  I-low to L1ve.....¤
~  , Do not eat adulterated food, which you surely do g g
  when you buy inferior Groceries, but try to get e   Q
gv  the best, if it costs you a little more. When you  Y
 f ` see an ad. calling your attention to an article
 i· , that is being sold for less than regular dealers e
  are asking for the same, you can depend upon it
 gg that it is adulterated. If you want to live
  A Long 'l`1me........,  
  And enjoy good health, eat wholesome food. 1
  Anything in the grocery line, both domestic and  
 gg, _ fancy, of the best quality and at the lowest prices iq;
  can be found at  
 if ,3'• :E•   8 G0.,  
  (Successors to Lindsay, R0gB1'B 86 C0·)  
  Grocers You Gan Trust.  
  Cor. Upper and Water Streets.  i;a
  ' A;_Fm.¤. uma on Q 
:4 l
  And everything in the Students line. It
it `
 E "