xt7rv11vhz0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhz0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2005 2005 2005-03-01 2020 true xt7rv11vhz0q section xt7rv11vhz0q Tuesday

March 1, 2005

newsroom: 257-l915

first issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.



Celebrating 33 years of independence





Targeting Top-20: College-
town relations improving
Page 6


Too poor for an iPod?

Page 5


Most UK teams meet academic standard

NCAA rating system analyzes progress;
only men's basketball trails D-l goal

By Adam Sichko

All but one of UK's 22
athletic teams met or ex-
ceeded a new National (Dolle-
giate Athletic Association
academic performance stan-
dard announced yesterday.

According to the Acade-
mic Progress Rate system.
the UK's men‘s basketball
team has a value of 827. be-
low the NCAA Division I av-
erage of 906. The goal is 925:
a perfect score is a 1000.

Sandy Bell. UK's associ-
ate athletic director for com-

pliance. said last year was a
“unique year" for the men‘s
basketball team and stressed
that all data are preliminary

“The message is. just
don’t jump to any conclu-
sions. because there are
teams that don't look fine
this year that will be OK
next fall," Bell said. "And
there are teams who look
fine right now that could be
in trouble next fall.

“lt‘s way too early to
draw conclusions." she said.
“This is a snapshot of just
one year."

The NCAA created the
Academic Progress Rate as
part of an academic reform
program designed to better
reward ~ or punish ~ the
performance of a universi-
ty‘s student-athletes. said
NCAA President Myles

“This is the implementa»
tion of a more far-reaching
academic reform than we've
seen in decades." Brand said
in a teleconference. “We‘re
holding schools and individ-
ual sports teams account-
able for the academic suc~
cess of student-athletes.

“The message is clear:
Recruit student‘athletes who
are capable of doing college-
level work. and help them

continue progress toward a
degree." he said.

This data doesn't come
with punishments yet.
The NCAA will wait to add
information from this
school year until the start of
the 2005-06 school year be-
fore taking away scholar-
ships from teams who aren’t
at the 925-point plateau.

To start. the NCAA will
not have much data to base
the rating system on. so a
“confidence interval" has
been temporarily estab—
lished to help project what
rating an individual team
could reach over an extend-
ed period of time.

Currently. UK’s baseball
and men‘s soccer teams are







The Moscow (Iircus pcrfomted last
night at the I/exington Opera 1 louse as
part ofL'K’s Cultural Diversity li‘cstival.

The festival continues tonight with a

performance by the Prague Symphony
Orchestra at 7:30 pm. at the Singlctaiy
( Icntcr for the Arts.

Above: Russian circus clowns Vladimir Plu-
gatar (left) and Irina Pluhatar perform at
last night's “A Russian Winter's Tale" at the

Lexington Opera House.

Left: Gymnast lolanta Stradomskayte of the
Moscow Circus performs a silk aerial act.




Career fair tomorrow offers job interviews

By Shannon Mason

The James W Stuckert
(‘areer (‘enter will host a
Spring (‘areer Fair and iii-
ternship Expo in the Student
Center Ballroom on Wednes»
day from 11 am. to 3 pm.

More than 100 companies
have registered.

Sue Strip. (‘a-
reer (‘enter direc‘

such as Pricewater»
lBM. Procter &
Gamble. Toyota. doors."
Walt Disney World
and Xerox will be
on campus.

More than half
of the companies
attending are from
Kentucky. including :17 com-
panies with large plants in
Lexington and surrounding
areas. and nine companies
from Louisville. The compa-
nies that are attending repre-
sent 16 states overall.

More than :10 companies
attending are high-tech engi-
neering companies. including
(TSX Railroad. UPS and UPS
Airlines. and Weyerhaeuser


“Get out
tor. said recruiters there and
open new

Leah Craft

French and economrcs
senior. on the iarr's benefits

Strup said that even
though nine career fairs take
place during the school year.
this is the first face-toface ca-
reer fair to be hosted in the
spring and on this scale.

The companies attending
are coming with open posi-
tions. and though students
may not get job offers. they
may get a chance to
interview. Strup

“We have 15
companies on cam-
pus the next day to
do intervieWs." she

(‘ompanies are
looking for students
from all majors for
full-time employ-
ment. part-time em-
ployment. summer and fall
internships. engineering co
op and summer employment

Employers and event
hosts advised students to
bring several resumes. dress
in a professional manner.
have questions to ask. and
have some knowledge of the
companies they would like to
speak with.

“Make a list of the top

three attributes you want to
stress to your employer." said
Jill Franxman. associate di-
rector of finance and ac-
counting for Procter & (lam-
ble. “That way you can hand
them your resume and point
out the three highlights. Kind
of prepare a 30-second com-
mercial about yourself."

(‘hristy Sweeney. the uni»
veisity relations specialist for
Lexmark inter-
national. lnc,.
said students
can never be
too prepared.

“ B r i n g
more resumes
than you think
you will need."
she said. “You never know
who you will want to give one

Sweeney said companies
consider a few characteristics
when looking at candidates.

“You see so many people
at a career fair." she said.
“The people you remember
are either going to be really
put together or a mess."

Some UK students have
already benefited from (‘a-
reer (‘enter events,

Career Fair

For a list of companies attend-
ing tomorrow’s Career Fair. visit

Leah Craft. a French and ‘;

economics senior. is current-

ly interning with Merrill 1
Lynch. one of the companies -
that she was introduced to ‘
through the (‘areer Center. ,
She recommends that stu- ‘

dents attend any and all ca-
reer events that they can.
“Get out there and open

new doors." (‘raft said. “Be .

ambitious. don't be shy"


Braswell. a De-
cember ac-
counting and fi- .
nance gradu-
ate. is now in-
terning with
a compzny he met through j
the (‘areer (‘enter ‘

“It‘s easy to get online and
get the feel of a company."
Braswell said. “The best way .
to do it is 11 person. Take ad- ‘
vantage of this opportunity." ‘

Students not available to .
attend the fair are encour- :
aged to go online and partici- i
pate in the Virtual Career
Fair. which began Feb. 21 and
will run through March 4.

Email newsakykernelmm 1

using this interval to top the
925-point goal.

Nine UK teams earned
perfect scores.

To incur a penalty. a
team using a confidence in
terval must be below the 925-
point mark. and it must also
have at least one “0»for-2"
student-athlete , someone
who did not return to school
the following semester and
was at the same time acade~
mically ineligible.

Bell said once the data
for this school year is added
to the current ratings, the
UK men's basketball team
should not have to be penal-

“The average for the
men’s team next year will be

UHS director urges

way higher than this
year‘s." Bell said.

Last year‘s team featured
four seniors who each pur-
sued professional basketball
opportunities without fin-
ishing their degrees, which
counted against UK. Bell
said the calculations do not
figure in non-scholarship

But this year’s team has
two seniors 7 both of whom
will graduate —— and is also
expected to have everyone
else remain academically el-
igible. Bell said.

"That being said. would
we have liked men‘s basket.
ball to be higher?" Bell

See NCAA on page 2

healthcare coverage

UK offers student insurance plans;
one student tells of debt due to bills

By Becky Hall
is: kmuckv KERNEL

Health insurance may be
one of the last things on stu-
dents‘ minds when they head
to college. but a UK adminis:
trator said students are run
ning a huge risk without it.

About 20 percent to 30
percent of college students
do not have medical insur-
ance. said Dr. Greg Moore. di-
rector of University Health

Most private colleges and
an increasing number of
public schools are requiring
students to have health in-
surance. he said.

UK has a $96.75 mandato-
ry health fee each semester
that allows students unlimit
ed visits at UHS. laboratory
work. X-rays. mental health
appointments and some med-
ication costs.

Moore said the fee does
not cover anything that hap-
pens at the hospital.

However. UK does offer
its students health insurance
coverage for about $600 a

The student insurance
plan covers costs related to
hospitalization. accident care
and surgical procedures.

Moore said about 6.000
[K students. half of whom
are undergraduates and half
of whom are graduate stu-

Suicide bomb in Iraq

dents. are covered through
the plan.

Phillip Rieger. a comput-
er information and technolo
gy sophomore at LCC. spent
a week at UK hospital after a
lung collapsed Feb. 2.

Rieger said he wishes he
would have gotten insurance
prior to his hospitalization
but never thought he would
need it.

“I didn‘t really know
what my coverage was
through UK.” Rieger said. “I
didn‘t know about the 3600
plan until after the fact.

“You don't think it's go-
ing to happen to you, and
then it does."

Now Rieger is trying to
find a way to pay off the
834.000 he owes to the UK
Chandler Medical Center.

His doctor visits cost
810.000. and his hospital costs
were an additional $30,000.

Because his income falls
within a low-income catego-
ry. he has to pay 40 percent of
the 810.000 in doctor fees. He
has to pay the full amount of
hospital costs. leaving him
with a 314.000 total bill.

Adding to his financial
woes are payments for a new
car he purchased in January
and an increased car insur»
ance bill because of an acci~
dent he had last year. Rieger

See Insure on page 4

kills at least 115 people

By Jackie Spinner and Saad Sarban
THE wisnmcrou P051

Monday morning. Younis
Qasim had sent his 10-year
old son to buy vegetables at
the market in central Hilla. a
city south of the capital. Lat-
er. at home with his wife and
family. Qasim heard an explo
sion. immediately thought of
his son and ran out to find

Khalid Alwan had been
sitting in his apartment near
a medical clinic. Alwan. :11.
realized what had happened
just before the windows of
his apartment shattered in a
spray of glass.

A car bomb targeting
lraqi civilians applying for
government jobs had explod-
ed outside the clinic, killing
at least 115 people and Wound-
ing at least 146. It was one of
the deadliest attacks of the

"We were shocked." Al-
wan said as he stepped
around pools of blood and
pieces of flesh. “i don‘t know
what these cowards get from
killing all those people."

The bomb blew up at 9:30
am. as people were lining up
at the Popular Clinic of Hilla
for medical tests required for
positions in the health and

education ministries and the
security forces. said Qais
Hamza. police chief of Babil
province. which includes
Hilla. a bustling city of near-
ly half a million people 60
miles south of Baghdad.

Fire and metal shards
from the blast ripped through
the crowd of job applicants as
well as the nearby vegetable
and fruit market. which was
filled with women and chil-
dren shopping for their daily

Qasim. 34. had raced to
the market to look for his son.
But hours after the blast. he
still had not located him. “I
am afraid." Qasim said. “This
place should have been well
protected. How could the po
lice or army not recognize
that? Don't they know this
country is full of terrorism?"

Witnesses said the blast
came from a white Mit-
subishi sedan parked on the

“It was terrible." said
Aqeel Muslim. 40. who oper-
ates a small tea stand near
the clinic. “People were
screaming and running, cov-
ered with blood. Some of the
shrapnel and pieces of flesh
fell near my stand."

The clinic and nearby
buildings were pocked with



 PAGEZ I Tuesday, Harchl, 2005


Continued from page I

asked. “Yes.

“But those (numbers) are
indicative of circumstances
beyond our control."

The point system works
like this: Each student-athlete
on a roster can earn tip to
four points a year for his or
her team W one point per se-
mester for remaining academ—
ically eligible. and one point
per semester for remaining at
the same university.

For UK's men's basketball
team. the 13 scholarship play-
ers can accumulate a possible
group total of 52 points.

A team must get 92.5 per-
cent of those possible points
to remain in good academic
standing with the NCAA a
high number. Bell said.

“Nine hundred twenty-five
was much higher than any»
thing previously indicated to
us." Bell said. “That was
somewhat of a surprise.“

Beginning this December.
the NCAA will punish univer-
sities by limiting a team‘s al-
lotment of scholarships if
that squad is still not achiev~
ing the 925-point mark or

According to NCAA data.
a men's basketball team could
lose up to two scholarships.
and a football team could lose

“Some schools will have a
significant hurdle if they
don't change immediately."
said NCAA vice president
Kevin Lennon. “it‘s clearly a
benefit to the institution. be-
cause of the point totals. to
encourage individuals to re-
main in school.

“There will be some pro-
grams that may not like the
numbers they have in front of
them. but that‘s the purpose.“






Basketball ; 827
Cross Country : 964
Football 3 935
Golf ; 978
Soccer‘ 9l0
Swimming l.000
Tennis 3 1,000
Track (Indoor) , 941
Track (Outdoor) .


Basketball 1.000
Cross Country l,000
Golf 979
Gymnastics ' 942
Soccer ‘ 990
Softball 97]
Swimming 973
Tennis l,000
Track (Indoor) 1,000
Track (Outdoor) l,000

Rifle 1,000


. Qfiflfltfllfl- ..

1,000 ,

' indicates teams using the “confidence interval” to meet the 925 standard

,l,NCMPJY-,.I A19.




he said.

Bell sees that purpose. and
so do all of the UK head
coaches. she said.

“They have been extreme-
ly accepting." Bell said. “Our
coaches are educators first.
but they‘re all aware of the
outside influences to what
they're doing."

The "outside influence"
the allure of professional
sports most affects the
sports of men's basketball.
football and baseball.

Not surprisingly. the ma
jority of all teams projected to
fall short of the 92:"rpoint goal

about 412 of the 5.720 teams
in NCAA Division 1 competi-
tion play one of those
three sports. NCAA President
Myles Brand said.

“There's a rabid problem

that many student-athletes
think they're going to the
pros. so they don't take their
academic work seriously,"
Brand said.

Bell said the one common
denominator for UK's men's
basketball. football and base-
ball teams is the influence of
professional sports. but she‘s
confident that UK‘s four bas-
ketball seniors from last sea-
son will return to finish their

“They have a chance to
help their families and be-
come financially indepen-
dent." said Bell. noting that
UK won‘t receive any points
when they graduate. “You
don't want to take that away
from them."

(with [com kykerrwlmm

Academic performance ratings

among athletes in SEC schools

,,,,-. 970
944 p
900‘ |

Div 1

Continued from paqel

holes from the blast; ptmls of
blood collected on the side
walks and in the street. After
the dead and wounded were

carried away. men collected
the stray shoes. scraps of

949 949 948

“it ‘ ltd Aa'ww 'w Apr . “10.6

clothcs and bags of the no
tints and tossed them in a
pile And tn an all too familiar
sceni- lilllii\\'lll;1.'i bomb attack
in lraq. volunteers grimly
picked up body parts and
placed them on blankets
Muhammed l)hia. the di-
rector of liilla Hospital. said
l to people were lll_llll‘l‘(l in the
attack Dozens of people are
unaccounted for and the num»


We service will run March 8-11




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.wsaa Miss Arkansas
Stats State

934 933 933

Harm | surr

ber of dead is likely to climb.
he said.

lraqi police barred ‘]()lll‘v
nalists from speaking with
the wounded at the hospital
and beat several cameramen
who were trying to get inside.
A Washington Post special
correspondent who was able
to enter the emergency room
saw patients whose faces were
covered in blood


The Kernel is
printed on
recycled paper.

We do our part.
Now do yours.


Why your best
opportunity might involve
some teamwork.

As a Financial Representative of the Northwestern Mutual Financial
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March 1, 2005

By Jeff Patterson


Chris Bernard always
wanted to be the goto guy.

When he was a free-agent
rookie with the Indianapolis
Colts last season. that wasn‘t
going to happen. With Marvin
Harrison. Reggie Wayne and
Brandon Stokley ahead of
him. Bernard was relegated
to the practice squad.

But now Bernard will get
his chance in NFL Europe.
The Amsterdam Admirals se-
lected Bernard in the allocat-
ed-player draft Feb. 14.

“They got me as the prolif—
ic receiver." Bernard said. “I
just want to impress these
coaches like in Indy"

Bernard led all Colts re-
ceivers during the preseason
with 12 catches for 84 yards.
But with a crowded receiver
corps. there was no room for
Bernard on the active roster.
The Colts released him mid-
way through the season.

The Admirals project
Bernard. who ran the 40yard
dash in 4.4 seconds before last
year‘s NFL Draft. to be their
primary receiver for quarter-
back Kurt Kittner. the former
Illinois quarterback who was
allocated by the Atlanta Fal-

A solid performance in
Europe could lead to a return
trip to the Colts for Bernard.

“It could give me leverage
with the Colts." he said. "If
the Colts want to cut me. oth-
er teams will be right there."

NFL Europe's three-week
camp opened Sunday in Tam-
pa Bay. Fla.

Bernard will recognize a
familiar face in a foreign land.
Former UK defensive lineman
Jeremy Caudill was selected
in the free—agent draft by the

“Hopefully. they'll stick us
together" Bernard said.

Bernard and (‘audill
roomed together while
Caudill was with the (‘olts
briefly last summer Caudill
signed as a free agent with the
Colts after the NFL Draft last
year. but was cut June 15.

As a free agent. (‘audill
plans on using NFL Europe as
an open audition to get a shot
with an NFL team, The Balti-
more Ravens. (lreen Bay
Packers and Tennessee Titans
are interested in him. (‘audill

“I don‘t know if the (.‘olts
will be interested in Inc. and l
don‘t know if I'll be interested
in the Colts." (‘audill said.

After leaving the (‘olts.
Caudill joined the Lexington


Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

I'K l“()()’l‘B.\I.I. .\'o'I'IeIiooK

Cats work to keep playing



Phone: 257-1915 I E'rriarl: sports©kytiemelrom


Former UK defensive lineman Ellery Moore (left) and Vincent "Sweet Pea" Burns (middle) are hopin to play foot-
ball professionally. Burns worked out at the NFL Combine In front of pro scouts this past week in In ianapo is.

Horsemen of the National In-
door Football League midway
through its championship

He spent most of the fall
recovering from having his
left knee scoped in August.
but now “everything is healed
up." Caudill said.

The Admirals will open
their season April 2 against
the Rhein Fire.

Bums goes to NFL Combine

Former UK defensive end
Vincent "Sweet Pea" Burns
has Worked out at the NFL
Scouting (‘ombine this past
week in lndianatxrlis.

Burns was hampered by
injuries throughout his se-
nior season. A knee scope
sidelined him early in the sea
son. and a severely sprained
ankle limited him after the
Auburn game Oct. 31%. But
Burns said he was back to
form by the time he played in
the Gridiron (‘lassic senior
game Jan. 15 in Orlando. Fla.

"The Inain thing is. every-
boily wants to see me run.”
Burns said. “(The scouts) said
I did better than they thought
I would with the injury at the
end of the season."

Burns has been running
the ill-yard dash in about 4.7

Burns said he hopes to be
drafted anywhere frotn the
second to fourth round of
April's NFL Draft with a good
showing at the combine.

There is a small possibili-
ty sortie teams would want
Burns as an outside line


Baseball game canceled

Today‘s baseball game be-
tween UK anti East Terr
nessee State has been cati-
celled due to projected in
clement Weather No make up
date has been scheduled.

A final decision will be
made today on whether to-
morrow's scheduled game
with the Bucs VI ill be played.

The (‘ats ((+1) are coming
off a three-game sweep of
the Buffalo Bulls over the

UK will host Toledo at l

wwwaiay rottr‘tlaassestiaemoae

‘V‘tl'i'lf'utt‘ . ,_

0 Baptist Student Union's English
Conversation Class, 6 00 PM, 429
Columbia Ave

0 UK Fencing Club Meeting, 8 00
PM, Buell Armory/Barker Hall

I Leftist Student Union Meeting,
800 PM, Student Center 228

0 UK Berean Bible Study. 8 00 PM,
Student Center, Room 113

0 UK Green Thumb Meeting, 7 00
PM, Student Center, Room 106

0 UK Anime Club Meeting, 6 00
PM, Center Theater, Student Center
0 NASA General Meeting. 7 15 PM,
B 8- E building RM 215

0 French Film Series, 7 00 PM, WT
Young Library Auditorium

0 Baptist Student Unions presents
'TNT,‘ 7.30 PM, 429 Columbia Ave

pm. Friday at Cliff Hagan
Stadium. The Rockets will be
in town for a three-game se-

Sparks earns SEC honor

IIK junior guard Patrick
Sparks has been named the
Southeastern (‘onference
Player of the Week after his
26<})()llli performance on the
road at Alabama,

Sparks nailed a career
high seven :l-pointers. the
third most in school history.
to help UK secure a 78>Tl
comeback victory and clinch

"r IWJ‘H‘ ”an" AI' . 'rit .inmr

- Central KY FCA Meeting,
8:00 PM, U stairs in the
Commons arket

. UK Judo Club ractice,
5:00 PM, Alumni Gym Loft
0 "The Rock," 9:00 PM,

Ba tist Student Center on
Co umbia Ave.

0 Table Francaise, French

conversation roup, 3:00
PM, Student enter, Room

0 Black Student Union
General Meetin , 4:30 PM,
Student Center m. 230

- Cat‘s For Christ Meeting,
7:00 PM, Student Center,
Room 230

0 Lutheran-Episcopal
Campus Minista Worship
Servrce, 5:05 P

0 UK Water Ski Club, 9:00
PM, Commons Room 306A
- Lavender Society Meeting,
7:30 PM, Student Center,
Room 228

backer in a .‘t-4 defense , a de-
fense primarily used in his
last two seasons at UK. He has
worked with both linemen
and linebackers at the com-

But Burns Would prefer to
play end in a four-lineman de-

“I‘m better suited for a 4-3
defense with my abilities.”
Burns said. “I don‘t knock it

some of my better stats
were in the 3-4."

Burns will return to Lex~
ington for Pro Day March 9 at
Nutter Field House.

A few Cats hoping for a shot

Quarterback Shane Boyd.
cornerback Earvcn Flowers
and defensive tackle Ellery
Moore have worked out at
High Intense Training off
East Reynolds Road for the
past several months.

Flowers needs to lower his
40-yard dash time from 4.32 to
about 1.1. he said. The Bills.
(‘ardinals anti Jaguars have
shown interest. but they may
want to try him out at safety

a position he played in his
freshman year at IIK.

"That's another positive."
Flowers said. “I'll do whatev-
er. Ijust want a shot."

Moore's biggest asset may
be his speed. He's been run-
ning the loyard dash in the
range of 1.8 to 1.9 seconds.
Most nose tackles don't rim
below a 5.0.

“It‘ll definitely open some
eyes." Moore said.

Moore‘s agent. Johnny
McNeil of St. Louis. has

its 13rd SI£(‘ regular-season

The (‘entral (‘Ity Ky. nae
tive totaled 20 of his season-
high points in the second half.

This is the second time
this season that Sparks has
been natncd the Player of the

He earned the distinction
Dec. 21) after scoring 3.3 points
in I'K‘s 6417.38 comeback win
over Louisville Sparks is the
first IYK player to earn the
honor twice in one season
since ’I‘aysliaun Prince in

Women's tennis wins

The No, 7 [TR women‘s
tennis teaIn defeated No. 6.")


I The Well, 700 PM, Student
Center, Room 211

0 UK Fencing Club Meeting, 8 00
PM, Buell Armory/Barker Hall

- Build Bark Lexrnqton,Volunteer
Meeting, 7 00 PM, SVC Offire,
106 C Student Center

' CSF Presents "Synergy, " 8 00
PM, CSF Burlding,(orner of
Woodland and Columbia

0 UK Phi Alpha Delta Pre Law
Meeting, 5 00 PM, Student
Center. Room 205

0 Baptist Student Union‘s
Freshman Fotus Group Meeting,
7 30 PM, 429 Columbia Ave

0 CRU, 7 30 PM, Worsbam
Theater/ Student Center

0 Wesley Foundation's Focus
Worship Meeting, 7 30 PM,
Student Center, Center Theater
- UK Lambda. 7 30 PM. Room
231, Student Center

- UK Climbing Club, 7 00 PM,
Johnson Center Climbing Wall
OKentucky Kernel, Dave LaBelle's
book release party, 5 30 7 30pm,
Kentucky Theatre

talked to many teams in-
cluding Oakland. San Diego
and Seattle interested in

Boyd, UK‘s quarterback
last season. always dreamed
of playing quarterback in the
NFL. But he has worked out
as a receiver as well. The path
of a college quarterback
turned pro receiver wouldn‘t
be unusual if it‘s Boyd’s route
to the NFL. Antwaan Randel
El and Ronald Curry have
both had success in the pros
at a different position.


Safety Mike Williams has
been training in Jacksonville.
Fla, for the past month.

Right now. the biggest
knock on Williams has been
his speed. His time in the 40
has ranged from 4.6 to 4.7 sec-
onds he’s trying to get that
down to a 4.4.

If he can lower his 40
time. his options can include
playing cornerback.

“I'm getting ready for any-
thing they want." Williams

Williams talked to UK de-
fensive backs coach Steve
Brown last week. and Brown
told him to finish school.

"I said I'd come back.“
Williams said.

Williams is about two full
semesters away frotn complet-
ing his degree in sociology.

“I didn‘t get that redshirt
year." he said. “That pushed
me off a bit."

jpatrerson-u A1I'}.‘ernel.com

Ohio State by a 6~1 count
Sunday at the Stickney Ten-
nis (‘enter in Columbus.

The (‘ats (11-3) followed
an easy sweep of doubles
play with a dominant singles

Senior All-American
Aibika Kalsarieya. sopho-
more Sarah Foster. sophov
more Kim Coventry. junior
Danielle I’etrisko and sopho-
more I.iis Sober all won their
singles matches.

IIK begins conference
play Friday against Missis»
sippi State.


‘I’Ii' w FREE v

0 Homecoming
Applications Due, 4:30 PM,
203 Student Center

0 Basic Needs Committee
Applications Due, Salsa
Class, 3:00 PM, Martin
Luther King Jr. Cultural
Center, 124 Student

0 ICE Dinner and
Fellowship, 7:00 PM, St.
Augustine Chapel, Rose ST.


WW L‘lll'l’l'llllllllillllt‘l
ALoohoib- free pwfwwwy

Deng/W wrvd/
Trwd/otcovval/ Fragrwrva










_....— wwwukfcuorg 1M—2MNKCU
UK Student Center Branch
Student Center Rm 2‘9
i i i

. ».
~-hm“mflumd‘hrwnmunmneos “mum-n- ”It‘d-HM
vie-mm“ le~hfll





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Vtsrt tat; wee. at??? me. E's-TNT struts on
T0 rim vase out-s mi west

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0 UK Softball Kentucky
Invitational Tournament,
10:00 AM, UK Softball and
Soccor Complex

- Servrce Excursrons—-8uild
Back Lexington, 8:00 AM
- UK Softball Kentucky
InVitatIonal Tournament,
12:00 PM, UK Softball and
Soccer Complex






By Mohamed Bazzi

' wrwsnnv

BEIRUT. Lebanon Un-
der intense public pressure
over its allegiance to Syria.
the Lebanese government
abruptly resigned Monday
even though it appeared like-
ly to have survived a parlia
mentary no—confidence vote.

The resignation came as
more than 25.000 protesters
gathered near parliament to
demand that the government
step down after the assassi-
nation of Lebanon's former
prime minister. Rafik Hariri.
two weeks ago.

Many Lebanese have
blamed Hariri‘s killing on
Syria and its Lebanese allies.

Syria. which has kept
thousands of troops here
since 1975. has denied in-
volvement in the Feb. 14
bombing that killed Hariri.

Even if Syria was not be-
hind Hariri's death. it is like
ly to pay the political cost as
international pressure
mounts on it to end its politi~
cal and military dominance
over Lebanon.

As parliament convened
for a marathon session debat-
ing the government’s future.
Prime Minister ()inar Kara-
mi announced that he and
his 30-member Cabinet
would step down so they “do
not become an obstacle to the
good of the country"

Protesters watching
Karami on a large TV screen


By Mary Otto

THE wnsatwdtow POST

A large. drab green mis-
sile launcher aimed vigi-
lantly skyward has be»
come one of the more dis-
tinctive landmarks in the
Washington suburb of West
Bethesda. Md.

“Did you see that?"
neighborhood resident Miri-
am Burton asked her hus-
band. Alton. when she first
spotted the weapon on a re-
cent drive along the Clara
Barton Parkway. “What the
heck is going on there?“

The launcher claims a
commanding position on the
lawn at the US. Naval Stir-
face Warfare Center‘s Carde-
rock facility. a science and
engineering center overlook
mg the Potomac River

The missile launcher. in~
stalled in I) ‘l‘t‘llllN‘l‘. has

in downtown Beirut erupted
in cheers and applause. They
waved the red. white and
green Lebanese flag and
chanted “Syria Out!"

Karanii‘s resignation eni-
boldened the Lebanese oppo-
sition. which has become
unified and much more popu-
lar since Hariri's killing.
