought-Reach Lexington-
  Points of the compass-Medical school-Professors-Dr. D-y-An address to
  the people-Address to the Legislature-My introductory-Valedictory-Reply
  to a critique on my "' Life of Greene"-'-End of session-Departure for Europe-
  Liverpool-English women-Stage-coach anecdote-Mrs. Solomon-Roscoe-
  Bostock-Sir Astley Cooper-John Hunter-First interview with Abernethy-
  Mr. Lawrence-Mrs. Somerville-Ladies' conversation party-Chelsea Hospital
  -London-Speakers in Parliament-Thames tunnel-Coronation of George the
  Fourth-Death of Queen Caroline.   .   .    .   .    .   .   . 349

                     CHAPTER XIII.

Set out for Paris-Books-Where found, and why-Cuvier-Dupuytren-Baron
  Larrey-Alibert-Lafayette-Grouchy-Duchesse de P-Her courtesies-
  Leave Paris-Frost in June-A French lady-Voyage home -Ship'Electra-
  Storm-Lexington school-Proposal to remove it-Reasons-Valedictory-Louis-
  ville--Rropose to erect a school there-Difficulties-Opposition-No faculty-
  No means of instruction-Money-A public speech-Judge Rowan-James