Tho uh_jm·t of this pi·o_jcl·t is to intcrcst thc boys uml girls
of thv L‘Ullllll'}' iii thc 1)l`ULll\<‘ll()ll of u imirc pi·uiituhh· typv nt`
murlcct hogs. A. km>wlctlgl— of lbutlitig uml vurv will lw ¤»l>tuim~ll
which will prove vuluulxlc to them in thi- lIllllll'<‘ p1·<»t·1·s ul` Juinieir ,\gl'li‘lllllIl'2ll l`hil>s ui··· uli-
gihlc for this pi·u_jccli.
2. Tho lutost llutv l`ui· l·1ii·¤¤ll1m~11t is Jimc l.
3. 1·]ut·h lllt‘llll}t‘l' shull ruisv ut lvust ¢»m~ pig l.l'¤>lll \\`<'illl·
l ing ugc tu six or svwii imniths nhl. l’igs shuuhl huw l»····u Q
l 1·ill'l'O\\`L‘(l uftcr Bluruh 1. A
-1. 1·]:1uh 1IlQllllll‘l‘ shull uvl. llltl\‘[N‘lltll‘llll_\' in thc t`t-tuliing. I
0111*0 uml 111illl2lg'L‘lll<‘lll ull thc pig uml  ull the work llt‘l’t‘S<2ll'j` ·
l'(>jt‘<‘l. tho pigs of ull llll*llll)l‘I'S shull Q
he ussuiiihlcml ul um} pluw l`<»i· uxliiliitimi uml jmlgiiig. ll` im- _
possible to hwhl u show tho jmlgc shull visit. cuvh 1m·111l¤~1‘. s¤··»1··· T
his p1·¢>,jcl·t. uml ¢h~tu1·1iiim~ thu wiimcr, J
T. The chil: 111<*11ilu·i· shull vhisu his [)l'l>_l!’l'l, <·<>mph·tt· th~ ,
I`(‘(‘(1l’(ll)()(>l{. uml svml it to thu {'1)lllll_\' ugvinl or vluh l<‘2l4lt‘l'. (
S. Tho jmlgvs for thu vuintvst shull hw s¤~l<·t·tt~_v th~
miiiity ugwiit or chnh lcutlcig
U. liusis of uwurll:
llcst pig cxhihit ill) pniitts _
llurg·.~s1 lluily guin 20 points {
S1ll2llll<‘Sl mst. nli guin 230 points (
lfwst. 1·vt·m·¢l uml st<>1·_v; "ll<>w rl y
Ruiscd My l’ig" 20 points I