The Alumni Association staff conducted 1,074 programs that engaged 51,000 alums. Ms.
Patterson noted that the association has hired a new program coordinator for student programs in
the hope that students will realize the importance of their Alumni affiliation before they become
alums. She also noted that the number of dues paying members increased to 37,335, which is a
Q. Other Business
Dr. Brockrnan asked if there was additional other business or new business. He
recognized Dr. Everett McCorvey, who said that he wanted to thank again the UK Emergency
Medicine team that worked so well at the World Equestrian Games. He expressed his gratitude
to Dr. Karpf who said that the credit goes to the medical team, not to him. Dr. Karpf likewise
expressed praise for the team, who literally saved the life of an individual who had a heart attack
at the games. He said that the team served over 900 people at the games, and that was all due to
volunteers. There was a round of applause from the audience.
R. Closed Session
Dr. Brockrnan again asked for additional business items and received no response from
the Board. He then announced that the Board needed to go into closed session to discuss a
proposal between the University and a business entity. The Board must go into closed session
because an open discussion ofthe proposal would jeopardize the siting, retention, expansion, or
upgrading of the business. He moved that the Board go into closed session pursuant to KRS
61.810 (1) (g), which allows an exception in the open meetings law that pennits the trustees to
go into closed session to discuss a specific proposal if an open discussion wouldjeopardize the
proposal. Mr. Shoop seconded. There was no dissent on the vote.
Closed session began at 2:05 p.m. in conference rooms F and G. Pam May, Billy Joe
Miles, and James Stuckert were not pennitted in the closed session due to conflict of interest.
During the closed session Pam May had to leave for a previous commitment.
Dr. Brockrnan announced at 3:12 p.m. that the closed meeting of the board of trustees had
concluded. He stated that no matter other than the proposal was discussed, that no final action
was taken, and that the Board was back in open session.
S. Adjourmnent
Dr. Brockrnan asked if there was any other business for the Board. A motion was made
by Mr. Stuckert to adjoum and seconded by Ms. Young. It passed without dissent.