Courses numbered 1 to 99, inclusive, may be taken for credit only by
. undergraduate students. Courses numbered 100 to 199, inclusive, may be
, taken for credit by juniors, seniors, and graduate students, provided that
»— il course so numbered may carry graduate credit only with the approval of
, the student’s graduate committee. Courses numbered 200 or above are open
only to graduate students. The Hrst half of a year’s course is indicated by
the letter a and the second half by the letter b. Seminar courses and in-
· dependent or individual work courses in which more than two semesters) work
may be assigned, are indicated by letters a, b, c, d, etc.
In the statement of courses the number of the course is given first, followed
_ by the descriptive title. The credit in semester hours is indicated by a number
in parentheses, thus (4); the first, or fall semester is indicated by I, the second,
or spring semester by II, and the summer session by S. Thus, German Ia,
Elementary German (3) I, II, S, is an undergraduate course giving three se-
‘ niester hours’ credit and offered in both semesters and the summer session.
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