out are then raised and lowered for ex- fallen so you will catch some of the
ag- amination by usehog aln extra cord first ones that emerge.
g t with a snap attac e t at is carried · · .
eral from tree to_ tree. Ten trapsshould   £g{ggSu;;l§,r?;m_€;;cg$Sd
give a fair pictuge of moth activity in Wm be caught about 10 to 14 days
any Om? Orc li"` · after petal fall. Moths start egg-
)F Kinds of Bait and Methods Used: laying Ohe 0I` tW0 _d8YS Bite? they
If available, dark brown sugar is emerge it the €V€h1¤g t€mDef3tu1‘eS
~ preferred as bait. If this is not avail- Elm 60° OY ¤h0V€ and. in general, 9825
able any heavy sorghum or cane Staft hdtchihg ih 10 to I4 days in
molasses will do. The bait is made Sliflhg if t€mli>€1`8t\}1‘€ StHyS 60° or
d it up using nine parts of water to one ¤hO\'€· Th€1`€t0F€. if YOUF tf8DS SPG
[ing ~ part of dark brown sugar (No. 12 or UD €¤1`lY €h0¤gh to Catch 50me Of the
{no 13) or molasses. This will take about m`$t m0th$ te €m€Y8€» Y0t{ can €XD€€t
lOp_ two pounds of Sugoi- to two and one- a few worms to be hatching in 10 to
Yom half gallons of water. At the first 14 diiys- A SDTGU should be put 071 Gt
l0_   bait ghguld bg mixed forty- IIIC IITNC UIC ]’17'S[ 'UJOTTTLS CITE supposed
{ips _ eight hours before traps are filled. T9 lt¤t€lt·_ Often m0th €8t€heS COH-
gm . One yeast cake should be dissolved tinue te increase rapidly for 10 days
Vnn and added to aid start of fermenta- tf) 2 'Wj[?€k5 ;t&€§1 t`11‘St 1it8;`t;d· iI`h€
Q is ~ non ieavies egg a c usua y a espace
the At first mlmg each jar is mlcd On€_ 10 to 14 days after the heaviest catch
Dart half full. In ten to fourteen days the fjyfea Spray Should be epplled at that
this bait from one jar is poured into the '
lual ‘ other jar and the empty one filled Therefore, the traps should help a
with fresh material. Add twelve grower get a spray timed to go on
trap drops of natural oil of sussajras to just ahead of first worm hatch and
uart , each quart of fresh bait after nlling also just ahead of the peak worm
ung trap. Each ten to fourteen days the hatch. These two, first brood sprays
bait bait in the old side of the trap is following a good calyx spray should
ide- poured out and replaced with fresh go a long way toward cutting down
eral bait. This keeps a newer bait and the hrst brood attack. If trap catches
;wo- one ten days older in the traps at all continue heavy over a period or if
sc is times and makes them uniformly cool weather disturbs the emergence
aced more attractive to the moths. In case and flight an extra spray may be in-
cloth the traps are flooded or the bait badly dicated.
not diluted by a_rain, the best plan is to In a like nqanngr tl-aps can bg Op-
zi-ew renew all baits. grated during June and early July to
Qehti Examining Traps and Recording obtain similar data on the second
imm Catches: Most codling moths ily at brood. One should keep in mind,
8**55 dusk on warm evenings (60° and however, that during the warm
mall above at sundown) and during the weather of late June and early July
the night. The traps should be examined the codling moth eggs start hatching
> the by nine o'clock each morning. The in 5 to 10 days, hence sprays should
theh tops of the traps are unscrewed and follow peak flights more closely than
Jiil`5 the moths which will be floating on during the first brood. -
nlbe top of the bait should be removed _....
’b1¤g with a screen wire dip or an old _
tablespoon with narrow slots made NATIONAL PEACH COUNCIL
`ra s in its bottom with a hacksaw. The 7 w
yenlie number of codling moths caught FEBRUARX MEETING
Hlld should be I`€CO1`d€(I HHCI tl\€ bait \\Y_ \\’_ MAQILL, Lgxjngtgiy Ky_
that stirred at each examination. Codling _
side lnoths can be easily identified after The meeting of the National Peach
d be \'€l`y little experience and with very Council in St. Louis, February 23-24,
L are little instruction. A helper can be was called by the l`€t1l`-lllg president, ~
y or tdught to examine the traps and can Carrol Miller of Martinsburg, West
limb. do so regularly each morning at a Virginia, and was attended by 59
ie of Very slight loss of time from his other delegates from 18 {leading peach
sline duties. Daily examination of traps is states, producing 77% of the U._S.
rawn advised; for when moths are left in peach crop, which made the meeting
into for two days many sink to bottom by far the most complete assemblage
ound and others become weathered and of United States peach growers on
it off h31`d to identify. Start operating bait record. Mr. Frank Street., of Hender-
traps t1`¤DS right after apple petals have son, and 1 represented Kentucky.
'7 .
" ... :,