See Perm, June 20, lB65.
Mr. D.S. Hellewell
Deer Sir
I heve just received yeur letter enneuncing the shipment
ef the engine built by Mssrs. Wright & Kenwerd. It is ell right
in directing it in eere ef Mr. Chreninger. I shell find him when
I ge te Pittsburg. I intend te put this engine en Meses Frice's
ferm ef dUO ecres — the perticulers ef this ferm I heve given in
e previeus letter. The erder fer reemer ef Snyder & Lelly hes been
ceuntermended. Our men cemplein much ef their teels. They seem
-—— & creck very much, whether in the iren er dur smiths werking
it er in the bed ceel I cen't tell. The wrenches ere ell slender;
they ere ell bent se creeked thet they cen herdly be used. Much
ebliged fer the recipe ef Mr. Kewerd. It mey be ef use te us. As
regerds the duplicete bill ef Merrie Tesker & Ce. It is e triplicete
bill. Sutcliffe & myself enswered the duplicete bill. Sutcliffe
exemined the geeds thet ceme frem Merrie Tesker & Ce. very cerefully
with myself. We hed erdered them cesed & sent up te ne. d seuth
Frent. Street. But insteed ef being bexed es erdered we feund them
ell leese & in cenfusien leying ever the fleer. We then set te
errenging every piece & ceunted them & feund net enly the seddle
missing but severel belts which they sent es being celled fer - fer
these there wes ne cherge, Why they sheuld cherge fer the seddle
I cen't cenceive. Suttcliffe & myself celled et their effice & teld
them ef their misteke. We believed they were setisfied they hed
mede e misteke. Which they reelly did. We heve but ene eppeeetice
running & ef ceurse but ene seddle in use & nene ether en the greund.
There ere mere then ene cen be quleified thet there wes but ene seddle
deliveredte us.
Respectfully yeurs
Hervey Quickeell