nc: much nitrogen as is contained in indeed for them. A low sled some 4
nee 16% nitrate of soda and over 1% feet long was tied immediately be-
tial times as much as is contained in hind the spray tank and the two
·uld 20% sulfate of ammonia. Due to operators sat on the sled as the
nen this high nitrogen content only half spray tank was driven between the
ind as much ammonium nitrate should rows, From this position close to the
  lJe_uS$r Sprhyed the Side ef
wm pwaching those Or a hair and hair the row next to him, thus the two
.vell . mixture of nitrate of soda and sul- OP€¥'6t01`$ €0\'€1`€d 0¤€ Complete mid-
iber ,_ fate of ammonia. It has been tried die and the machine was driven
· extensively in Kentucky and other down each middle throughout the
¤¤§Z i states and has given_ satisfactory re- vinoy;n—(l_ Simple, iry it!
the · stilts on strawberries, tree fruits, ___
lling ` corn, pasttgcs. and cover crops in
len spring an summer applications. * ·
>pcr , Fruit growers and farmers in gen- W OFKOUT OF THE OLD
pu- _ eral can feel free to use this ma- STRAWBERRY PATCH
ults terial without hesitation. Those that
illus have used it report satisfaction at its BY W- D- ARMSTRONG
¤ ay behavior. The number of old strawberr
real One form of ammonium nitrate patches that will be held over thi;
lllio _ is known as "nitraprills." This is the year for another seasons harvest is
{ or Canadian form and is also satis- expected to be larger than usual on
1va- factory, account of the shortage of plants, and
01`4 ——- the prospect for a continuation of
itfill A GRAPE BL `CK ROT goocl prices. How to workout the old
P We _ _ _ _» . - patci after either the first or second
Egg  _ SPRAY S\'S"l‘l!l`I   been a moot question for
tfial By W. D. ARMSTRONG A project covering this phase of
lm . . . . - » - .trawberr culture was started in
All gi ape gioxx cis in the Ixentuclty Q y_ _ _ _
Siu? section are familiar with the diifi- gEgSSL1h;;§1tgiigg4?Ii Higlliarigst gg?
nin¤ why cxhchwnced m - Controlling tional work was done in alIiJ43ath1t
dif black rot disease, especially during _. ‘ _ _ . [ 7 a
_ will Seasons Such as the S ima Or xxill be iecoided in the 19-14_l1arxest.
>. . · h ° The 1943 results were published in
wir 1943. lt is also recognized by grape ue Jul 1943 issue Of HKQ tu k
l in men that considerable spray ma- Fluil Ngted, These recod gecrg
imp terial must be sprayed up into the V} vcd bl_;fi bei V _r S Q ’
ascii ; vines from below rather than applied lilyl _ tl yt_ 01; ‘_ { 1.
luis entirely from above. Due to the low View lh S law guy O lag? Was
·· growth Or vines in Viii€yai.dS_ there mom ed close and the middles worked
has been difficulty in geiririg the out with scratching tools (not barred —
HF spray man to shoot the materials up Oh); th€_ Yield Of the Fsechhd Year
, llirough the Vines iii Order ir) get Blakemore plots was_115 crates per
earnpeie Coverage Oh the bunches acre. Where the berries were mowed
and Oh the lower sidcs Or tlic leaves. similarly but the middles not culti-
ghe Or the best sysierris ih geheral voted, the yield was only 139 crates
use is for the spray {nai] to have a per acre or a loss of 36 crates ofA$6.O0
\V3i@l·-pl·Ogf cO\7Q]_`il']g On his lgft gl~m Stl`2l\Vb€1`1`1€S, b€C3l.lS€ UTQ 1l`t1dCil€S
iei-i_ and shoulder arid to slightly raise iii) were allowed to grow_up wild. Where
s of the vines as the spray is directed the $U`€¤\\'b€l`1`Y ®h€*S€ “'§$ not
usc. under them by the spray noszlo in mowed but the middles woilsed out -—
,o of his right hand This motliod is gen- with scratching tools (no barring off)
Will Craliy effective but is somewhat dis- UIC yltéid WGS _159_ C1`3t€$ D€i` €iCI`€·
mfll- agreeable to the opol·aloi·_ Where no cultivation was done the
itro- After trying out several methods yield was 142 crates or a loss of 17
lvlll Ol grgipg Slglpgylylg W1Lh0[]t 3 great C1`21tCS l)€l` €lCl`€. _ H€3\'y iJH1l1I1g Off 011
orcs- deal of satisfaction, one Kentucky June 1 to SIX- inch strips and these
buy. g1`0Wer, Mr. Joe Bray of Bedford, blocked out with hoes gave a yield ot
2.5*52 Kéliiucky, and his boys, decided on 139 crates per acre while barring-
re as H System that is working very well off one month later (July 1) gave