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10 THE oannr.  
s   "Thou shalt have no other God but Me." Perhaps, some  
Q_ one says, wewill accept your one God if _you prove your  
. { T Bible true upon which you base your argument. Now,  
` E where did we get our Bible, and how long have we had  
it? From God himself it came, who revealed his plans  
and intentions to his chosen followers. How did he do  
this? Sometimes in the golden dews of sleep, sometimes  
3 when sorely oppressed and almost persuaded that the  
I,   God in whom they t1·usted ha.d forsaken them, would He  
, appear bestowing blessings and offering rewards to all  
p the faithful, thereby enabling them to plod onand fulfill  
. His great commission. What other God but ours could  
have rolled back Jordan’s waves and bid that mighty  
p p— ; host of warriors tread its rocky bed? What other being  
E 1 has ever wrought such miracles as the God whom we  
H serve? Has any other ever performed such a wonder as  
‘ He in calling Moses to the cloud-capped mount of Sinai?  
. No, none ever has. Then, as our holy volume is from  
God and has survived the criticism of all ages, and to—day  
is occupying a place in every lowly home of our civilized  
world, even where no other book can be found, may we  
c not safely say, from the depths of our own bleeding  
y ¤ r ' souls, one book, the Bible, one all-wise omnipotent being,  
I our God. Having shown one Goc1,we shall now con-   ,`‘,  
_ . sider our responsibility to Him. How and in what are  
. y we responsible? Responsible because we are God’s  
creatures. and being his creatures are indebted to Him  
- for all we possess-life, health, friends, all that tends to  
V make our earthly journey a pleasant one. Is it not grat- r  
__ ifying to think on the beauties of the Garden of Eden?  
Could anything be more enjoyable than reflection upon — '‘_V i
r - the inheritance which God bestowed upon Adam and  
. ‘ Eve, were it not for the bitter recollection of that first  
temptation ‘?  
· But sad to think, how from neglect of their duty and