_ I ‘ The following table shows the comparative yield of the varie-
  ‘ `   l ties that have been tested at the Station for four years, from
,   ‘ which it will be seen that the Early Dakota, VVelch, White
§ . I _ , » Victoria, White Canadian and Barley Oats have made the best
  1 _` 4 3.V€I‘3g8Z
  ` — TABLE 9.——C0mparative Yield.
` ·*'~ UD 7 K 1 Yrnuw m BUSIIELS if
¥ .‘ V °Q Pic}: Aoluc. {Q
l ,·` ' NAME or VARIETY. `LK ----4-L.-A.-. . . ...1- ug
l` l ` O
_ _ nf * 1889 1890 1891 1 1892 l .
I l l .1 l  _WWrrW~Arr>A>._‘-YYWW W W WWW W W
- ~` · ,. Welsh,. . ................. . 43. 14. 32.3 i 34.4} 31.9
. _ . Badger Queen ................ . . . . . . . .i 34.4 . . .
 "· _' Barley Oats ....... . ......... 27. 19.6 35. 1 33,l·· 28.77
_ V, ' Race Horse. ............ . .... . . . . . . . 33.1 . .
. V _ Early Dakota ................ 44. 22.5 35. 31.9 33.4
‘   .' , White Canadian ............ . . 38. 17, 33 8 30, 29,7
,  _‘ -· . _ American Banner. .......... . . . . . . . . . . _, 30
 l` V . Black Tartarian ............... 37. l 17. 30,5 29 4 1 28.5·
 ` White Victoria. ............... l 46.5   14. 32.3 29. 1 30.4
. . _ ' White Russian ................ 1 28. ` 17.5 32 3 26.9 ` 26,7
»  . Monarch. .................. l 43. 12.6 32.3 26.9  28.7
  _ * Early Laclmwana, .............. 1 , . . . . . . 26,9 j . . .
`E .` ` Clydesdale, ........ . ........ 127. 19.6 35. 126,81 27.1
1;  _ ` . ‘ Probsteier ..................   39, 19 6 , 35}, 526.3   26.9
1 1 `Welcome. ........... . ..... ‘ 46 I 17 l 26.8 1 25. 1 28 ]a
  Bohemian .................. ` 24. 111.3 H 30 125. 22.5
= sg  _ ‘ Pringle’s American Triumph ......... ~ 29, 22.5 l 30. 3 25. 26,0
" Haggctt’s White Seizure. ...........   40, 14,   36, | 23,8 28.4
  Golden Giant Side ............. V . . . . . . . 5. . .*21,91. . .
,5,;  __ Black Prolific ................   . . . . .1. . . 21.91. .
.   White Wonder. ...............  . . . I . . .1 . 21.9 . .
  .. BULLETIN N0. 43.
lit :2. ‘ 1 • .
li? * ‘ .
  I 1 Since the publication of Bulletin No. 41, the following anal-
gjj — · . yses have been made for manufacturers in compliance with
  ` the fertilizer law, and these fertilizers are now legally on sale
  in the State, in addition to those given in the Bulletin referred
  · to above, except Nos. 2063 to 2067, which are entered by the
  Loudenback Fertilizer Company, for the season commencing
* h ‘ . January lst, 1893. For explanations see Bulletin No. 41.
  M. A. Scovnm., Dz77·ect0v·.