xt7rv11vgb31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vgb31/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_107 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 107 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 107 1921 2014 true xt7rv11vgb31 section xt7rv11vgb31  
Extension Division ·
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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A satisfactory shed-roof house.
. By
Lexington, Ky.
July, 1921
Published ln connection with the agricultural extension work carried
on by co-operation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed in further-
ance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914.

 Fowls should be well housed, if they I
are to produce eggs well in winter. ( l`
A suitable house need not be expcn- ml
Essentials for a good poultry house vg
are: A
Plenty of fresh air and sunlight. W
i Dryness and freedom from drafts. in
Durability and moderate cost. [ll
Many farm poultry houses can be re·
modeled easily so as to make them satis- A
'factory. fr
V w

ln Kentuclcy, the climate of which is subject to sudden
changes of temperature, fowls 11eed suitable houses to enable tl1em
to produce eggs in winter. l11 ordcr that a hen lay i11 other than
the normal breeding season, she must first of all be comfort-
able. lf the feeding Zllltl breeding conditions are correct,
egg production will be proportional to the comfort of the fowl.
A poultry house should provide for the following essential
retpiirements; (1) Plenty of fresh air; (2) plenty of sunlight;
(3) dryness; (-1) freedom from drafts; (5) durability. The
poultry houses described in this circular are designed to meet
these rewpiiremcnts at. reasonably low cost.
Fresh Air. Ventilation is essential in the poultry house.
A poorly ventilated house is damp, close and unhealthful for
fowls. Ample ventilation is necessary to remove the moisture
which the fowls have exhaled. and also odors and gases. In
order to provide proper ventilation the house should be tightly
constructed on three sides with a part of the front open to
admit fresh air. To allow for increased ventilation during the
hot summer nights the back and top of the roosting quarters
should be eeiled and a drop ventilator placed under the caves.
(See figure l on page G.) The cloth curtains in the front
allow fresh air to pass thru and yet prevent draft. For max-
imum ventilation in the summer the curtains are opened and
the windows taken out.
Sunliglrt. Sunlight is far better than any disinfectant
in destroying disease germs. It also aids in keeping the house
dry. Flooding the house with plenty of sunlight aids appreci-

 1 1
4 Cl'}°t`lll(I}` N0. 107
ably 111 11113 winter ti111e 111 niaking eonditions spring-1111e. 'l`11 1
11ro1·ido aniple sunlight tl1e two large windows Sll<)\\`ll in 111.. wm.11
shed roof ty11e are necessary. One ailvaiitage of the 1111111 IW111
1nonitor type (see figure 1111 11age $1) is 1l1e large 1*11w 111` 11111. U1- 111
dows whieh 11er111i1 1111) sunlight, 111 111‘ll0ll'illL! 111 the l>ill'l{ (11. 1l1»· 1
house. Ill addi1i1111 111 tl1e wiiidows 1111 the s11111h 11r l.l'(1I\1 11j (_\_(_m
the house there sl11111ld be at least one \\'lll\1l>\\' l.<)l` (‘&l1'll ll) 1`1·.·; fmml
of length at the l1:11·k 111' the ll(1llNl` 1111111-r lll1‘1l1'11[1|1lII§ l1l12l]`11s4 U1. W
111 addition to 11l'O\'11lll1Q` light 111 the l1:11·l< ]1ill'l 111` the 11111111 _
lll1‘S1‘ \\`11l1l11\\'S aid 111 keeping the house 1*11111 111 Slllllllll‘l'. St111·Z; l_. L
sixe \\'lll1ll1\\' $11511 sh1111l1l always 11l* used. 111 general six ligl1·1 \_llm__
111xl2 inehes will prove 1111151 S2lllSl`il1‘l<11`}'. lll llll‘ past. 11111 1111111 “_]li]
open front has 110011 1'(‘t‘111lllIl1‘ll(l<‘1l. '1`he 11l`1‘S<‘lll l1‘ll1l1‘II1‘)' {1 Thljm
111 1·e1l111·e the 11111-11 S11il1't‘ that is 1‘11\'1‘I‘1‘1l with 1-111111 1·111·1:11r; iii; iv
lf tl1e 1-111111 l'lll'l2llllS are hinged 1111 the inside 111` the l11111~· il__  
they sh11nl1ll11· 1111111 111 two S1‘1‘llU11S 1S1‘1‘11ilgI1‘S 111:11111 ll 1_ $11 11, 9 ITT
tl1e sill ll1il)'l11‘ Sil1]1k‘1l l(l\\'ill'1lS 11111- 1111tsi1l1·. ll` the 1'll1`l2llIl sill Q “1Ix1
level tl1ere will 11e ll`11ll11lt‘ 1`l`11ll1 11l`l\'lll1I rains. 'l`he 1·l111l1 1-11:1- :;Nl_
tains may 11e on the outside 211111 lllllll 111 slots so that tl1ey 11111;: {LN;]
` he lowered to 2l(l1l1ll tl1e sunlight. lt` sneh ('1ll'l2llI1S are 11s·[ HW _
they should he two feet high {11111 21l'l'Elllfl`1‘1l 111 slide 1111 :1111l 111111::,
I)l'_l[}l(`S$‘. (iOl'1(l \'l‘lllllilll11Il. 1ll'21lll2ly1'1‘ and plenty (ll- >1l`1—
light. are essential 111 keeping tl1e ll11ll$1‘ dry. 11ryness is il 11111~‘ " tho (
ll111)0l'l'tlll1 essential of a 11t1lllll`_\' house. l1l‘1‘2lllSl‘ the 111111 has 1; Shim
sweat glands. A large 11111·ti1111 of tl1e lllt1lSllll`l‘ of l1e1· 11111lj: wan
is renioyed tl1ru her 11l'l‘2lll1ll1Q. lf the air \\'llll'll she is 111·1—;11F.
ing is da11111 it will 11111 2ll1S|ll'l1 the llli1l$llll'1‘ l.l`11lI1 l1e1· l11·1·11‘1. {1***1*
linder 112111111 1‘11lllllll|1llS tl1e 1l111·l< is ll1f1l`(`* $llS1‘(‘11lll1l1‘ 111 1l1s1·;1~·-. » Slim]
ln order that tl1e house 11e perfeetly d1·y 11 good f111lll` is 1111·» mill"
essary. 1f a lV12“1I`(l floor is used the 111111se sl11111l1l he set   01 I
posts at least 18 inehes off tl1e ground. A f'Oll(‘l'(‘l(" 1loo1· will bmi
he 11Cl‘f`C(‘ll}' dry if ]1l`(111(‘l'l}' eonstrueted. hm`?
Freedom from Dmfls. A 11Cll roosting 111 the house 111·.1i‘ ZN?
a eraek may develop 1·111111. 111*111%*, 111 :11*11111 Slll‘ll t1·1111l1l1·. 11113 mp
house should 11e so eonstrueted as 111 allow lllZ`1Xlll11llll \'1‘lll1111‘ “_m_
tion without drafts. 11 is 2l(l\'lS2ll)lO 111 have the house 11111 has
20 feet from front to back, as this lessens tl1e ehanees of draft?.

 Ilouxing Frrrnt 1’0uIlr_a; 5
]){{)'tllHi/l-tj/. A poultry house worth huilding; at all is 7
worth luiihling in a ])<‘l'IIl2llll‘Ill. way. '1`he durability of tho  
poultry house nlepemls lllttlll the [>l'¢>]N‘l' Seleetlon and utilization A
ol` the material ol` whieh it is eonstruetetl. »
(`onerete properly iuzule is tlnrulile. l'EIl>l<‘ t`or 1le:·a_v. lleart <·ypi···ss_ <·etlars_
white oak or ¢·lose-grained wootls naturally resist tleeay hut
;n·p often vwy expensive antl hard to get. 'l`he sap woods of
all speeies are reu·lil_v l»rol,; ` _ _ 5 .
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Fig. 1. A shallow shed-roof house which has been remodeled into il i · _ `
half-monitor house. Note entrance to incubator cellar. · F `
The nests, roosts and all equipment should bc so arranged ‘¥
as to permit all thc tioor space to be used for scratching. 'l`hi<
necessitates a dropping board under thc roosts which keeps
the straw litter much cleaner. Thciboard should be 2 I 2 t0
3 feet above the floor and should extend out at: least IO inches
from the first roost. The roosts should all be on thc same I
level to prevent the birds fighting for the top roost. Ten
to twelve inches of roost space should be provided for each bird
of the heavier breeds, whereas eight inches is sufficient for

 _ Ilausing Farm Poullry 7 1
l r. · 1
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Fig. 2. Interior of a ‘.Z0x20 shed-roof house.
The nests sliown in tl1e eut will prove satisfactory. Inex-
pensive nests van be niaile ol` orange or lenion erates by laying
them 011 one side and putting a four-ineh strip along the front
to hold tl1e straw in tl1e nest. (See figure 3.) If this type
of 11est is used a framework should be built along tl1e wall 011
which to set tl1e nest boxes.
A 1  Ji'   ` ‘ ' .- .... gf ..-. .,-Q___..;1..; f`——*·····e··———
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Fig. 3. A cheap, satisfactory nest made from an orange crate.

S ('I·}°<‘l(fll)` No. [OT
A large se1f—feeder or hopper is essential when dry mash A
is fed. ’l`he one shown iu ligure tl has heen found satist`aeto1·y
and will hold a good supply ot` tnash. The s:·l1`—l`eel· il11(l l.1`(`l* l.1`(111l ll1t¤1’*2·’:,’~;=¤:=¢:t;,,’ ·~ '   
.. ; ' , _ .».   ._TAl-·,,;_x,-`,:t` _   _.  U
:r ‘ . · _-,1,,5;;»,t#~*$7z;e-*·tq¥i~.1.—t·°°' »"·»`?ijQ·~<‘_;,‘ Z"
"ll’“· Fig. S. A satisfactory halt`-monitor house on a Kentucky farm.
long .
t‘etl>l»· t`oncrete for thc tloor. when the work is one-course con-
Ncc struction. should he 1:2 ;i} mixture. A 1:2:33 mixture means 1
·rcte. sack of Portland cement to 2 cultic feet of sand and 3 cubic
l ex- feet of c1·ushcd stone or pchhles. To secure the greatest de-
tbout gree ot` sanitation, the surt`ace must he troweled smooth. If
sary. two-course construction is used a leaner mixture such as
le at i 1:2 1 2:5 is adyisahle for the hase. Mix with less water than
into would hc used t`or foundation work. The right consistency will
aches he recognized when the water tlushes to the surface under mod-
iould crate tamping. t`oyer this hase coat immediately with a 1:2
esills mixture one inch thick for the wearing coat.; this coat, eon-
ld he sisting of one sack of cement to 2 cubic feet of well-graded,
neans clean. coarse sand not containing particles larger than 1 1
well- inch. should he mixed to a consistency that can he easily ley-
roken cled with a straight edge. Finish smooth with a trowel. The
floor should he laid so as to drain to one side. or to one corner.

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12 CI·I'¢‘lll(l)` N0. .107 ‘
The wulls sl1o11ld he t'0llSll`lll‘lt‘ll so us to p1·eve11t. drut"ts.
retuiu heut, Pl`L‘\'t‘lll' tl1e (‘0ll(ll‘llSilllUll ot' IlllllSllll`t‘, uml l1uye tl Fl
smooth Slll'l.2lk‘0 whieh muy he kept l.l't‘t‘ t`1·o111 mites illltl other
\'Cl’1l1lll. No. l lllillt‘llL‘1l drop siding or SlX-lll<‘ll llt1l>l`llI;;` plueed F
llO1'lZOlllilll}` or \'Cl`llt‘illl}' muy he used l`o1· the sidi.11;;·. liox llllll-
ber pluced vertiuully with the 1·1·z11·l(‘llt‘ll'illtE deep1·1·: (2) E
less stmldiug muy be used. F
The two 111USl populur styles ot` roof ure the llillli-llllllIlt(`»l`
uml the shed roof. The ll2lll`~lll<>l1lll)l' is very SilllSl‘ilt‘lt)l'}° when I
the l1011se is deeper thuu 16 feet. The front euyes 0i` the hult`-
111o11it01· (see figure 5H should projevt ut leust one 1.001
1 beyond the frout wull. lt` the shed root is used u l.l`l>lll
projection 01· hood is very desirul>le to keep Ulll the driviiig
ruins. Such u hood is Sll0\\'ll 011 tl1e pluus lll this {‘ll`t‘lllill` for
the sl1ed—type house. The chief udvuiituges of tl1e shed ]'t>t1l`
ure its euse of C0llSl1‘llC'[lO11 uml ee0110111y of 111ute1·iul. A good
grade of prepured rooting hus several il(l\'2llll2lQ`t‘$ over shingles
i11 tl1e eo11st1·m’·tio11 of the roof of u poultry l1011se. (ll It (*2111
be eusily uml quickly luid. (2) lt is more (lllI‘2ll>l<‘ th1111 shiu- ‘
gles 011 slopes less tl1u11 l Il piteh. (3) lf properly put 011. it
is absolutely tight. (4) It is relutively elieup.
The rooting should he luid 011 21 Slllfllllll, tight Slll'l`2ll‘<‘ to
prevent (l?11ll2l{1'(`f from Sil`Ull{2_` \\`lll(lS or l1uil. 'l`l1<· t‘X]ll‘llS(‘ ot`
sheuthiug the roof tigzlitly will he offset; by the longer lit`o of tl1e

 ‘ 1[uusing Farm Poultry 13 Q
For Wood Posts: I
ll loeust or ectlar posts li" in diaincler, Il' long.
For Concrete Piers:
EI piers, l2"xl2"xZi’. V
5 sacks of eeinent
Ig cubic yard sand
1 rubie yard of crushed stone
Foundation lliglgis mixturci
15 sacks of cement
11,5 cubic yards sand
2% eubie yards crushed stone
llase 4" of 1:2155 mixture
Top coat, 1" of 1 to 1 mixture
-I»l sacks of cement
315 cubie yards of sand
ll; t·ubit· yards of crushed stone
See pages 10 and 11 for plans.
V Joists, 11 pes. 2"x»l"x20’ No. 2 yellow pine.
Sliiplap, —I20 board ft. S" No. 2 yellow pine
Studdm:. tl pes. 2"x»l"x1S' No. 2 yellow pine
3 pes. 2"x-l"xlll’ Na. 2 yellow pine
10 pes. 2"x4"xl0' No. 2 yellow pine
Plates. 2 pes. 2"x—l"x20' No. 2 yellow pine
Boxing. 10 foot leagrlis. 500 board feet. No. 2 yellow pine
Battens, 1,230 lineal feet
Rafter supports, 2 pes. 2"x»1"x20’ No. 2 yellow pine I
Rafiers, 22 pes. 2"x»I"x12' No. 2 yellow pine
Sltiplap, 600 bd. ft. S" No. 2 yellow pine
3-ply prepared roofing, G squares

 I 14 Circular N0. 107
Rocsts: 'I
6 pcs. 2"x»l"x20’ No. 2 yellow pine
3 pes. 2"x-l"x1ti’ No. 2 yellow pine
I Dropboard, 120 board feet S" Shiplap No. 2 yellow pine
  Flooring, 200 board feet G" D. & l\l. Flooring No. 2 yellow pine
3 Nests: I
6 pcs. 1"x-l"x16' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
5 pcs. 1"x12"x1t3’ Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
4 pcs. 1"x4"x16' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
1 pc. 2"x4"x12' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
2 single sash 6—light S"x10"
6 single sash 6-light 10"x12"
1-inch wire screen 4’x10’
Canvas for screens, 4'x10’
El 2 pcs. 1"x4"x10’ Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
QQ 1 pe, 1"x4"x16’ Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
5 pounds 5d nails 12 pair steel butts il" hinges
40 pounds Sd nails 1 pair -I" strap hinges
I 20 pounds 10d nails ti hooks and eyes
20 pounds 20d nails
4 pcs. 2"x4"x20' No. 2 yellow pine
Studding, 2 pes. 2"x~l"x1G’ No. 2 yellow pine
12 pcs. 2"x—i"x1—1' No. 2 yellow pine
2 pes. 2"x-l"x12’ No. 2 yellow pine
20 pes. 2"x-1"x10’ No. 2 yellow pine
Plates and purlines, 6 pes. 2"x—l"x20’ No, 2 yellow pine
Sheathing, -160 board feet_8" drop siding No, 2 yellow pine
Roof: ·
11 pcs. 2"x4"xT’ No. 2 yellow pine
11 pcs. 2"x4"x10’ No. 2 yellow pine
11 pcs. 2"x4"xS' No. 2 yellow pine
Sheathing: 650 hoard feet S" shiplap N0. 2 yellow pine
5% squares 3-ply prepared roofing

 llousing Farm 1'0ulH‘y 15 {
Trim: .
2 pes. 1"x4"x2lJ' No. 2 dressed Yellow pine I
3 pes_ 1"x4"xlH’ No. 2 dressed yellow pine V
1 pc. 1"x41"xl4' No. 2 dressed yellow pine
ne T pes. 1"x·l"x10’ No. 2 drussetl yellow pine V
9 1·sush, 4·light 10"xl|i"
2 1-sash, G-light S"x10"
ll pes. 2"x4"x20’ No. 2 yellow pine
2 pcs. 2"x4"xll3' No. 2 yellow pine
2 pes. 2"x·l"xl2’ No. 2 yellow pine
120 board feet S" shiplap No. 2 yellow pine
200 board feet G" D. & I\I. i·`looring, No. 2 yellow pine
G pes. 1"x4"x14’ Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
T pcs. 1"x12"x1G' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
gi`? 4 pes. 1"x9"xl6’ Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
2 pes. 2"x4"x12' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
Wire netting. 1" mesh poultry netting. 3'x~l0'
Curtains. muslin fl'x20’
3 pcs. 1"x3"x1S' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
13 pcs. 1"x-l"x12' Dressed No. 2 yellow pine
1 pair 4" wrought steel butts
26 pair B" wrought steel butts
24 bolts. washers and nuts. ¥§"x12"
1 rim lock with knobs
5 lhs. 5d iinish
4 lbs. 5d common
_ 30 lbs. Sd common
20 lbs. 10d common
20 lbs. 20d common
12 hooks and eyes
9 window bolts and chains or rope for opening windows

  16 Cl·I'(‘I([ll}' N0. IO? i
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 » ' ` Ilousing I·'urm ['mdlry 17  
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 18 Circular N0. 107
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Fig. 4. Self-feeder for dry mash.