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t Center to study plant and animal disease and new l
K _   uses for plants
_     • $850,000 for the Health Education through Exten- A
grit,.     sion Leadership program, which partners UK’s {
" "‘g M _ sg?  / College of Public Health with the Cooperative  
\ if A A " A  Extension Service to deliver information on l
   vAt‘   or l L preventing disease and living healthier lives
{       • $380,000 for animal health and grazing systems to
E   -»~t Wrrlr rr
t planning and design ot H new forage and animal labor?} standard chemotherapy drug, ltZl3I'Llb1Cll1, rapidly kills
tory that enhances the ability of UK and U_S_ Dep3rt_ AML cells. The drug combination also offers a greater
ment of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists Pololllllll fer lollllssloll Wllll lowolsloo ollools; _ A
to work side—by—side on research into the sustainability of Tllls Sllloy ls lllll‘lll€~ lllll ollly lll llle °°l“l’lll€ll_l0}l el
foragepased farming Projects will focus on both plants drugs that are being prescribed, but also because it is the
and animals, involve several disciplines, and range from °lllY Sllloy el AML loolllllg re Soo Wlllll ollccl lllls ll€lll"
molecular through whole organism.The lab will be built lllolll llas oll lllo lellllellllll Slclll sell _‘ lllo callcol Slolll
near UK’s plant science building. Colls Howlllll Slllcl _
Another $2.8 million will support UK research pro_ Patients eligible for this study are people, age 60 and
gr-sms affiliated were the users rprsgs Appear Prpepe- elders Wlre ere eewlv dreseesed Wrrh AMl—_e_r rsleesed
tion Unit. Established at UK in 2002, the unit already has Pallcllls Wllo lldvs llol llooll lloaloorlllo Fllglblllly lo
five ARS scientists conducting research on forage quality, llllllemellls allolllpl re Salogudlo pllllolllb lrere lllldllc
nutrient intake, and animal health. llllllll-_ _ _ _ K _ _
"The importance of research to our equine, cattle and Fol lllolo llllolllllllloll oll llll§ SllloY~ ol le Soc ll Yoll
forage producers in Kentucky cannot be overstated, and ale cllglb o lllollsc o‘lll2HoWlllll S lolllll al 2ll‘4liK)M‘ll l“y
these earmarks represent a significant boost to our re- C€lll°‘~l Clllllll al 8· 9' 57****88 Ol l'8oo`3 o` oo
search capabilities," said Scott Smith, dean of the College
of Agriculture. “The work being done by our ARS and
UK scientists is already producing the kind of solutions
our agriculture industry needs to remain competitive and
profitable, and those efforts will continue to grow with r For more
this kind of support" ttl   _·,_p_ K information about
Other appropriations for College of Agriculture   r   = research taking
projects include: t 1..   place at UK, vlslt
• $730,000 to explore new crop opportunities " A _ WWVV·TQ$·lll