Dr. Melville Amasa Scovell
An Appreciation
The year 1912 witnesses the passing of one of the greatest men that has ever figured in Kentucky history. Dr. M. A. Scovell, for twenty-seven years director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, was generally conceded by thoughtful Kentuckians to be one of the greatest benefactors the state has ever had. At once a scientist of first merit and an executive of rare ability, he won distinction in his own state and to an even greater extent in other states. He was generally recognized as one of the finest judges in America of dairy cattle and an authority on general dairy matters. As dean of the Agricultural College, his short administration of two years was marked by that success which can come only by the management of able hands.
Dr. Scovell was a pioneer in Experiment Station work and was generally recognized by the directors of other stations to be excellent authority on Experiment Station policy. The Kentucky Station flourished and was set on a firm basis by his wise direction and no man could have been lost to the state whose loss would have been more universally lamented.
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