·· 3 ••
S Boy Scouts, Marion Troop {ss (Continued)
p Membership: 22. Cpen to boys 12-18 years able to pass Scout test and other
V Q requirements.
ks, 3 Committees: Troop, C. A. Hollowcll,-West Belleville Street, Marion.
E Eyrpose; Training boys in citizenship, health and safety.
§ Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Kiwanis Club and other local civic
Q groups. . .
. QV V Defense Activities:‘"dnterested‘in nukiliary Police, Air Raid Harden Service,
pn. ‘j Red Cross Assistance, birst Aid, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals,
{ Collecting Books, Collecting Waste Paper.
y_ $` Local Publications; None. A
CRITTEFDEN COUNTY C@@iUNlTY_CHTST, c/0 Rev. J. C. Lilly, 105 North College
gh V · Street, Marion. Founded 1941. President, Rev. J. C.,Li1ly. Telephone 1iQ.
.· Secretary, L. E. Easley, Marion. Terms expire January, 1945. `
X   .J` `_ _ l . l ' _ l
. { · Membership; 55. not a membership organization. Composed of representative
p citizens from the community—at~1argo.
I _ Q ` 0 Cmmuittees: Solicitation, S. D.·Loyd; Investigation, R. C. Fowler, both of
V { Marion.
Purpose: To coordinate community charity work·and the distribution of money
. collected.
— - Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with local churches and vmlfare org-
.- i‘ anizations. · ` X " if X _ A
°1 Defense netivities:‘ Interested in Auxiliary Police, Fmnily Social Service
u in Industrial Areas, Child Care. . Y
* Local Publications: None.
. . CRITTJNDEN COUNTY FARM BUREAU`(Amcrican Farm Bureau Federation), q/o County
_ T. ngent’s Office, Post Office Building, Marion. Founded 1928; President, 1. W.
he · rs · ·-T: A · .’.
_ r j. Cook, Rural Route¤#6, Marion. secretary, Mrs. Earl latmore, Rural Route Q2.
l., Marion. Telephone 4202. County Agent, O. M. Shelby, East Elm Street, harion.
iOn f` Telephone 290. Terms expire February, 1945. ‘
.4 l Membership: 155. Qualifications, interest in agricultural pursuits.
{ . -·t` Committees; None reported. _ . _ V
p Purpose: To improve agricultural conditions for the benefit of farmers.
'Y E “”"""‘
. Normal Civic Activities: Actively cooperating with Gar Production Board.
; J_