_ ••< ·~ »
  Vol. IV LEXINGTON, KY., FEB. 8, 1912 No, 20  
‘ I
3 Central Massacred Lvccum Course Amendment Qui- GU-]S Win
1 ·· · C 1 t1on ’—
MAKES 10_ i _ Girls and Boys to Vote Separately on SCORE OF 19 T0 4- SATURDAY
Have Good programmm By-Laws Referring to Dishonor- AFTERNOON.
SECOND TEAM PLAYS WELL able Conduct—Executlve Mem- ~——
-—; Promptly at 8 o’clook next Saturday bers T; Bc f*;m¤*=¤ by Sh°W "“P"°V°d F°*‘m·
One time, but that time is Dash HOW. night a company of nine young men °mmI_°°' ·—-——
State had a "yell" Whi€h Wéht S0m‘°· forming a Singing band and brass T , 1 _ 1 , I The girls‘ bask<·l-hall roam played
thing like this; "Well, well, well, iS] choir will render a new and unique M) amemmemé {aw wen pm- their second gamcof the season Satur-
tnlg Central,   and never could I programme of songs, choruses, read-   t?“_t]:n;.0ITmt;;lfzl_;f ighe esi; day afternoon, when they mot, and no
that have been more &DD1‘¢>D¤’i¤i€lY ings and instrumental music. Judging t 1.     the ` f Q d _m H the tune ot lil to 4, "put it over" Som-
gald than on last Thursday night- Cen- from the press comments this ought of lmuggi ?§$nl{S1O2an 50ml; l erset High School, in the Armory.
tm] came, proud, but notwithstanding, to be one of the most enjoyable even- §;;im;)dya ag]? wssgewfgzl (fl Shu; Our girls showed much better forrn
with Some indescribable feelings Of ings of the course. mw; referring to dishonomile CO: in this game, which attested their
boding evil, as evidenced in her DIM'- The following is a partial pro- duct Of both boys and gms by havmn hard work since their flrst game. And
  ing, nn;] when State finally got through gramme: mam vote on Such bylaws Separate]; their earnestness is demonstrated by
t running up her Score to 52 DOWNS. C- The purpose of the Second is UO pmi the fact that they would forego the
4 U. realized just exactly how well . ._ . . . pleasures of the T. B. P. dance the
1 · » -, ’ I b t f .
é grounded her misgivings were- Every I M } I [ { _ __\ \ ,    gmaa n€;;;:)€I;*;?‘;;8°€x;:£;;2';’; night before, in order to be in condi-
' one oi State’• play•rs played 8. good — mince is disloval b leavin his dis- tion to do their best the next day.
?» ‘ game while Ce·ntra.l’s players seemed · · Y 8 That is the spirit which is ju tly re-
. ‘ to be; nervous and lacked tho c0uu_ _ » missal to the committee instead of to warded with victory
Q 9; gs his class. Th se a end ent ar i '
. dence which helps a team throw goals.     keeping with she Sgrit IE th; mist; The Somerset High School gms
l d Wingo played the best » ·  
{ Ramlay an     Lb ' J tution though not specifically stated, played °' g°°d game- but could do
{ g°m° mr tm vilimm but they were   {   and are calculated to aid in the bet- nmhmg at all with States gms- wh°
' ungggigted and their efforts WGN in ‘ t f threw oals alm st t ·ill th d
l , I · ter execution of its regulations. g ° a “ · 9 guar 8-
2 v°'i¤' On the other hud Smtozwhog The amendments are as follows: as Om was h€°·"d· after the game- to
i team Dliwéd i086¤h6¤‘ $8 ¤· unt- U1 Y -~ ¤ . ’ remark, having "a regular pink tea
Buch mam work as Om, fellows , · ‘ I plroper exesution of this charter kets _,
A t e execut ve committee may at `
:h0W6d· *;*6 b$;mdit°t:1m°r::k;“:;°t;;   ·• A i any time by an affirmative vow of ten Our girls are developing a strong
on n e * - . - . · . , - .
668 C0¤¤ Hua of its members, adopt Such bylaws as team, ot \\h1Ch we justly teel proud.
enemy- The next game is with the Lexington
it may choose.
At, the end of the Grit half uw 8001*6 Those bylaws referring to the disp High School girls, in the Armory, on
was 21 tos;. tgt ¢th6u:;$&::i:d0EG;§; PART ONE. honorable conduct, other than cheap next Thursday night. This promises
s°°°ud h 6 on Overture-"Light Cavalry" .... .Suppe ing, of young men shall be adopted to be é h8"d't°“ght game- and One Ot
was put in for State' but even than Band. by two-third (2-3) vote of the young much mmresh It is an Open g°·m°·
C°m'm'1 Wai Mgt a’b{° to sgoreosxgfgg "The Clover Blossoms Kiss Her men present at a meeting called for and evevbody is invited °° attend-
¤°*¤*¤· ***1*** °*°° “°°“’ ° 1 Feet" .............. Nolouogoo that ooroooo. The ¤¤€·¤v saturday was was f<>1—
its wild flight upward, ending ilnally mee Club Th f _ di h bl lows;
in the overwhelming score ot 52 to 10. mug and Clarinet S0lO___L0! duct Oiihre €';‘“*~ mh T Ono"; Gt °°“° (;€nt€,·_I,·€n€ Hugh€.S_
The lineup and summary W€¥‘€ 38 o ’ er mu 0 ea mg’ 0 young F0rawrds——1\Iay Belle Pence Florence
f H s_ _ Hear UIQ GQDU9 Lark ··Bi8h°P ladies, shall be adopted by a two- H h , . '
v 0 Ow ' B C t) d Blake Messrs, A, Lindholm and J', Beach third (2_3) vote Of the young ladies G`u&rd;i\i?é0;¤&S[;?€E;8;Ud Mf;;h;PW:{
f Ce¤t§¤l—C;;16¢;a£1 ¤:n&» xtugo 061*; Cragun. present at a meeting called for that and Bedinéer C Hey' Om
WWW B? · ' Bass Solo-"The King ot the purpose- ·
‘ wr; Ramsey and Newman, S*\181'd8· Windy ________________ David , Score—State girls, 19; Somerset High
go.oo.moo Hol:-nomott and Mr. I,,g,.,,,,, F,,,d,,_ (_0A"“§1;_“'·· S"’°"°“ I`? ;1“i°“;‘° *{ School, 4.
* Hart. forwards: Harrison (Capt-). <=e¤· Euphouium S010.··La Secmw dig)? I hmm :’;°"’S ned E fm °' --__....—
V tor; Galser and Preston, guards. Sec- Polkao Hazel ye ° mus 6 r°m°Y° ’ a ma`
‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘'‘‘‘‘ jorlty vote of the commlttee and an- CHEMISTS 14 CLUB.
ond Halt—Farmer and Kimbrough, _ Mn B Hmverl th r CD iu t b I t d
forwards; Parks, center; Tuttle, PART TWO_ ? gu Emu; °°:m‘?hml2° 9  
B¥°*·¤d*t°m°" and W°i“°“b°"`g°"· Baritone Solo—"My Honolulu rgpmseriisp ace y B C ass W ° Q The Chemists 14 Club met last Mou-
gu,_rd,_ Honey Lou., _·_'________ ‘ day night at the library of the old
Field g0n,]g..Rn;nggy, 1; Bruce, 2; Mn J_ Beach Cmgum Chemistry Building. The meeting was
Wingo,   HEHMBOH,   GBJSGY,   BRI" RG&diug_••If I Could BB   Hersr W A N T E D· 8 business One,
nett, 1; Preston, 1; Hart, 5; Kim- ____________________ Ben King —·—— Drs. Tuttle, Maxon, Daniel and Mr.
brough, 5; Bl‘9»¤dBt6t¤6¤‘. 12 F¤¤‘¥¤€¤‘» Mr, Rome, Those who subscribed to the ,base— Pearce were elected honorary mem-
2Z Tum°· li W°i“¤b°"$€"· li P°·"k’· Trombone Solo——"ln the Garden ball coach fund to pay up at once. bers of the society.
1- ot My Heart" .............. Ball Don't put this matter off, but see The club will have a page in the
Fouls»—Blakey, 2; Barnett, 1; Farm- Mr. Keith Pitman. Sweetland, Vogliottl or Burrus and annual, and the pictures will be taken
Gl'. I- (Continued on Page 8.) pay lt now. this week.
(Continued on Page 8.)