— December l, search finn selection is finalized.
— Between December l and January l, national advertising of position.
— In February, the committee will forward recommendations of semifinalists to the
search finn for targeted review.
— In March, off-campus interviews ofthe semifinalists.
— In April, detennination of three to five finalists, off-campus interviews ofthe
finalists, and on-campus interviews of the finalists.
— May l is the extend-offer date.
Dr. Brockman expressed that despite the ambitiousness ofthe schedule, he is sure Mr.
Stuckert and the committee will do an excellent job.
E. President’s Report (PR lg
President Todd commented on the following items in PR l:
New Supercomputer Puts UK in Top l0 Public Universities for Computing Power
Infonnation Technology has successfully installed a new supercomputer which puts it in
the top l0 public universities for computing power. The supercomputer cluster is named in
honor of UK alumnus and Nobel Laureate William N. Lipscomb, Jr., and is three times more
powerful than UK‘s old supercomputing cluster.
$2.2 Million in Grants Fund KGS Carbon Seguestration Geothermal Data Project
Grant money in the amount of $2.2 million has been received, from American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act funding, by the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) for two projects to
study carbon sequestration and geothennal issues. President Todd announced that Kentucky has
now received over $l00 million worth ofthe so-called stimulus funds. He acknowledged that
the faculty and staff were aggressively present in the proposal process for those dollars.
Competition was fierce, involving both public and private institutions across the United States.
He is extremely pleased with their efforts.
UK Helps Make World Eguestrian Games a Success
President Todd praised the university’s participation in the 20l0 World Equestrian
Games at the Kentucky Horse Park. He thanked specifically Dr. Everett McCorvey, whose
responsibilities were for the opening and closing ceremonies as well as for many other
perfonnance aspects during the games. UK HealthCare was the medical provider for the games
and contributed an especially important role in saving the life of an attendee who had a heart
attack after the opening ceremonies. The College of Agriculture played a major role in