B.  Surface Water Monitoring.  Arch agrees to construct two

permanent surface water monitoring stations for purposes of determining the

effects of its mining on the Robinson Forest. UK and Arch will construct

these stations within the Robinson Forest after consultation with designated

officials of the University and in compliance with the sampling requirements

of Permit No. 813-0167. Arch will be authorized to enter the University's

property for the limited purpose of gathering water samples and conducting all

other monitoring functions as required by the conditions of its permit. Such

information will be shared with the University at no cost. Likewise, the

University may utilize any data gathered from these monitoring stations for

any research purpose which it deems appropriate. Any additional data gathered

by the University will be provided to Arch at the company's request.

          C.  Additional Study.

               Arch agrees to confer and cooperate with the University for the

purposes of making its permitted mine area available to the University, its

faculty and officers for additional research and instructional purposes not

otherwise stated in this Agreement. Such use of the property for

instructional research shall be at no expense to Arch and shall not disrupt

the timing or sequence of any mining operations hereafter conducted by Arch.

          D.  This Agreement shall be executed by appropriate officials of

both Arch and the University, but shall not be deemed to be effective and

binding upon the University until it is ratified by the University's Board of



By             j                     B        y1L/~ By I --    , 2~Z
  R. E. Samples, Ch  man and           Chtifles T. Wethington,3Jd   f(
  Chief Executive 0  icer              President
