1 i    
~ *—·_»...4.fI1,f¥;y
. L Pr-·r:;‘
1·‘A(ii£, i · ’  
Amount of seed wheat planted per acre as atfeeting the yield ......... 113  
Analyses of ashes from saw-mill ..... . ................ 18  
asphalt rock .........,............... 19  E;-·~¤  
bituminous shale .............,......... 19  
burnt malt ........ . ................ 18 I , n   
butter ........ . ...........,....... 10  1 5 _ '  
` earbenaeeous clay . ...................... 18 i f  _ `
eonirnereial fertilizers ........ . ..... 100, 101, 102-107  
~cot*on seed hulls ............ . ......... 13  
feed stutls fed to Station cows . ....... . ....... 12  
fertilizers, use as guides in buying ....... . ....... 100    
ginseng roots . ........................ 19    
grasses and forage plants .................. 10, 11  
hickory wood ashes ...... . ............. 17, 18  
Licking river mud ...................... 17  
mai-is . .................... 14. 1;, 111.   40  
·*‘ Par Uidium " ........................ 19  
mixed feed .....,.. , ............... 12    
refuse from salt works .................... 17  
anis ,................,........... ‘ 16 ,1;  
sorghuni eane juice ...................... 14  
tobacco stems .......,....... . ....... 17  
miscellaneous . ...,..' . ................. 17  
.7\patite . ...,i.... . ...................... no    
Aralia qiiiiiiiiiofolia, analysis of the roots .................. 19   1};
Army worm, t10S(I1'1P11l011 and remedial treatinont .............. 511-59  
Ashes of hickory wood, analysis of ................,.. 17, 18    
Asphalt rock, analysis of ......................... 19   `Liizifiig 
Auditing ('1>11111l11.tCClS report ........ . ............... 13   ry "
Beans, test of varieties ...............t........, 21, 30 · Hi   1 {M ‘
Bean weevil, remedial treatment ..... . ............. 71, 72    
Bird, Philenion .................. , ........... 5    
Bluegrass Commission Co,. mixed feed inade by ............... 12       ’
Board of Control ......................i.... 5, 7 ll   ;.
Bone ash ....... . ........................ 915      
1>lael<,use i11 1`erti izers ..... '. . . 1 .........i.... $11}     i p'
nieal, use as a fertilizer ........... . .....,...... 95       i
Brown, 1lon..1ohn Young .................. . .... Ti 11  
Bouolier. l·`. U. & Co. ........................... 19   *  i » : 
Botanical and Entomological laboratories .................. 7 ,‘   1 
E1  ` V X