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i§ GRAYSON COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE (College of Agriculture, U. of K.), Q/0
 j, Robert T.‘ Faulkner, County Jlgent, Leitchfield; Founded 1927. Exe cutivo y ‘ ‘
s . _ A · . . ~ ..
·; secietory, Mrs. Ruby Royalty, Leitohfield. Telephone 84. Temns expire July,
  ‘ ‘ -
E Membership: 5214. Qualifications, form owners, operators, or tenants in- “_{ "
Q terestcd in the advancement of agriculture.
§ Committees: Extension, R. E. Layman, Cencyville; Soil Improvement, Emo Sapp, ’ ‘
Q Ceneyvilleg Form Bureau, S. C. Roy, Lcitchfield; 4—H Council, Robert Hoover,
Q Cuneyville.
ii Purroec: Pronotion of oericulturol education alonu modern end recticel lines.
  .......1 M- .- .. O . ·' . P
_ ,$ Normal Civic Activities: Coopereting with local end County Boards of Eduootien
;§ and Civntg Health Unit,. C
Y Defense nrtivities: Production of Food for Defense. Kember Civilian Defense,
gy, » Herd;r Sslvugo Campaign. `
Local Publications: None. ° U
i .
1 GR;YGJT COUNTY HEnLTH DQPARTMENT (Stete Board of Health), County Courthouse,
Leitohficld. Founded 1951. Director L. B. Colle , I. D. Lcitchfiold. ,Pyrt-
p J s
time *ount* Health Officer for Hart and Groison Counties Socretorv Irs. ‘
I .1 3 ,
h Greco Gush, Lcitchfield. Telephone 78.
;, Not n Ue;lership Organization; Professional qualifications roquired·fcr staff ’“ ““
—; comprising physician,_nurse, sanitation instructor-clerk.
Q Committees: None. 4 C
*§ Purpo¤e:Conservetion of the public health. e
it Normul Civic Activities; General Health re_rems cnbrucinv muternel and child
.» __._m,i__ _________,__ _ ¤
fg cure porticulurly school children. Departntrt cxn~inos Selective Service Sol-
_$} octoer und conducts V, D. Clinic.
E. Dofenro Activities; Qnguged in First Lid, Child Cure, Sewing ond Preparation
"Q of Surgical Dressings, lospitul and Clinic 1 Lssistnnce. A
f Local Publications: None.
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.y GHLYSCN COUITY HOLEM;KERS LSSOCIHTIOMS (Kentucky Federation, honcmmkers Clubs),
`Q c/c Mrs.'V. P. Hatfield, Leitchfield. Founded 1955. President, {rs. V. P.
· { Hitfield. Secretary, {rs. Clyde Lrbry, Lcitchfield. Term: expire October, 1945. ‘
{P Membership: 233. Open to rurgl women interested in the problems of hone econ-
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