SUITI 312
                         SECURITY TRUST BLDG.
                           a27 W. SHORT ST.
                           LaXIwGTON. KY 40507
                           (s0.) 232-0020

April 15, 1991

Foster Ockerman,. Chairman
U.K. Board of Trustees
Office of President
104 Administration Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  40506-0032

         Re: Scott Crosbie
               U.K. Student Government President

Dear Foster:

Both Dean Langdon and I represent Scott Crosbie, the duly
elected President of the University of Kentucky Student
Government. There seems to be some controversy over whether
Scott is a resident of Kentucky and whether his residence
status affects his ability to sit on the University of
Kentucky Board of Trustees as Student Representative.

Pursuant to KRS 164.130(4), we are attaching to this letter a
statement from Scott concerning his residence. As you can
see, he has taken every step forward to lay to rest any rumor
that he is not a resident of Kentucky.

I am certainly hopeful that the Board will see fit to
acknowledge Scott as the duly elected President of the
University of Kentucky Student Government and award him his
rightful spot on the Board of Trustees at the next Board of
Trustees meeting.

Thank you for your consideration.


pc: Dean Langdon
      Scott Crosbie