Y will he tittetl to the m·e¤ls nf the cluss rlesiriiig it.
 ` l‘t·lt·. uml
  will he liuserl cm u new text illttstrutiiig tht- lutest
li itleus iii (ieemietry texts.
li Sf>l,l|l (ril£4lXIl£'I`l<\'.#;\ tliiiimtigli t·¤»tii·st· iipeii to
t Pulilic Schmil tcztoliers uml t·» tlmse clesiriiig to
~ iiicrcuse their ttrenlits for twllege Cllll`ZlllL`(‘ uml tu
l*  lligh Schmnl stmlviits wh·i liuve lieeii c·»mlitit»iietl
l_ in the sttlijcct.
l (i(l],Ll·]t2lC Bllvriiicxi.x‘t‘i<‘s,—t`4>ti1·scs iii college
li subjects will he given iii :tcw¤i·tl:tm·t· with thc wlt·tl iii the urlvttiicerl
clusses will he utluptezl ]1IlI'llt`lll[ll'l}‘ tt: the iieetls
ul teitclters.
(it·1it11t=i<’i‘H (`mii