than year to date August fiscal year 2010 average daily census. UK HealthCare hospital system
posted a $5 million income from operations in August. Year-to-date income is $9.6 million,
which is $7.2 million above budget and $4.6 million above the prior year. Current month
investment loss is $1.9 million and year-to-date investment income is $5.6 million. Net assets
for the month increased by $1.4 million. For the year, the net assets have increased by $10.6
million, for a margin of 7.1 percent.
Mr. Murray Clark updated the Committee saying that the new hospital, which is set to
open in May, is still on schedule and under budget.
The University Health Care Committee approved the UK HealthCare medical staff by-
laws and voted to approve the university health care committee operating rules and to
recommend approval from the board of trustees (i.e., UHCCR 1 that was just approved).
Dr. Kevin Nelson presented for approval the privileges for Chandler and Good Samaritan
hospitals. The committee made a motion and approved all of the privileges.
P. Alumni Association Report
Ms. Patterson, alumni representative, offered a report on the activities and
accomplishments of the University of Kentucky Alumni Association. These included:
Support for the University and the UK Athletic Association through gifts and funding
from communication programs, events, services, in the amount of $1,295,500,
244 student recruitment events staffed and funded for UK Office of Admissions,
Recognition of six Great Teachers, each given an award of $6,000. She noted that Dr.
Todd is a fonner great teacher.
Promotion and encouragement of association and club scholarships in cooperation with
the UK Office of Development. Endowments reached $1,563,000 with more than
$300,000 in gifts and scholarship endowments and over $32,000 in scholarships being
Establishment ofthe diversity and group development committee of the national alumni
Funding and staffing ofthe intemational students’ Thanksgiving dinner.
Hosting of African American admitted student receptions in both Lexington and
Louisville and an African American prospective student letter-writing campaign,
Hosting of events in Malaysia, Greece, and Indonesia,
Production of four issues of the alumni magazine, and
Sending of 741 broadcast emails for the colleges and other university units throughout
the year.