xt7rv11vfd6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vfd6c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19300919  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1930 1930 2012 true xt7rv11vfd6c section xt7rv11vfd6c Best Copy Available







19, 19.10



Guignol Theater Preparingto PLEDGES CHOSEN Wildcat Football Captain REGISTRATION
Brilliant List of Plays


Sponsoring one of the most
Will Be
ambitious programs in the
Held in Armory Tonight
history of its duration on the
At 7:30 O'Clock
University of Kentucky cam
ELABORATE PROGRAM IS pus, the Guignol theatre this
PLANNED BY COMMITTEE year is preparing to offer its
patrons variety and brilliance
Entertainers Are Engaged to through presentation seldom

Amuse Students; Building to be Decorated


Students who have formerly attended the university and those
who are entering for the first time
will gather tonight at 7:30 o'clock
for the anuual "College Night",
which Is to be given at the armory
every year.
This event has been given by the
Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. at the university for a number of year and
every student who has attended the
entertainment in the past has
an occasion of the greatest
geniality and hospitality, those In
charge of the affair said yesterday, and added that the various
means of amusement would provide
features of
limitless recreational
undergraduate life.
One of the most complete and
elaborate programs ever presented
In the history of the university Is
being planned and It Is expected
that every student who attends will
have an enjoyable time. Several
committees have been appointed by
Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. officials and
they have attended to every detail
that will aid in making the evening
one of the most festive of the school
On the program are Harold But- -,
ner and Edwin Moffet, two of the
in the
most versatile entertainers
Blue Grass. They will present a
tumbling act. A ventriloquist, an
aesthetic dance number and



undertaken by student ama
teur players. Two of the
plays already have been an
nounced by Director Frank


The first Guignol produstlon this
The first Guignol production
this year will be October 27, at
which time patrons of the theatre will have the opportunity of
attending: the only theatre in
Lexington having: Its own orchestra.. The pit lately has been constructed and a new musical company will be formed in ample time
to furnish music for the Initial
Tryouts for "The Royal Family"
will be Friday afternoon from 4 to
5:30 o'clock in the office of the
Guignol and all those from the University and from Lexington, who
have theatrical talent for acting,
designing or advising, are urged to
On October 27, the Joseph's coat
curtain shielding the stage will retreat into the wings to disclose "The

Lampert Announces
Glee Club

Try-Ou- ts



Will be Held on
Prof. Carl Lampert, head of
the department of music, urges
all songbirds of the university to
be present for the first practice
session of the men's glee club to
be held Monday night at 7:30
in the music building.
The schedule for the year has
not been definitely outlined, but
it is bcleved that there will be
several concert tours taken during the second semester.
Any university student who
has the desire to train his voice
will be given a trial.
Royal Family", which will be given
the entire week. The play was
written by two brilliant playrlghts,
George S. Kaufman and Edna Fer-be- r.
It is a satire on the
The second play will be presented
on December 1. It will be "Cam-ille- ",
by Alexander Dumas. While
a laudable undertaking
for the
Guignol players, this work by
on Page Twelve)

Indian Mounds Explored
By Funkhouser and Webb

Scientists Uncover
W A n If Hi xTfl If Til During Summer; Three Sites
ajffiVllJUllVflJkJJu IXJ


Material Found

Freshmen Preponderate
Number Elected to Membership by Greeks


Officials Expect
3,200 Tally Before End
of Classifying





Fourth "Freshman" Week" Is
Held; First Termers
Assemble Early

Plcdpeship Will Continue Until Second Semester; Must
Make Standings
Following a week of organized
rushing, the fraternities
on the
campus announce their pledges for
the semester. Most of the men so
honored are freshmen, although
some upperclassmen were pledged.
The following men are now wear- lng pledge buttons and arc entering upon a pledgeship that will last
until the beginning of the second
' semester, and longer unless required
standings are made:
Sigma Alpha Ensilon
Karl Pate, Madisonvllle.
Tom Rogers, Frankfort.
Hugh VanAntwurp, Frankfort.
Norwood Cook, Paris.
Werter Harris. Ashland.
Louis Fiddler, Ashland.
Lloyd Featherstone, Lexington.
Gene Shankfin, Elkton.
Jlmmie Donnaven, Midway.
Jerome Respress, Cincinnati.
Kelly Rhoads, Murray.
Woodson Knight, Carlisle.
Edgar Craddock, Louisville.
Jack Kirk, Maysvllle.
Steve Soaper, Hender&on.
Hugh McGulre, Williamsburg.
Fred Stevenson, Sturgis.
Delta Tau Delta
Ralph Kercheval, Lexington.
William Donelson. Lexington.
John Staples, Lexington.
Roscoe Stephens. Lexington.
Turner Howard, Lexington.
Clarence Moore,, Lexington.
Gene Lutes, Lexington.
Grant Campbell, Lexington.
Buford Upham, Winchester.
Robert Castelen, Owensboro.
William Jacobs, Cumberland.
Coffman. Lewlsburg.

Prospects for a total enrollment of more than 3,200 students at the university were
in evidence yesterday at the
close of the fourth day's registration, when tally sheets at
the registration division
showed that 2,939 freshman
and upperclassmen had entered the various colleges on the
campus for the fall semester.
This number represents the
largest enrollment ever rerecorded at Kentucky and a
marked increase over that of
The gentleman pictured above :n such a striking pose is none other than last year at a corresponding
It is expected that
"Floppy" Forquer, captain of the 1930 Kentucky football team. He time.
is a guard par cxccllancc, and (It's a secret) refused the nomination many more will register durfor sheriff of his home county during the past summer in order that ing the days which remain
he might return to the university and lead his blue cohorts to for registration.
gridiron fame.

Many Changes Are Made
In Faculty for 1930-3- 1
Department Gets'
Four Additions as Three
Professors Resign




Last year at this time, the number of students registered totaled
ed 2,633, a number which had
broken all previous records. This
year's high mark exceeds by 306
the total enrollment at the close
of the fourth day of registration
last year. Officials yesterday predicted that a total of 3,200 students will have enrolled when the
university closes its doors for the
With a freshman student body of
more than 950 enrolled during the
special registration for first year
men and women, the total number
at the end of each day's registration has steadily maintained the
300 advantage over the number of
j the
corresponding, day last year. It
was announced
that graduate
school enrollment and late registration give promise of setting a
new record at the university.
"Freshman week" was held for
the fourth time in the history of the
university, taking
place over a
period extending through Septem6,
during which time a
larger number of freshmen reglster-(Contlnuon Page Twelve)

During the past summer the deThe opening of the fall term at
partment of Anthropology and
the University of Kentucky finds
Department of Buildings and
of the University, under
proximately 35 new appointments UI")e5.SIly Remote
Grounds Will Occupy Large the direction of Dr. W. D. FunkVa.
Station of WHAS Adds
have been made. Several of the old
btructure Purchased Duri- houser and Professor Webb, com- W.Dick FuJlerton, Oak Park. 111.
members have been granted leaves
Sixty Minutes a Week lo
ng; Summer by University pleted one of the most
. of
Fred Scott, Hazard.
absence or have accepted post- - j
Its Broadcast
Kappa Sigmv
itlons with other institutions.
atOccupation of tjie old Independ- - and successful explorations ever
Ralph Ball, Elkhart, Ind,. '
With, Jhe completion of the new
The University ,of Kentucky has
Carrol Ball, Elkhart. Ind.
training school, a large number of
itnt Tobacc o warehouse, purchased
Three prehistoric sites were exHyland Bizot, Louisville. '
faculty members will be added to added four weekly programs, an ad- by the university during the
plored, all of which proved to be exthe list of university Instructors, dition representing sixty . minutes
Bruce Hoblitzell, Louisville':
mer, wll be delayed until the latter
David Cousine, Louisville.
Prof. Sherman G. Crayton, grad- - more time on the alr t0 its broad.
tremely Important in contributng to
nf t. flpRt"
"v" nmm,.rt
'uate of Indiana University, has been
Mathew Henchey, Louisville.
'appointed director of the new train- - ;cast by remote contro1 from WHAS'
t0 Information from the department the knowledge of the ancient hisHarvey Hattlngly. Bardstown.
ing school. Professor Crayton has Louisville.
Franklin Hlbbs, Bardstown.
ot buildings and grounds. Much tory of Kentucky. The first site exhad many years of experience in the
Featured among the Hiew pro- W. H. Booker, Franklin.
work will be required in equipping plored was in Wolfe county where a
Indiana public school system.
Donald Foster, Easton.
the large structure.
grams is the College of Commerce
series of rock shelters yielded new
Earl Van Billiard, Philllpsburg
Prof. M. E. LIgon, principal of the whjch wm introduce a new series of
The newly acquired building Is data on the life of the ancient InN. J.
University high school, will continue
situated on South Limestone street, habitants of the mountains.
Unto serve in that capacity in the new talks each Tuesday at 12:4a P- William Gaillardf Lebanon.
opposite the military parade ground, usual types of flint artfacts and potEric Pasgroove, Frankfort.
Eleven new teachers were Dr- - Edward Wiest, Dean of the
and faces 311 feet on Limestone and tery were discovered, as well as valAlpha Tau Omega
for the training school, the ' leSe- - wiU Bive the first six talks on
430 feet on South Upper street. On uable fabrics including
moccasins ' Charles Van Deerlng
elementary department of which "Money." "Political Snapshots" will
the north it adjoins the American made of skin.
was placed under Mrs. May K. Dun- - De hearc each Thursday at 12:45 p.
Sam Cogswell, Louisville.
Two representatives of the British Tobacco Company plant.
The second site was a ceremonial
George Peak. LaGrange.
can. Francis Martin was appointed m- - wlth Dr- - Paul K- - WalP assisst- Union of Students who will debate
The warehouse was bought with mound and cemetery at Tolu in
During the summer the departHolton Pribble, Butler.
head of the kndergarten depart- - ant professor of Political Science, in
the University team in Memmorial the intention of housing the univer- Crittenden County. This yielded
Jack Allen, Ashland.
ment of Journalism has subdivided
Hall on Friday evening, November sity remote control radio studio and the finest collection of pottery ever
Gaylor Harvey, Chicago, I1J.
A Sunday musical radiocast from the Kernel office and installed
In the psychology department
will arrive in the United States the department
of buildings and found in the state and made
posm- - win replace the
new Kelly Automatic Press. This
Robert Garnett, HopklnsvlHc.
there was a loss of three, men: Dr. i6:00 t 6:30
early in October, Prof. Southerland, grounds. It is also planned to use sible to work out the structureit of a
from press is capable of printing a sheet
Arthur Ake, Columbus, Ohio.
C. Bassett resigned his post Wednesday night program
University debate coach, announced It as a storehouse for the property prehistoric council
house and altar.
Frank Stubblefield, Murray.
of paper as large as two pages of
'at the university to accept a slm- - 10:00 t0 10:30 P- - m- belonging to the R. O. T. C. band
The third site was on the Ken- The Kernel, and will be used as a
liar nositlon at Gettvsburc Collece.
Tryouts for the International De- and for various machinery. It may iern border of Trigg County where! Kenneth Nicholson. Ashland.
job printer and a press for the KerDelta Chi
Gettysburg. Pa. Professor Bassett,
bating Team will be held at 7:30 on
B V1
DriUT is
line at the south- 17
Harry Porter Dees, Owensboro.
Negotiations, which culminated in excellent material was secured perthe evening of September 26. Any
George Yenowlne, Chicago, 111.
The other two members of
The new press, together with
"stone-$12students in good standing who is son nP,!irchase ?f the, bulIdinB fof'tainlng to the
William Fanning, Ashland.
every other piece of machinery In
this department who left were Dr.
000, were begun in 19 '9. The grave" people of the Cumberland;
university is eligiregistered in the
Wayne Buchanan, Chaffee, Mo. Paul L. Boynton and Prof. J. L. Tackle-Guarpress
ble to try out for the team. No spe- location is very desirable because of River vallev
Undergoes Op- The Kentucky Kernel savings room,
Willis Orlll. Louisville.
Graham. The former accepted a pohas been financed on
cial preparation is required as the its proximity to the New Education
The unusual activities of the de- eration for Appendicitis at student publications, which Include
Louis Guternuth, Louisville.
sition with Peabody College, Nashsubject of the talk will be announc curnuiB mm ue 10 me iacc mat partment
were made possible
Edward Key, Lexington.
ville, Tenn., while the latter went
St. Joseph's
The Kentucky Kernel; "Letters," a
ed a few. minutes before tryouts be- access may be gained from both the through two gifts which provided
Eugene McConachle, Chaffee, Mo. to the University of Pittsburg.
literary magazine;
the "Kentucky
gin. The public is cordially invited. front and rear as it joins Limestone the field work. The National
McConachle. Chaffee. Mo.
Four new men were nppointed to
South Upper streets.
Coach Harry Gamage yesterday Alumnus", which Is printed In the
two men
additional eouinment and funds fnr
On the same evening the
Dave Rlngo, Covington.
fill the vacancies left In the psycholKernel plant, and "Kentucky Press"
At present the new building Is on- - search Council gave to the depart- - ' Letcher Asher, Danville.
became "gloomy" again when John which Is a
who are to represent the University
ogy department caused by the resperi
of Kentucky in its debate with ly used as a storage place by the ment a truck equipped for archael-- 1
ignation of three members. Dr. Drury, alternate tackle and guard odical.
Cambridge University will be
department of buildings and ogical work which furnished trans- - Rav Crume, Hardlnsburg.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Martin M. White became assistant j on the Wildcat football squad un- Tj,0 addition of this unit makes
The faculty Judges who will grounds. It is very desirable to lo- - nortation facilities not hitherto a- - I.
piuieoi oi psitaoiog iinu ur.,demnt an emergency operation the Kernel plant one of the most
sit on this debate are: Prof. Dantz-le- r, cate that entire department in the vailable. The Smithsonian Institu- - xt.,xj
m-nrueaumoni. was appouueci sec- - .
wprrtv . complete job printing and small
Dr. Beaumont, Prof. Roy Moor- warehouse as under the present sys- - , tlon gave additional assistance to W llUCat KeSeFVeS
reiarv oi nio university nersonnei
iltlie South- - a"d Pr0
land, Dr. Piper, and Dr. Francis tern it s scattered over the campus. the university budget which made
service and assistant professor in (morning at the St. Joseph's Hos- - bably Plantsonly journalism depart
"NTfrl TVTnrn
" Galloway.
Aitnougn lull details of plans of it possible to secure labor for
I"Jrcia,the department. Graham B. Dim- - inilu'
the country which has fioccupancy of the building have cavatlons on a larger scale than in
Drury weighed 190 pounds and ment InIts own machinery through
The debate in November will be
mick and Edwara Newberry were
not ueen revealed, it is thought that previous summers.
was making a bid for the position earnings of the student paper.
the fourth of a series of internaCoaching Staff Issues Call appointed instructors.
tional debates which are being con- me neaaquarters or the radio stuMiss Edith Grund Meier was ap- - held on last year s Kentucky team
For Men to Keport at
The complete equipment ot
ducted at the University. Kentucky dio will be much larger and better
by his brother, Pete Drury, all- - Kernel plant consists of two The
(Contlnued on Page Twelve)
Tne Gymnasium
will be represented in the contest equipped than at present. Prof. ElSouthern tackle, who now is assist
Linotype machines, one
by two of the older members of the mer G. Sulzer, University Band dimg uoacn uamage in preparing uie No 00 Mlehj0 presSi a Boston wire
Good in
More players are need for the
team who will be selected by a com- rector and dlrectr of the publicity
ovuoui. vn stitcher,
paper cutter, newspaper
bureau, will be in charge of the .raWildcat reserve team this fall, und
mittee of five faculty members withthe gridiron.
folding machine, and Chandler and
Will Be
in the next ten days. Holdworth and dio studio and tho R. O. T. O. stor- First Woman Graduate of En- -' members of the coaching staff have
Attendants at the hospital early Price platen press. Besides fifteen
gincering College Praised issued n call for players who wish
Oatridge, graduate students
a t age room, while Maury Crutcher
this morning reported that the op- - type faces on the Linotypes, The
Cambridge University will compose will continue in charge of the de
in lladiogram
eratlon was successful and that the Kernel Is equipped with steel impos- to take part In the snort to reuort
partment of buildings and grounds.
the British team.
was resting well following lng tables and an elaborate assort,
1. Prcs- - Frallk LeRond McVey will patlent
Miss Margaret, Fry first woman at the men's ovmnaslum.
,,,,,.., , g
'be the first speaker on the Unlver- - the operation.
ment of foundry type.
at the University of Kentucky to reV,CS Wit, 1 the i'e'
Kentucky vesper services
ceive a degree from the College of
eB". to-Sunday after-- u
Zn ?. m ?f S",,!Ulei uversltiea. 1 wiflcU wll, be
Engineering, Is continuing her exV,l
lloon nt 4 0.ci0Ck in Memorial hall.
V thU. r
cellent work in this field n the emench All
students and the pub-yea- r.
ployment of Sargent and Lundy,
show ability are iu nrn nn,J,nvv invito tn nttPH
often drafted to the varsity,
engineering firm at Chicago.
these services.
Several positions are open on this
During the summer the Unver-sit- y
When at the football game and
The program follows:
year's reserve team and all who are
short wave radio
I from
President McVey. Dean C. R.
Organ: "Allegro appasslonata,"
Out of the cities and towns, the Gamage's Numldlans make advan- ed a message from II.station receiv- interested in the game are urged to
C. Heaton. a
More than 500 "K" Books or Melcher. and Bart N. Peak,
(Fifth Sonata), Guilmant Dr. Ab-nhills and dales of Old Kentucky ces they should yell like inspired
graduate of the university, and vice- - report at once.
Bibles" have been pre- - tary of the Y. M. C. A. Next, under
W. Kelley, organist.
has came an nvalanche of a thousWhen Kfvlnl nrnhlpms nrn rnnslH. President Of Sargent OlHl LUIldV
series of headlncs. tho editor at- Invocation: Dr. Jesso Hermann, sented to incoming Freshmen dur-l- a
and freshmen, who, characteristic of ered it is thought advisable to avoid sayl& that Miss Fry was doing ex-- !
pastor of the Second Presbyterian m& tho Past week, and 1,500 more tempts to ofler solutions for some
their general demeanor, brought the sirens of the sorority houso love cellent work und was well liked by
wm De reac,y Ior distribution in a of the numerous problems confront- church.
September showers, preparing the uwi iui nicy uiu ucwiikiiuiK ui'Ul- Seniors who expect to com:
lng first-yeOrgan: "Dreams" (Seventh Son- - Jew 1111 J
students. The re- The radio station at the Univer
proper environment necessary to ures who distract, disturb, and are
plete work for graduation at the
ata), Guilmant.
"ok is puunsnea an- - mainlng pages arc filled with cam
their existence.
exceedingly detrimental to any stu- sity is a short wave station, licensend of the first semester, or in
me x. m. u. a. ana x.) pus history and campus activities,
Know tnat My i """"
Soprnno Solo: "i
It has been thought necessary to dious aspirations which might have ed by tho federal government and June, are requested to make an rtprippinpr Livnth (Messiah)). Han w. u. a. cuuuiuis in, uie university, as well as the various social and
known by the call letters W0LJ. It
give them some little advice which been entertained at one time.
and its purpose is to provide infor- scholastic organizations to be found
application for degree during the
del Frances Arnold South,
a power of 75 wattts and Is oproad
make their arduous
The intoxicating beverages on the has
week beginning September 22. j Address Dr, Frank LeRond Mcmation for Freshmen regarding the in the school.
through college a little less difficult. north side of town are decidedly in- erated on a wave length of 45 mecustoms and traditions
As the commencement lists are
of the
Vey, president of the University.
The last few pages are dated in
It has been suggested that they ferior to those on this side, as they ters. Communication lias been esmade from these cards, it is very I Soprano Solos: "Wlegenlled," school. The 1930 "K" Book was order that those who wish may keep
read the "K" book avidly, and re- contain acids, potent, but highly in- tablished with all the states of the
Important to file an application
Brahms: "The Birth of Morn," edited by Vernon D. Rooks, and the a diary In this section are to be
union and with many foreign counmember all of the Important and jurious to the gastronomy.
contract for the printing was given found schedules of athletic events,
at this time. No student will be j Leoni Frances Arnold South.
unimportant things therein. A propWhen, Freshmen, you think that tries.
considered for graduation who
Organ: "Marche Funebre et Chant to the Kentucky Kernel.
examinations, and holidays. A few
Miss Fry's younger sister, Miss
er respect for upper classmen should your caps are obnoxlxous, remember
The booklet this year contains well chosen 'w ords of wisdom have
has not filed application in Room Seruphlque," Guilmant; "Adagio,"
at all times be preserved, for these that this is a Diversity, and there Mary Fry, has entered the college of 8 of the Administration building.
135 pages and the material is divid(Fifth Sonata), Guilmant; "Scherbeen placed at the bottom of each
gentlemen, being indispensable to must be some way in which the Arts and Sciences this fall and it is
zo," (Fifth Sonata), Guilmant Dr. ed into 20 diiferent topics. The first page in the diary with the intenthe general welfaret of the Univer- Seniors can be differentiated from expected that she will maintain the
few pages contain words of welcome tion of causing the erring student
their brethem.
reputation established by her older
sity should always
Benediction Dr. Jesse Herrmann. and advice to the freshman class, to stop and reflect.
A. L.
is believed
nrnmlnont Tvlntrtnn mntrii'lnri- - nnrl
Mrs. Koyle. fortune teller, also will
appear on the program. The usual
fish pond and other concessions
will be in evidence. Delicious re- -,
freshments will be served without
cost to the members of the student
Everyone who is enrolled in
.'the university is invited and there
'will be no admission charge. The
is given annually by
the two organizations, solely to con- -i
tribute to general good fellowship
on the campus.



Debaters from
England Are to
Face U. K. Team

Kernel Office

Is Subdivided;

Gets New Press

From Wildcat Squad


Margaret Fry Makes



At First Vespers

Veteran Law Student Gives Advice

To Freshmen on 'Rules of Conduct9



"Freshman Bibles" Are Distributed
By Y. M. and Y. W. Edited by Rooks



* 4'

Best Copy






E H:tttt:tt:Kt::tKtK:t::::::tMt:::t:t!::::t::t::::::t:tmKt:::tt:;l


1'lionc Ashland 3G48

Blue sailors talk of quests Incredible.
September smiles at lofty scorn or
Sweet fragrance of ripe fruits drifts j Too old she Is, and young, for caring
on the air;
The cricket's chirp Is louder In the j But walking down the woods and
meadow ways-Frin- ged
gentians measure beauty by
Bronzed branches of old trees have
her touch.
For summer green when frosty
dawns shall pass.
Tall goldenrod maturely stands beFriday, September 19
All sororities entertaining at their
Brown roads that wander woodward
chapter houses with formal teas in
by old walls
Of stones that grayer grow; the the afternoon for new women on
the campus.
mullen's pride
College night for all the students
In her warm velvet splendor slowly
of the University in the Armory
Stout thistles bend their dagger's building at 8 o'clock.
rusty blades;
Saturday, September 20
Ragged burdocks of a youthful glory
The Delta Delta Delta sorority
luncheon at the Country Club.
Alpha XI Delta luncheon at Shak-ertoSteeple bush and toadflax drowse in
secret shades;

By William Stanley Braltwaltc





In Apparel for


The College Miss










a bridge party In the private dining
room of the Chimney Corner.
Wednesday afternoon a
tea was given In the recreation
room of Patterson hall, from four to
six. In the receiving lino, were the
"Miss Edna Whcatlcy, of Piatt, as officers of the organization: Miss
maid of honor, wore an apple green Louise Schmidt, president;
crepe chiffon frock and matching Mildred Little, secretary; Miss Marcarried an arm garet Howes, treasure.
satin slippers, and
bouquet of pink Klllnrney roses and
New Locations
babybrcath. The flower girl, little
The opening of the new semester
Miss Dolores Nlssen, in short full
will find several fraternities
blue taflcta frock, scattered rose
Among the events which took tals in the path of the bride, and sororities In new locations, and the
her little brother, Master Roland following addresses' will help old
place during the summer months
were marriages of many University Nlssen, In a black suit with a white students as well as new;
Alpha Delta Theta, 273 S.
students. These notices appeared in blouse, carried the wedding ring
the summer editions of the Kernel a rose.
Alpha XI Delta, Corner S. Lime
"The bride, who was escorted to
but are reprinted for the persons
who did not read the paper during the altar by her elder brother, Mr. and Warren Court.
Delta Tau Delta, 451 E. Maxwell
G. P. Nlssen, of Salina, Kansas,
vacation time.
Miss Lillian Combs to Mr. Reid wore an ivory wedding gown fashPhi Sigma Kappa, 211 E. Maxwell.
Phillip Meacham on the third of ioned very long with Insets of Chan-till- y
Phi Kappa Tau, 365 Aylesford
lace In the skirt, the fitted boPlace.
Miss Oeorge Jameson and Mr. dice being finished with a round
neckline. A white tulle veil was
Garnett Rces on June 13.
Delta Chi Fraternity Smoker
Miss Pauline Claussncr and Mr. caught about the bride's head with
The members of the Delta Chi
James Johnston June 14.
clusters of orange blossoms at cither
Miss Nancy Stevens to Mr. Joshua side, and she carred a shower Bo- fraternity entertained a number of
uquet of bride's roses and lilies of the new men at the University with a
Jarvis on June 14.
smoker Saturday night at the orMiss Sara Norwood Walker to Mr. valley.
Younger Alexander Staten on June
"Mr. A. H. Nlssen. brother of the ganization house on East Maxwell
bride, attended the bridegroom as street.
About fifty members of the fratMiss Ellen Dale to Mr. Marlon best man.
Clark, June 26.
"Mr. Hopkins was graduated from ernity were present.
Miss Marguerite Morris to Mr. the University of Kentucky in the
Fraternity Dinner
James Pawcet, June 27.
class of 1917 with the degree of
Miss Mary Riley to Mr. Ralph Bachelor of Civil Engineering. For
The Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternthe past seven years he has been ity gave a dinner Sunday night in
William Ranch on June 28.
Miss Nan Burglss Chcnault and associated with Black and Veach, the Amerlcan room of the Chimney
Mr. Gerald Ferrar on the third of consulting engineers of Kansas City, Corner for some of the new men of
Mo. Miss Nlssen, the bride, is a the University.
Miss Sallie Love Prlchard to Mr. graduate of Baker University at
An elaborate menu was served at
Robert Jonson Grehan, July 8.
Baldwin, Kansas, and a member of a long table with bowls of fruit and
Miss Bernlce Edwards to Mr. ine Delta Zeta sororltv. For a short flowers in autumn tones.
Walker W. Robinson, July 12.
time they will reside at Anthony,
About 25 guests were present.
Miss Ruth Bonnln to Mr. James Kansas, where Mr. Hopkins is en
Dinner for New Stadents
R. Hester, July 24.
gaged in engineering work."
Miss Florence Rogers to Mr. AlThe Delta Tau Delta fraternity
fred Stanhope Portwood. August 11.
entertained with a beautiful dinner
First Tea of School Year
Miss Carolyn L. Smith and Mr.
President and Mrs. Frank L. Mc-V- Thursday night at the chapter
Marion Custard, August 4.
entertained the students and house on East Maxwell street in
Miss Maldena Poe to Mr. Earl faculty of the University, Wednes honor of about twenty of the new
Franklin Cecil on August 12.
students at the University.
day afternoon
Miss Rozana Ruttencutter to Mr. with the first of at Maxwell Place house was decorated with purple,
George Edward Waples, August 12. be given during the series of teas to white, and gold, the fraternity colyaer.
the school
The house was charmingly deco ors, and baskets of flowers of the
rated with varieties of autumn same colors adorned the tables.
The Delta Tau Delta Mothers'
flowers and the host and hostess
were assisted in entertaining
Brown May
by Club was In charge of the affair.
The following announcemtents uean ana Mrs. Paul P. Boyd, Dean
Entertain for Freshmen
and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Dean and
have been issued:
Tuesday afternoon, Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franklin Brown Mrs. Edward Wiest, Dean and Mrs.
Alvin E. Evans, Dean and Mrs. F. Frank McVey, entertained
announce the marriage of
at tea
Paul Anderson. Dean and Mrs. from four to six o'clock in honor of
their daughter
F. Paul Anderson, Dean and Mrs. the freshmen of the University.
Lucille Withers
Assisting in the entertaining were
Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Mrs.
Mr. Earl Campbell May
Columbus R. Melcher, Mrs. P. K. Dean and Mrs. P. P. Boyd, Dean and
indiolmes, dean of women.
on Saturday. September sixth
Mrs. Alvin Evans, Dean Thomas
nineteen hundred thirty
Also by Mrs. Eda Giles, Miss Dora Cooper, Dean Edward Welst, Dean
anyLouisville, Kentucky.
Kerkeley, Mrs. Margaret Chenault and Mrs. E. D. Funkhouser, Mr. and
Mr. May is the son of Mr. and Crutcher, Professor and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Nollou, Mrs. Edna Giles, Mrs.
Mrs. A. N. May. Maxwelton court, Lampert, Prof, and Mrs. Louis E, Berkeley, Mrs. Erickson, Mr. and
and a member of the 1929 graduat- Nollau, Prof. Otto Kopplus, Prof. Mrs. Carl Lampert, Dr. and Mrs.
ing class of the University of Ken- Morris W. Beebe, Prof. Emmett
Pinney, Miss Hazel Nollou,
J. Marian Pinney and Mrs. James Miss
tucky, where he was a member of Canaday,
Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity Margaret Prof. Paul W.Palmer, Miss rick.
Tuttle, Mrs.
Presiding over the tea table were
and Theta Nu Epsllon, political Ethel Parker, Miss Margaret Hors-flel- d,
science fraternity. He is connected