Q Q  I A
Goal 4. Promole Diversily and Inclusion
Melric 4-4. Improve sludenl, facully, and slaff ralings on lhe Q
exlenl lo which UK is an inclusive communily, according lo
resulls oi a universily-wide survey.
“ B¤¤¤¤i¤¤* @
Welcoming Campus Environmenl 3.53
Perceplions of Disparale Trealmenl 2.37**
Facully and Siaii
Welcoming Campus Environmenl To be assessed
Oclober 2010
Perceplions of Disparale Trealmenl To be assessed
Oclober 2010
*Based on a scale of 1 lo 5 where 1=slrongly disagree and 5=slrongly agree
**For lhis scale, lhe lower lhe number lhe fewer perceplions of disparale lrealmenl.