Best Copy Available







COMMITTEES TO Miss Virginia Dougherty Is Named
Sponsor of " Best Band in Dixie" ON BOOK STORE



Prominent University Senior?
Elected to Post of High
President Frank L. McVey Is
Honor for U. K.
Made Chairman of Kentucky Officials
Miss Virginia Dougherty,'
senior in the College of Arts
univerFILED BY OCTOBER 18 and Sciences at the the post
sity, was elected to
Candidates Musi Fulfill Four of sponsor of the "Best Band
in Dixie" Monday afternoon
Groups of Qualities lo
at a special election held by
Be Eligible
members of the bahd for the
Committees of selection for the purpose of filling the vacancy
Rhodes Scholarship Trust nrc to left by resignation of last
Miss Doughmeet on December G, and pass on year's sponsor.
erty was selected for the honthe candidates for their scholarships, according to notification re- or from a group of eight can
ceived by President Frank L. Mc- didates at the meeting, which
Vey, chairman
of the Kentucky was in the music building on

University Body Authorizes
Purchase of Modern
Cash Register


Member of Student Body to
Be on Committee; Rules
Will Be Formulated






Kentucky Will Inaugurate 1930 Grid
Season Saturday in Night Game With
Sewanee's Tigers at McLean Stadium

Students to Join




Pwroaai WIN initial


Selection of Two Assistant
Authorizing "the purchase of a Visitors Have Advantage of;
Score Should Aggrcvate or
Yell Leaders to Be Based
specially constructed cash register,
Having Already Played
Eliminate Championship
on Support Received
which would show the purchase
Two Games This Year

Sponsored by Suky Circle as one,
price, the salesman, and the amount
step in an elaborate program
of change given," the University
ncd for ushering "King Football"
Senate committee on the Campus
his Initial appearance of the season
- --DEftGN-PHOTBookstore completed Its Investiga'at tho Unlvrrsltv nf TontnnVv a
tion and recommendations on the Lack of Scrimmage Injuries! pep meeting will be held at 7 o'clock Ellis Johnson to Make Debut
She succeeds
committee. Candidates who have Euclid avenue.
Varsity Competition
Douohertx 'store. The report was signed by Lends Hope of Victory to This will inbethe men's pep meeting in at
been authorized to represent their Miss Evelyn Ford, of Fulton,
the first
Halfback Post
University of South
President Frank. L. McVey, Dean C.
of the year, and cheer leaders secollege or university should make Ky., who served as sponsor by Elmer O. Sulzer, band director,
R. Melchcr, Dean W E. Freeman
(Special to The Kentucky Kernel) lected last night will be on hand to
application to the committee not the second semester of last following final committee selection
exert every effort toward getting
"Next year" has arrived, it
of the eight women students on the and D H. Peak.
Sewanee, Tenn., Oct. 2.
later than October 18, 1930.
the crowd ready for the pressing of
Chief omong the other recomProminent in many activities on campus deemed most worthy of the
Thirty bloodthirsty Tigers, the button at the ewanee game to- is said. For nine years since
The method of selection has been
the campus, the new sponsor, the position, which is one of high honor mendations made by the committee accompanied by
the organization of the Southchanged this year, and the country
are those sugestlng that the Booktheir hand- morrow night.
and Mrs. for University of Kentucky
has been divided into eight districts daughter of Lieut.-ColonIn addition to the cheer leaders, ern Conference in 1921,
The new sponsor will appear with store committee be enlarged to In- lers and trainers,
of six states each. Each state will Clarence Dougherty, Fontaine road, the band at all football games dur- clude a member of the student body
the "Best Band in Dixie" will do its
have been waiting.
came to the University of Kentucky
Harmon and Scull, will en- part in attempting to get
nominate two men who will apthe racking the season, beginning Saturday and that "rules should be formulatSaturday night at 7:30, the
pear before the district committee. in the fall of 1929 from the Uni- night.
train tonight at 7 :30 o'clock eteers off to a good start. In all
ed for the purchase of books,
versity of Wyoming, where she was
From twelve candidates nominatfor Lexington, Ky., metropo- probability, short speeches will be Kentucky Wildcats will reand sundries." The commita member of a PI Beta Phi social
Other candidates for the position
ed the district committe will select
move the lid for a peek into
made by Coach
Romona Iliff, tee new announced the adoption of lis of the Blue Grass and lair Floppy Forquer, Gamage, Captain
four to represent these states at sorority. She is an associate editor were the Misses
rule which provides that
and other members the 1930 season
and what
Oxford. This new plan gives Ken- and editorial writer on The Kernel Christine Johnson, Virginia Mills, telegraph and express charges be of the vaunted University of of the team and coaching staff.
where SuKy urges all students to attend they will see will be the Setucky students an opportunity to staff, a member of Phi Beta, honor Mary King Montgomery, Virginia delegated to overhead rather than Kentucky Wildcats,
ary music and dramatics sorority, Wardrup, Eleanor Swearingen, and
compete every year instead of two
they will meet an equally the meeting and to be prepared to wanee Tigers.
to the price of books.
Kentucky will not face a crisis,
times in three years, but at the plays in the university girls band Virginia Young.
The following statement was Is- ferocious and ambitious outfit support their team with every ounce nor will they enter what is conCommitteemen who selected the
same time, the competition will be and Is the only co-e- d who has been
member of the school debating candidates
Messrs. Marion sued In connection with the report: Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock oi strengtn available. Besides helpsidered a crucial game, but the
team, those
1. "In most cases the prices chargwllh
team under Professor Sutherland, Custard, drum major, Hubert War- when the two teams meet in have the opportunity to present new showing- they make will be accept
Kentucky is grouped with Michi- debate coach.
see the
ren, Alvln Vinopal, Gayle Hamon, ed by the Campus Books store are
ed by the world at large as an
the first night tilt of the sea- - band
gan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana
the same or less than the prices
Monday's election was cpnducted David Welsh and Joe Gartln.
erty. whose Photograph appears" in,
and Ohio. The secretary of the
charged by other supply houses or son for both elevens
Kentucky committee Is Reuben T.
The Kernel today,
Kentucky will furnish the opbook stores In Lexington.
Taylor of LaGrange, and the chairSlade Carr will be the head cheer the schedule. The final score will
position for the third game of
2. "The prices of most books are
either aggravate or eliminate the
man is President Frank L. McVey
leader for
the same as those at which the the season for the Tigers, and ants will the season. Two assistballyhoo for the
be selected tonight to comof the University of Kentucky.
their first conference engagement.
publishers list the books to retail;
plete the trio who will carry on the present.
A candidate in order to be eliwith the exception of books which It also will mark the initial batgame will be a conference tilt
gible, must, by the first day of Ochave been ordered in small lots. To tle of the Kentucky Wildcats, work at all home games this fall. with direct bearing on the standing
tober have passed his nineteenth
the list price of books which have which, aside from having one of Selection of assistants will be based of both teams, being the first for
on support the competitors receive
and not have passed his twenty-fift- h
the strongest teams in the conbeen ordered In small lots Is addeach.
birthday. He must also have
from cheering sections at the
ference last year and losing onPresent Status Will Remain ed the cost of the telegram.
Tigers Arrive Tonight
completed the sophomore year in U.
ly two men from a squad of prom
Unchanged Until Close
3. "The method of rcording sales
some recognized degree - granting
The Tennessee squad will arrive
Change involved ising sophomores. Is an unknown
is very inferior.
of Season- university or college in the United
DC in Lexington tonight to be quarter-A- ll
in the purchase of small articles is quantity.
1 ft
ed at one of the downtown hotels.
The University of the South will
Football enthusiasts will be in made from the pockets of the sales- enter the game as the under dog
Saturday the boys from the Uni-v
Four groups of qualities were set
suspense as tothe outcome of Ten- man, which, to say the least, gives
versity of the South will take a look
A TVllVlfll
forth by Cecil Rhodes, founder of
but with an advantage of two viepresent football mlx-u- p
In a bad impression tothe students."
at the town, at the Kentucky
tories to its credit so far this sea- -. ITIIMl
the Rhodes Trust, as requirements Tryouts for Selection of Two nessee's
that Further extracts from the report
campus, and do a lot of resting in
Although the Tigers' vie- for all candidates. First were literMen to Oppose Germans on the Southern Conference until dur- indicate that "The Campus Book
body holds its annual meeting
ary and scholastic achievements.
December 11 Will Be Held ing the Christmas holidays at Store is not a privately owned busi- tories were at the expense of teams New Cadet Officers Will Fill 5J,1aiJ.on for the recePtlon m
supposedly weaker than the 'Cats,
Next came qualities of manhood,
Chapel Hill, N. C, according to an ness; It was set up by the univer- supporters depend upon an exhlbl- Monday at McVey Hall
vacated py Hntlinia' Coaches Harry Gamage and Ber- such as truth and courage. Third
announcement by Dr. W. D. Funk-house- r, sity for the accommodation of stuwas an exhibition of moral force
secretary of the conference. dents and facultyin the purchase
University of Kentucky deThe
of character, and the last was phythe Big Blue squad for the last
the namesakes of both elevens.
Volunteers are accusd of hav- of books and supplies; Its employees to Many of the faults that cropped
sical vigor as shown by interest In bating team will meet the German The violated conference rules by are paid by salary and not by comtime tnis aiternoon ior final in
up In the two games which the j Major Owen Meredith made a ' structions in the McLean stadium
outdoor sports. The second and university team. December 11. at holding early practice.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
third groups were considered thel Lexington. The two students who
Kumor nas it tnat aamage will
announcement, Friday, Sep- ; final
Action by the University Senate
Tennessee will face suspension
most important of the
start his second team, but that is
will represent the Germah team are from the Southern Conference un- committee was the result of an intember 26 concerning the selection nQt ke Gamage
univer-rlt- y
by the Men's
Pan-Hellen- ic
vestigation instigated
The last graduate of the
Of Students for the advance corps
less they can show cause
rhnnnpi Mip stnrttno- llno-n- n
to win the Rhodes scholarship Hans Juergen Graf Blumenthal and should not be suspended why they Student Council last year, at which
from the time much agitation on the part of
01 tne university R. o. t. c.
Herbert Schaumann.
Tne should be: Williams. 211 pounds--,
was Roscoe Cross of Mayfield, Ken-tuc- y
Tryouts to determine who will
men selected will fill the appoint- - center; Captain Floppy Forquer,
in 1926. Mr. Cross was gradThis was tne ruling or thl lthe , student body prompted the
205, and Rose, 191, guards; Wright.
uated from the college of Arts and represent the university in this de- executive committee of the confer ganlzatlon to take its stand. pind. Albert J. Kikel Is Elected totments of the commissioned
212, and Aldridge, 192, tackles,
tnrre hv fhnf. horfv wprp similar to
Sciences, and also received his mas- bate will be held In room 111 of Mc- ence in session at Atlanta.
cers who graduated last year. Ben Andrews, 189, and Cavana. and
of Organiza- 194,
those made by the University Sen- ter's degree from the University of Vey Hall, Monday evening
It is charged that the Vols' coach ate, and after a report was given
o. Crosby, Delta Tau Delta, was cnds.
at 7:30.
tion at First Meeting
He was cadet colonel
his first-yeLine to Be Weighty
raised to the rank of cadet colonel j
team. The "low point score system" will assembled at Knoxville late football by the student council the matter
and a member of the track
in Auaverage 202
Tllis llne would
council, other appointments for regimental
The men's
be used at the tryout." Anyone in gust,
issued uniforms, and gave in- was given to President
composed of representatives from neacjqunrtcrs
were- the university, regardless of train- structions, which is contrary to the
Lieutenant -- ' pounds from tackle to Twelve) 198
(Continued on Page
grees leuer social iraturmu oiiue
ing in public speaking Is eligible conference rule which prohibits
university, held its first meeting
for these tryouts. All students and freshmen practicing until after
Sunday, September 28 at 2:30 at the wim'am
cGlnnis and L. G. For.
members of the faculty are urged school
quer; headquarters, first battalion
Doctor Funkhouser in an interC
...1.1 Dnn.Unl
1... r fill .
to attend these debates.
view yesterday further announced
Lieutenants, Vernon Chandler, John
Graf (Count) Blumenthal is now that "Pete" Drury, Lexington, and
Extension Department Prob- 23 years old, has studied at Pots- member of the 1929 Wildcat foot'Ahab" has returned! The good expecieu 10 uneiiu me afternoon
nnd Leslie Cleveland Sec
Lieutenant, Conrad Rose; color !
lems to Be Discussed at dam, Mecklenburg, Munich, and ball team, has been appointed as ship has brought with her great tid- held every school Sunday
year. These meet
during the
i University
Station to Begin
First District Educational Konlgsberg, and is a member of the assistant line coach and will aid ings.
After chasing Moby Dicks," ings are held at the respective fra- sergeant: Morris Farber.
Assignments to Company A were; .
(Continued on Page Twelve)
New Series of Musical Pro
Association, November 28 Deutche Studentenschaft.
in the China sea, and roaming over ternity houses and all those failing captain. William Trott. first lieuSchauman, age 29, is a brilliant stu
$1 fine.
grams on Sunday Evening
the seven seas in search of new ad- to attend are liable to a
tenant, Leland Maschmeyer, second
Dr. Wellington Patrick, head of dent of philosophy, Journalism, and ( CJPT,:nr HingllieerS
Officials are elected by the coun lieutenant, Maurice Harris, Dudley
From (5:00 to (5:30
literature, and was the winner of
ventures. Max Colker, varsity cencil. This year's officers are presi clclr nr. flvct cnrironnt Knsnpr Lit- the department of extension at the second prize when chosen for the
W. S. Vivian ter, has returned from o'er the dent, Albert J. Kikel, Alpha Tau t, ComDanv B: cantain. Ernest i A new series of musical radio
university, and president of the international
team in
bounding main. Three thousand Omega; vice president, jonn h. K,rk
flrst ileutenanti Ralph Wood- - programs from the university
First District Educational associa- Washington. At present he is enPhi Karjoa Tau; secretary aU second lieutenants. J. C. Hearn. mote control station through WHAS
"The Watchword of Modern students of the unlverstly will be
tion will preside at the meeting of rolled in the University of Berlin.
hear that Colker
October 5
Business" Is Theme of glad to the Blue Grass and has come Sigmatreasurer. Harry Day, Alpha Q R McElroy( nnd first sergeant,- will begin p.on Sunday, p. m.
The winners of last week's
will help
back to
association at Muray State Teachers
m. to 6:30
ciarencc Walron; Company C: cap- from 6:00
e to tear up the old sod on Stoll field
the international debate with
Prominent Speaker
or- - jami Charles Fury, first lieutenant,
College on Friday evening, Novem- for Cambridge, England, team are:
will be a feature of each Sunday
The purpose of
with his cleated shoes, all for the ganlzatlons Is to promote a friendly Napoieon Hill, second lieutenants, evening.
ber 28. He will speak on "The Re- Hugh R. Jackson and Sidney Schell,
W. S. Vivian, Chicago, vice presifeeling among the fraternttles of Arthur Eyer, Carutn McUraw, ana , The following is the tentative
lations of Extension Service to Juniors in the college of Arts and dent in charge of public relations of glory of old Kentucky.
program for several weeks:
According to the rule of the uni- th university; to sponsor fair and sergeant, C. "L. Arnold.
Public Education."
Sciences. This Is a split debate, a the middle west utilities system,
stimulating competition in the ac- to headauarters of i October 5, Girls Glee Club, and
Professor Smith, secretary of the member from both teams being as spoke, Tuesday, to the seniors of the versity athletic association, no play- tlvlties or the campus; and to ally
Stark' pla"lst'
to play in the first and
extension association and director signed to each side of the question. College of Engineering on the sub- er is eligible
not more closely the members of the
October 12.Mrs. Lewis P. Bradley,
of extension work at Murray Colject, The Watchword of Modern second varsity names who has
S- - organist and Miss Carolyn Pike.
dlferent social groups. 'The spirit
rpo istered
lege, as host of the meeting, is arBusiness. John P. Pope, vice presifor these that this type o: organization ere- Robertson. Pnno.
ranging for a dinner and business
dent of the Lexington Utilities in- would not be in condition rule. It
games regardless of this
session In the private dining room
troduced the speaker.
will be in couraged by the student body,'
expected that Colker
at the National Hotel of Murray at
Mr. Vivian, nationally recognized is
October 26. University Band and
for the W. and L. game, and president said.
to Company E were:
six o'clock Friday evening. The
as a leader in industrial education, trim "roaming" center will be a powLewis, mezzo soprano.
directors will discuss problems conHarold Ray. first lieutenant, Carlyle Margaret
arrived Monday to address a meet- erful factory in the hard schedule
November 2, Men's Glee club and
fronting extension departments and
second lieutenants,
All members of fraternities and ing of more than 600 Lexington
WUHam Waldo, Helen Stark, pianist.
which the team will face.
plans for extending their services. sororities who wish to have their Utilities employes and to accept
James Dye,
Operatic Sketches.
New Officers first sergeant,and Herman Regan; November 9,16, Phiharmonlc orThe last meeting of the associaTogether with Howard Williams,-gian- t
invitation to speak extended by
during K. E. A. at pictures taken are requested to do Dean
captain, Benjamin
tion was held
Company F:
center, Colker will lend great
Bluegrass quartette.
chestra and
Louisville last April. At that meet- so at the Kentucklan office on the
the "flghtlngest" of all Phi Mu Alpha Plans Various Stapleton, first lieutenant. Kennethy, November 23, University Band
In outlining how the great utility fight to machines.
ing Professor Smith succeeded Pro- assigned days. Seniors who have
Howe, second lieutenants, Alvln
Activities for Year at
fessor W. M. Pearce, head of the not yet had their pictures taken' are operating companies of the country
and Robert Alsover, first ser- and Margaret30, Girls' mezzo club.
There were no bands at the
provide for the development of the
First Meeting
geant. Jouett McDowell; Company
extension department at Bowling
wharf, no glad hand for our gallant
December 7, Men's Glee club.
Morgan, first
as secretary of the associa- urged to have them taken as soon human element of their organizaGreen,
G; captain, William
real Ahab, no
December 14, Unvertlty Band and
tions through definite, organized, center, for like the good ship would
as possible.
Edward Morgan, third
At a meeting of Phi Mu Alpha, lieutenant
Helen Stark, panlst.
educational programs he surveyed, one knew when the
fraThe extension directors of all the Friday:
anchor. But now with great "faith" social and professional music music lieutenants. Lynn Jefrles and Cecil
December 21, Not arranged.
the small beginnings of many of the
ternity, which was held in the
Smith, first sergeant, W. H. Cundlff.
state Institutions will attend the
Pi Kappa Alpha
largest of utilities today. Notable we can cry "Ahab" and on Thanks- building at 7:30 Monday evening ofDecember 28, Blue Grass quarmeeting, which is being held at
Phi Delta Theta
examples of these were the Bell giving day at Knoxville, inquire for ficers for the coming year were
Murray College for the first time.
Phi Kappa Tau
"Moby Dick."
January 11, University and Helen
Telephone system and electric light
elected nnd plans for the various
Phi Sigma Kappa
Stark, pianist.
heat, and power.
activities of the fraternity were conSigma Alpha Epsilon
Lexington people and uulversltv-studentMr. Vivian said that success does
are welcome to attend the
not always come to the well train
Two dinner dances will be givAlpha Gamma Rho
To Be
As rehearsals swing into their sec concerts at the broadcasting station
ed man for there must be accountGive
en by the organization during the
Alpha Sigma Phi
Guignol Theatre but they must consult Drector, Eled the personal equation and the
coming school year. While the dates ond week at the "Royal Family"
spirit of service as well as technical
cast of
mer G. Sultzer as to reservations
A meeting of all male catholic Monday:
of the entertainments have not yet and the to shakethe.
Sigma Beta XI
off its sumnier for seats, and must be present by
students at the university will be
decided upon it was agreed begins
Sigma Chi
Omega Beta Phi national pre- - been one dance should be given each letharcv
director Frank Fowler 5:45 p. in.
held in the nights of Columbus hall
Sigma Nu
held its first semester In addition to the social seems, generally, optimistic. The lomedical fraternity,
on North Limestone street Sunday
meeting of the school year Mon- activities of the organization either cal theatre has started out with
morning, Blue Gross council of
Alpha Delta Theta
Lexington announced yesterday. At
Professor Carl Lambert, head of day evening at 7:30 o'clock In the a musical comedy or a radio pro-cra- much enthusiasm on the part of all
imthe music department,
Dr. Arthur Braden, president of
has an- Natural Science building. The fra
that time plans will be laid for a Tuesday:
will be presented at some time concerned and It Is the general
Alpha Gamma Delta
pression of those "In the know" that Transylvania University, addressed
nounced that the Men's Glee club ternity welcomed Its new members, during the coming school terms.
catholic club. Monday night, OcAlpha Xi Delta
will broadcast November 2 from the who were initiated last spring, to
tober 13, the council will give a
Members of the fraternity will this year will prove Imminently suc the nrst meeting of the Kentucky
Beta Sigma Omlcron
chapter of the American Association
banquet at the Lafayette hotel at
radio substation ut the university. this first meeting.
continue to sponsor various phases cessful.
Chi Omega
are to be the guests of honor, The
There are at present 60 men who
It was decided by the chapter to of musical activity which are preThe definate cast for the "Royal of University Professors, which was
Delta Delta Delta
have been accepted for the Klce give a jwrmanent cup to the most sented by the various organizations Family is as follows: Marlon Gallo- held at 7 p. m., Thursday In the
6 o'clock, all male catholic students
club. Feature of the rehearsals is a outstanding freshman
purpose of the banquet will be to Wednesday:
Davis, Caroline lecture room of McVey hall. Dr.
of the university. Hugh Adcock, way, Katherlne
Delta Zeta
10 minute talk on the. "Theory of student each year.
students direct
The cup to be president of the fraternity, presid Speyer. Frances Mohler, Leonora Braden's subject was: "The Rela
Kappa Delta
contact with those of the faith in
Correct Voice Production." given by . awarded at the end of the first se ed at tho meeting. Officers elect- - Alice Howe, Andrew Hoover, Prof. tion of the State University to the
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Professor Roy Jarman. This is be- - mester on the following basis: hlch od were: Earl Michel, secretary: R. D. Mclntyre, C. P. Kraatz. Jack ' Small College." A dinner was held
this city. For informaton, see or
Zeta Tau Alpha
ing done in the hope of removing , standing, interest in work, and gen- - Edward Barlow, treasurer; William Smith, Leer Buckley, Martin Webb, at 6 p. m. In the University Corn-J- o
call Miss Marguerite McLaughlin,
All honorarles, Thursday.
I Ardery. historian.
Louis McGinnis or J. R. Miner.
tne silliness irom tne voices.
Ferguson, and Carl Howell.
eral consideration.





Southern Conference May
Suspend Tennessee Vols









Colker Returns
Mates After







Days Are Assigned
Fraternities for
Photograph Dates


Musical Fraternity



Formed Here

Omega Beta Pi to
to Freshman



Orchestra Pit Is
Built at Guignol
