Parkersburg, W. Va., April 2U, l865.
Brether Daniel,
Yeu may write hereafter te Leuisa, Lawrence Ceunty,
Kentucky as we intend te settle there er rather in that
ceunty abeut twe miles frem Leuisa. We expect te start te-
day er temerrew der that destinatien. It is a dull day.
It rained last night. I am glad that we are geing te leave
this place as there will a chance ef getting a heuse built
which will be far preferable te sleep in than this little
cabin en eur beat. I said abeve that yeu might hereafter
direct te Kentucky but I de net knew that I sheuld use the
werd hereafter as I have received ne letter yet frem anyene,
neither has anyene ef eur cempany except Mr. Harvey Quicksall
and that was a business letter frem yeu centaining a draft
fer six hundred dellars.
They, the cemmittee, have get ene hundred acres ef Jehn
Lee’s preperty fer abeut $15OU. I de net knew rightly what
we pay as the whele cemmittee has net returned. We are all
well except Mr. Sutcliffe whese celd is net much impreved.
Let me knew hew the different stecks rate. I have net seen
a fhiladelphia paper since I left that city. Give me all
the news. Let me knew where I am te direct if I write te
Manning. I new cenclude.
Respectfully yeurs,
Jesse T. Hallewell