was born, there is no difficulty; but people have
fallen into many blunders about the place. Some
have said that he was born in England, before his
parents left that country; others that he came into
this world during the passage of his parents across
the Atlantic. One has told us that he was born in
Virginia; another in Maryland; while many have
stated that he was a native of North Carolina.
These are all mistakes. Daniel Boone was born
in the year 1746, in Bucks county, in the state of
  From some cause or other, when the boy was
but three years old, his parents moved from this
home, and settled upon the Schuylkill river, not far
from the town of Reading. Here they lived for
ten years ; and it was during this time that their
son Daniel began to show his passion for hunting.
He was scarcely able to carry a gun, when he
was shooting all the squirrels, rackoons, and even
wild-cats (it is said), that he could find in that re-
gion. As he grew older, his courage increased,
and then we find him amusing himself with higher
game. Other lads in the neighborhood were soon
taught by him the use of the rifle, and were then
able to join him in his adventures. On one occa-
sion, they all started out for a hunt, and after
amusing themselves till it was almost dark, were
returnirg homeward, when suddenly a wild cry
was heard in the woods. The boys screamed out,