A I i e I   P iflc  
·  the two societies. Not a cloud is to be seen in our sky. A
C Let it so remain till the sundown of our college. ‘ _
.Healthy rivalry is to be cherished, but bitter dissension { .
never. · A
Live topics and current events are much discussed by _ .
the society of late. The Cuban question, Mob Violence,
The Powers and Greek Congress, The State Legislature, `
I and other subjects are sources of thought for the future. I `
· Everything is in good working order and future prospects L
I bright. I
L The following programme was rendered on the 26th
` by the Patterson Society in honor of President Patter- Q
son’s birthday : , .
R. L. Pope, President. »   `
A W. B. Wooten ............ Greed or Patriotism, Which?  
T. L. Campbell .................. Triumph of Reason. L
- J. T. Haley ................ Heart Trob of the Masses. _ . . i
R. L. Gordon .................... Anglo-Saxon Union. i
A large and appreciate audience greeted the orators as
· they marched upon the rostrum, wl1ich was beautifully  
__ decorated with flowers. Mr. R. Pope, first honor man of e ?
‘ ’97, presided with a dignity and grace befitting the _ y
_ occasion; In appropriate terms he paid the compliments {
of the society to President Patterson and to Mr. Crum, ‘
. who gave the first and second medals respectively on `
C this star occasion. Saxt0n’s band furnished delightful
music. The judges gave in their decision in favor of ;
Mr. Haley first and Mr. Gordon second.  
i By a rule of the society Mr. Haley was its repre-  
sentative to the college primary for representation at CI
I the Inter-Collegiate Oratorical contest at the Opera  
House on April 2. {