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On Household Furniture therein, . . y ........................... . .......................... On Hay therein, ..... . ...................,..... . .............. . ..........
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On Live Stack therein, ...· l ............   .Q,Q..] ..,,   .Q.tZ ........... On ,,,.,................,,.................. . .................. , - . . .,... . ..,................ . ..........................
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LOUISVILLE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LOUISVILLE, hereby a,g7·¢»c L0 vnu,/rc good u, fha said assu red,   . Ir ..... .
hjirs, execzz tors, cz,cZ77v,in1'str·c@?r.s_, tgz, assigns, all suszc/4 I·7IL77'Ll’(ZI`(l((’ loss or dr1m.c;gz». not exccecling
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Signed bg/ Q)r·esieZent. and ccttesied by their Secretary at their   fhfs ,,r......r.. Z   ....._.., fil   ,____   ___,  
clay 0f .....r.r4 H .. .  .,   . A. D. 187·.6" rl... »
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