A , .  
4 ‘ THE CADET. _  
· capital, who used to conduct the business of the country,  
are crowded out of their occupation and rendered super-  
.   fluous. There is now almost no opportunity for starting »  
in business in a moderate way. No opportunity {or the ,2..
young man who has no qualifications save a disciplined T  
mind and a manly character-no incentive for him to  
exert his talents endeavoring to lift humanity to a higher ‘·_.
plane of living, for the banded monopolies of our country Q6
_ stand in serried array battling for that class legislation  
[ which is so destructive to individual development. The y
p ambitious collegian, as he goes out in the world to seek  
. ~ for himself an independent livelihood. he finds the pro- = Qi
A fessions over-crowded, and as he gases upon the misery  
and woe of the mass of his struggling countrymen, turns i'
if his back upon the world and from his overburdened soul  
i exclainis : » it
` "T/Viiat is that whirl: I shouid turn to lighting upon days like those;
Every door   liarqed with gold and opens but to golden keg s." `
, These, then, are the products of monopolies——National
_ dishonor, social disorder and industrial stagnation. "By
their fruits ye shall know the1n." Are they the products l
¤ of our civilization? They are not the out-growth of - ‘
l ·— progress, they are rather fungus growths, horrible excres~ .
_ I . cences, parasites upon the body politic. They dominate
all channels of activity ; they corrupt judges; they con-
trol governors and legislators ; they make hewers of
wood and drawers of water of all who are outside of their
velvet cireles. They are despotic in spirit, tyrannical in
method g openly hostile to liberty and free institutions
and threatening menaces to the pursuits ol happiness and
t ` to equalitypand equal opportunities under the law. The
only salvation lor our republican institutions is the utter i
abolition of our present system tolerating unequal oppor-
I tunities, whether they be natural or the creatures of law. _
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