Barksrshurg, W. Va., April 2B, lB65 (This lsttsr is tram Harvsy
Uuicksall, prssidsnt sf ths Tacsmy Uil Esmpany). l
Mr. Danisl Hallswsll
Dsar Sir,
I rscsivsd ysur lsttsr at ths llth sf April csn-
taining snclsssd a Qsrtificats sf Dspgsit st ths Sscund
Matisnal Bank uf Philsdslphia in my Favsur far six
hundrsd dsllars which an prsssntatian at ths Sscsnd
Natisnal Bank at Barksrshurg was duly paid. Ths gsntlsmsn
at ths Bank trsatsd ms with much csurtssy and rsspsct.
Ysu inguirs ts knmw mars ahsut Hsnry Hargrsavss as rsgards
ts taking st ths EEUU stack rsmaining which Thsmss has
wrsts absut stating that his brsthsr wguld tsks ths stock.
Thsmas has wrsts ts his hrsthsr Hsnry and sxpscts him
an hsrs scan. Bsfsrs which thsrs can bs nsthing dstinits
knswn. Egan as Hsnry arrivss and cgnfsrsncs had I will
appriss ymu at ths sams and givs ysu all ths intsrmatisn
I havs abtainsd in rsfsrsncs ts it. Us =.4 ars yst at Bsrksrs—
burg waiting Far ths bust ts taks us ts ths Big Sandy
which may taks placs any hsur. Uur csmpany ars wsll
sxcspt Butclifts whs will rsturn hams and hs ths bsarsr
sf this lsttsr.
Bsspscttully ysurs
Harvsy Quicksall