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  VOL. 7. LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH, 1897. NO. 6.  
  \Vhat of the Republic? What is to be the destinv of A .l
. this aggressive, self-governing, Anglo-American people? y
  Is it our sad fate to revolve again and again in the i
· beaten circle of the ages, and after withstanding the
repeated assaults of foes from without and the destructive l
» forces of civil strife—after climbing the steep ascent that l
leads from the degradation and illusion of savage life to ilii
the sun·crowned summit of national renown, must we  
now turn aside into a by—path that leads backward into in
i the realm of shadows, there to be assigned to an eternal ll
sleep? Or have we at last found the path that leads  
across the fields of human possibility towards the goal of li
i I our ambition-—-the final triumph of man?  
The past has bequeathed us its many lessons and bids i
us profit by the failures and successes of its experiments.  
Y The grand conclusion to be drawn from the lessons  
‘ taught by the nations that have perished in the struggle i
for existence is that: Equal rights with equzilityipof l
  justice and equality of opportunity in the race of life  
i guaranteed to each individual citizen and the fundamen-  
* tal principles of a stable government.  
V The stability of government is dependent upon the ;
cohesive force of individuals, even as the constancy of ~ l
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