In October following, a party made an excur
sion into that district called the Crab Orchard
and one of them, being advanced some distance
before the others, boldly entered the house of a
poor defenceless family, in which was only a
negro man, a woman, and her children, terrified
with the apprehensions of immediate death. The
savage, perceiving their defenceless situation,
without offering violence to the family, attempted
to capture the negro, who happily proved an
overmatch for him, threw him on the ground, and,
in the struggle, the mother of the children drew
an axe from a corner of the cottage, and cut his
head off, while her little daughter shut the door.
The savages instantly appeared, and applied their
tomahawks to the door. An old rusty gun-barrel,
without a lock, lay in a corner, which the mother
put through a small crevice,.and the savages, per-
ceiving it, fled. In the mean time, the alarm
spread through the neighborhood; the armed men
collected immediately, and pursued the ravagers
into the wilderness. Thus Providence, by the
means of this negro, saved the whole of the poor
family from destruction. From that time until the
happy return of peace between the United States
and Great Britain, the Indians did us no mischief.
Finding the great king beyond the water disap-
pointed in his expectations, and conscious of the
importance of the Long Knife, and their own