xt7rxw47qk61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47qk61/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988021 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1988-02-mar1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1988-02-mar1. 1988 2011 true xt7rxw47qk61 section xt7rxw47qk61 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, March 1, 1988.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1 p.m.
Lexington time on Tuesday, March 1, 1988 in the Board Room on the 18th
floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

      A.   Meeting Opened

      Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Mary Sue Coleman.

      B. Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mr. Robert T. McCowan (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates,
Professor Raymond F. Betts, Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Professor Mary Sue Coleman, Professor David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr.
Tracy Farmer, Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr.
Henry E. Hershey, Senator Walter D. Huddleston, Dr. Nicholas J.
Pisacano, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. James L. Rose, Judge Robert F.
Stephens, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker, Judge Julia K. Tackett, Ms. Cyndi
Weaver, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from the meeting were Mr.
George W. Griffin, Jr., Mr. T. A. Lassetter, and Mr. Bobby Watson. The
University administration was represented by President David P. Roselle;
Mr. Edward A. Carter, Vice President for Administration; Chancellors
Peter P. Bosomworth, Art Gallaher and Charles T. Wethington; Mr. Eugene
R. Williams, Acting Vice President for Information Systems; and Mr. John
C. Darsie, Legal Counsel.

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. Mrs. Hayes
reported a quorum present, and Mr. McCowan declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       C. Minutes Approved

       On motion made by Mr. Rose, seconded by Judge Tackett and passed,
the Minutes of the January 19, 1988 meeting of the Board of Trustees
were approved as written.

       D. Revised Committee Appointments for 1987-88

       Mr. McCowan reported that he had reviewed the Board committees
and announced the following revised committee appointments for 1987-88:

Finance Committee                      Student Code

Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Chairman       Julia K. Tackett, Chairman
Ted B. Bates                           Albert B. Chandler
Albert G. Clay                         Mary Sue Coleman
Tracy Farmer                          *George W. Griffin
*George W. Griffin                      Edythe Jones Hayes
Walter 0. Huddleston                   Nicholas J. Pisacano
Robert T. McCowan                      Robert F. Stephens
James L. Rose                         *Bobby Watson
Jerome A. Stricker                     Cyndi Weaver




Henry E. Hershey, Chairman
Ted B. Bates
Albert B. Chandler
Albert G. Clay
*T. A. Lassetter
Frank Ramsey
Jerome A. Stricker
Billy B. Wilcoxson

Academic Affairs

Mary Sue Coleman, Chairman
Raymond F. Betts
David R. Driscoll, Jr.
Edythe Jones Hayes
Nicholas J. Pisacano
Robert F. Stephens
Julia K. Tackett


Billy B. Wilcoxson, Chairman
Raymond F. Betts
Albert B. Chandler
David R. Driscoll, Jr.
Edythe Jones Hayes
Walter D. Huddleston
Julia K. Tackett

Honorary Degrees

Walter D. Huddleston

*The six-year term has not expired; legal issue pending.

      Mr. McCowan stated that the responsibility of the newly formed
Academic Affairs Committee will be to research the areas in the
University that should be recognized for academic excellence. The
Committee will present a schedule to the Board indicating the areas to
be highlighted, and outstanding employees from the areas will be asked
to make presentations.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1.)

       President Roselle made the following announcements:

   1. The results of the survey regarding Board meetings were in, and
      based on the results of the survey, the present schedule is most
      desirable for the majority of the members. There was, however,
      some sympathy for holding some Board meetings away from the
      Lexington Campus.

   2. The search for the new Dean of Agriculture has been a national
       search and is coming along nicely. The committee has interviewed
       16 candidates, and four of the 16 candidates will be interviewed
       on campus in the near future. In addition to meeting with a
       variety of people, the candidates will be asked to deliver a
       public lecture. Copies of resumes and scheduled visits are
       available in the President's Office.



   3.  The University has received funding for a $2.5 million chair and
       an announcement will be forthcoming.

   4.  The consultants for a capital fundraising campaign have been
       interviewed and a selection has been made. The consultants'
       report will be to look at the University's development ability to
       support a campaign. A number of friends of the University will
       be interviewed to find out the capacity for gathering gifts to
       the University, and a report will be presented within a year to
       18 months of the findings. After reviewing the results of the
       feasibility study with the consultants, the administration will
       then decide whether or not to proceed with a major capital

       President Roselle called attention to his monthly report to the
Trustees and recommended that it be read at their convenience.

       F. Budget Update

       President Roselle expressed his regrets that the proposed budget
is not more helpful because the University is deserving of a much larger
budget.  He added that things are going well at the University:   an
increase in enrollment in the Community College System, the research
program named first-class by the Carnegie Commission, and the attitude
of faculty, students and staff.

       President Roselle explained that, with a less than optimal
budget, goals will have to be set and the budget will have to be managed
according to the goals with the number one strategy being to retain the
best employees and students.  He noted that this would be difficult
because the proposed budget does not allocate any money for special
recognition of salary increases.  He indicated that other states are
looking at the University of Kentucky as a source of good faculty.    He
reported that some faculty members who have received better job offers
at other institutions have submitted letters of resignation, and
predicted that the University will continue to lose other faculty

       President Roselle then pointed out that some good things are
resulting from the situation:  (1) the University will have maximized
the support that it is able to in the academic units, and (2) the
importance of education has been heightened throughout the state.    He
reported that the media coverage has been remarkable in supporting the
educational enterprise and, in the long-term, it will cause the people
of the Commonwealth to come to the assistance of all of education in the
state. He then emphasized that the level of education of the citizens
is the most important issue facing the Commonwealth.

       President Roselle concluded his remarks by saying that the
University has goals, and the institution will be managed to maximize
the capability of achieving those goals.   He indicated he would need
more than the usual amount of support from all segments of the
University and stated there must be some unity in approaching the
difficult financial year ahead. He then asked Mr. Carter to review the
fixed cost increases as well as other necessities for the coming year.



      Mr. Carter provided a brief overview of the proposed budget on
the University's plans for the next two years. He stated that the
budget proposes a .5 percent increase in funding for higher education in
1988-89 and a 5 percent increase in 1989-90. From those increases the
University must pay for increases in fixed utility costs, insurances,
benefit programs, and other higher-priority expenditures. He then
stated that all options will be explored: (1) not meeting high priority
needs, (2) not providing salary increases, (3) additional revenue
sources (increasing or adding charges to students and citizens who
utilize the University's services), and (4) reallocate funds to deal
with priority needs (position freezes and/or elimination of positions).
He indicated that some combination of all of these may be pursued, and
the administration is reviewing all possible options.

       Governor Chandler expressed regrets that the recent march and
rally took place at Frankfort. In his opinion, it was too soon and
ineffective. He urged everyone to find ways and means to help the
Governor balance the executive budget and get the affairs of the state
in order.

       Mr. McCowan stated that everyone was at the Board meeting for a
common cause, and expressed regrets that President Roselle must have the
trials and tribulations of this budget during his first year at the
University. He praised President Roselle for the great impression he
has made on the people of the Commonwealth and the University. He
indicated that the Board would support President Roselle 100 percent in
his efforts to balance the budget by doing what is best for the

       President Roselle commented that there are two ground rules
important to follow:  (1) a budget should not be vi.ewed as a personal
document or in terms of any one's personality, and (2) no one should
question any one's right to disagree. The right to disagree is the very
essence of what a University is all about and disagreement on the part
of the executives or the legislature with the budget put forward is an
allowable and healthy situation to exist in the Commonwealth.

       Professor Coleman stated that the faculty has aspirations for the
University and the entire state. The faculty is not being critical of
any one person but is trying to educate the people of the state
regarding the promise for the future of the University and the

       G. Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       In recommending approval of the appointments and staff changes in
PR 2, President Roselle called upon Chancellor Gallaher to provide
comments on the appointment of the Dean of Students. Chancellor
Gallaher expressed his pleasure in recommending that Dr. W. Douglas
Wilson be appointed as Dean of Students. He reviewed briefly Dr.
Wilson's credentials and experience. Dr. Wilson was asked to stand and
be recognized, following which he was given a round of applause.


- 5 -

      Professor Betts stated that Dr. Wilson is a very effective
individual who in a quiet and considerate way gets things done.

      On motion made by Professor Betts, seconded by Dr. Pisacano and
carried, the appointments and staff changes recommended in PR 2 were
approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.  Implementation of Fiscal Year 1988 State Appropriation
Reduction (PR 3B)
      President Roselle stated that PR 3B is an announcement to the
Board of what he hopes will be the final reversion from the University
to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the current fiscal year.  He,
therefore, recommended that the Board approve PR 3B. The motion, which
was made by Mr. Stricker and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, carried.  (See PR
3B at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.  Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3C)

       It was the consensus of the Board to receive the proposed
amendment to the Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky for
preliminary consideration.  The proposed amendment will be included on
the agenda for action at the next Board meeting.  (See PR 3C at the end
of the Minutes.)

      J. New Academic Degree (PR 3D)

      Judge Tackett moved that the Board of Trustees authorize the
awarding of the new degree of Master of Science in Biomedical
Engineering to those students who satisfactorily complete the
requirements for that degree as approved by the University Senate. The
motion, seconded by Professor Betts, carried.  (See PR 3D at the end of
the Minutes.)

       K. Appointment to University of Kentucky Equine Research
Foundation (PR 5A)

       With President Roselle so recommending, Mrs. Hayes moved that the
Board approve the appointment of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum as
a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Equine
Research Foundation for a term ending December 1991. The motion was
seconded by Judge Stephens and unanimously carried.  (See PR 5A at the
end of the Minutes.)

       fir. McCowan commented that the University is indebted to Mr. Clay
for the many things he has done over the years such as the action in PR
SA. In addition to helping make the Equine Research Center a reality,
he has established a fine relationship with the Crown Prince of Dubai.
It is comforting to know that these people who have tremendous resources
have an interest in and are a part of the University of Kentucky.  Mr.
Clay was then given a round of applause.


- 6 -

       L. Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Six Months Ended December 31, 1987 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Forgy, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that there
were six agenda items to be presented for action. He moved that the Board
accept the University of Kentucky consolidated financial report for the six
months ended December 31, 1987. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hershey and
unanimously carried. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M. Authorization for Incineration of Paid Bonds and Coupons (FCR 2)

       On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Dr. Pisacano and carried,
authorization was given for incineration of paid bonds and coupons as
recommended in FCR 2. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N. Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 3)

       On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Mr. Stricker and passed,
approval was given for the disposal of surplus and obsolete equipment as
recommended in FCR 3. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1987-88 (FCR 4)

       The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Forgy moved that the
Board engage the firm of Coopers & Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants,
to perform an external audit of the accounts of the University of Kentucky
and affiliated corporations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988, for a
fee, including expenses, of not more than $89,500. The motion was seconded
by Judge Stephens and passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the

       P. Capital Construction Report (FCR 5)

       After reminding the Board that the Capital Construction Report was
in compliance with House Bill 622, Mr. Forgy moved that the Board accept
the report for the six months ending December 31, 1987. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Clay, and it was so ordered. (See FCR 5 at the end of the

       Q. License with Department of the Army for 271 Acres Adjacent to
Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp (FCR 6)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Forgy moved that
the Chairman of the Executive Committee be authorized to execute a First
Supplemental Agreement with the Secretary of The Army extending to the
University a license for 271 acres at Lake Cumberland in Wayne County,
Kentucky, for a period of one (1) year. The motion, which was seconded by
Judge Tackett, was voted on and carried. (See FCR 6 at the end of the



       R. Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Hershey, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported that the
Investment Committee met on the morning of March 1 and reviewed the report
of changes made in investments for the University and its Affiliated
Corporations for the three months ended December 31, 1987. He then moved
that the report be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stricker and
passed. (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S. Robert Clay Recognized

       Professor Betts asked that the Board recognize Mr. Robert Clay, the
new Director of Residence Life. Professor Betts stated that Mr. Clay
served the University well as an undergraduate and will continue to serve
the University well in his new role as director. Mr. Robert Clay was
recognized and given a round of applause.

       T. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:18 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Edythe Jones Hayes
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 5A; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6: and ICR 1 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                               Office of the President
                                               March 1, 1988

                                     PR 2

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS
Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.    These
recorriendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Uinder the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board.  This report follows the recommendations requiring Roard

Action taken:  Approved           nisapproved          Other
Date:  March 1   , 1988



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



               Transfer from Hazard Community College to Ashland
               Community College

               Colegrove, Forrest, Associate Professor in the
                    Community College System (with tenure), 1/1/88.


               Elizabethtowrn Community College

               Williams, R. Darby, Assistant Professor in the
                    Community College System, appointed Dean of
                    Academic Affairs, effective 2/15/88.



               Ashland Community College

               Hosto, Timothy J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.

               Elizabethtown Community College

               Wang, Daniel Tai-Hua, Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
               Williams, R. Darby, Assistant Professor in the
                    Community College System, 2/15/88 through 6/30/88.

               Hazard Community College

               Adams, Mary Diane, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
               Combs, Charlene, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.
               Huber, Thomas J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 2/1/88 through 6/30/88.

               Hopkinsville Community College

               Edney, James W., Librarian IV in the Community College
                    System, 2/1/88 through 6/30/88.

               Jefferson Community College

               Mason, Richard, Instructor in the Community College
                     System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.



          Speckter, Wanda T., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.
          Wright, Wanda S., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.
          Zickel, John R., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.

          Lexington Community College

          Lenning, Kristan, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/13/88 through 6/30/88.

          Paducah Community College

          Boswell, Renee, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 2/1/88 through 6/30/88.

          Somerset Community College

          Nazhat, Saadi, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.

          Southeast Community College

          Heaberlin, John Charles, Librarian IV in the Community
               College System, 1/11/88 through 6/30/88.


          Ashland Community College

          Elahiji, Salhin, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/11/88 through 5/10/88.

          Henderson Community College

          Long, Deborah K., Librarian IV in the Community College
               System, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.


          Lexington Community College

          Blake, Robert J., Professor in the Community College
                System (with tenure), leave of absence without
                pay, 7/1/88 through 6/30/89.
          Foster, Chester, Associate Professor in the Community
                College System (with tenure), sabbatical leave at
                full salary, 1989 Spring Semester.
          Scorsone, Analy, Associate Professor in the Community
                College System (with tenure), sabbatical leave at
                full salary, 1988 Fall Semester.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



           College of Agriculture

           Domier, Leslie L., Assistant Research Professor, Plant Pathology,
               1/1/88 through 12/31/90.
           McDowell, Karen J., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Science,
               1/1/88 through 6/30/88.
            Ockerse, Ralph, Visiting Professor, International Programs,
               12/31/87 through 2/1/88.
            Pedersen, Jeffrey F., Adjunct Associate Professor, Agronomy,
               12/1/87 through 12/31/89.

            College of Business and Economics

            Gassenbeimer, Jule B., Instructor, Marketing, 1/1/89 through
            Lockhart, Daniel F., Assistant Professor (temporary), Management,
               2/2/88 through 5/15/88.

            College of Law

            Whitt, Nwight Reginald, Assistant Professor, 8/16/88 through


            College of Arts and Science

            Allen, John J., Professor (with tenure), Spanish and Italian,
               appointed Chairman, Spanish and Italian, 1/1/88 through 6/30/88.

            College of Education

            Hall, John W., Associate Professor (with tenure), and Chairman,
               Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, reappointed
               Chairman, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 7/1/88
               through 6/30/92.

            Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

            Wilson, W. Douglas, Acting Dean of Students, appointed Dean of
               Students, effective 3/1/88.

*Special Title Series




       College of Agriculture

       Darden, Douglas W., from Assistant Extension Professor (without
           tenure), Agricultural Communications, to Associate Professor
           (with tenure)*, Agricultural Communications, effective 11/l/87.
        Jackson, Stephen G., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
           Animal Sciences, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Animal
           Sciences, effective 1/1/88.

        College of Home EcoIomics

        McMahon, Pamela, from Assistant Professor (without tenure)*,
           Nutrition and Food Science, to Associate Professor (with
           tenure)*, Nutrition and Food Science, effective l/l/88.


        College of Agriculture

        Ames, Margaret B., Extension Secretary, Cooperative Extension
           Service, after 15.5 consecutive years of service, under Section
           II.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 3/l/68.

        Vice Chancellor for Administration

        Swift, Edward L., Jr., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits and Risk
           Management, after 40.5 consecutive years of service, under
           Section II.P of AR 11-1.6-1, effective 3/31/88.


        College of Agriculture

        Kephart, William H., Jr., Senior Storekeeper, Management
           Operations, after 24 consecutive years of service, under
           Section hI.A.l(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 3/31/88.


        Gilbert, Harry C., Librarian II (with tenure), Architecture
           Library, after 21 consecutive years of service, under Section
           II.A.l(a) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 3/31/88.

        Vice Chancellor for Administration

        Dunn, Rosa, Custodial Worker I, Services, Physical Plant Division,
           after 17 consecutive years of service, under Section II.A.1(b)
           of AR II-1.6-1, effective 4/15/88.

*Special Title Series




           College of Agriculture

           Allen, Steve, Consultant (part-time), Agricultural Economics,
              12/5/87 through 12/10/87.


           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           The action of the Board of Trustees on January 19, 1988 relative
              to the retirement of Katherine A. Coffey, Custodial Worker IV,
              is hereby rescinded.



            College of Agriculture

            Mousset-Declas, Claire, Visiting Professor, Agronomy, 1/E/88
               through 8/15/88.
            Shayesteh, Nouralddin, Visiting Associate Professor, Fntomology,
               12/7/87 through 9/1/88.

            College of Architecture

            Chavance, Philippe, Assistant Professor (part-time), 1/1/88 through

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Allison, Jonathan, Assistant Professor, Fnglish, 8/16/88 through
            Coventry, Sarah J., Instructor (part-time), Fnglish, 1/1/88 through
            Gatton, Judith D., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
            Greenfield, Josephine W., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88
               through 5/31/88.
            Johnson, Anne-Marie, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/88 through
            Keller, Rebecca A., Instructor, Computer Science, 1/1/88 through
            Kirchbichler, Ulrike, Instructor (part-time), German, 1/1/88
               through 5/31/88.
            Lacy, Laura R., Instructor (part-time), Biological Sciences, 1/1/88
               through 5/31/88.
            Lucena, Hector L., Visiting Professor, Political Science, 2/1/88
               through 5/31/88.

*Special Title Series



Olson-Biglieri, Joanne H., Instructor (part-time), Spanish and
   Italian, 1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
Riffe, Kim, Instructor (part-time), Statistics, 1/1/88 through
Rust, Maria S., Instructor (part-time), Spanish and Italian,
   1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
Sioshansi, Azar, Instructor (part-time), Statistics, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Stonecipher, Mabel A., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Thomas, Jessica E., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
West, Mark, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/88 through 5/31/88.

College of Eusiness and Economics

Attaway, Jill S., Instructor, Marketing, 8/16/88 through 6/30/89.

College of Communications

Ehrlich-Mathiesen, Sandra G., Instructor (part-time), Journalism,
   1/1/88 through 5/31/8P.
Herbener, Gerald, Instructor (part-time), Communications, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Wiseman, Lynn David, Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 1/1/88

College of Engineering

Huffsey, Ralph R., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering,
   1/1/88 through 12/31/88.

College of Fine Arts

Bloomfield, Philip James, Instructor (part-time), Art, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Knight, Stephen B., Instructor (part-time), Art, 1/1/88 through
Prichard, J. Nathan E., Instructor (part-time), Art, 1/1/88 through

Graduate School

Joensson, Bengt G., Visiting Associate Professor, Martin School,
   1/1/88 through 8/31/88.

College of Home Economics

Phillips, Renee, Assistant Professor (voluntary), Nutrition and
   Food Science, 8/1/87 through 6/30/89.

*Special Title Series



        College of Law

        McCoy, R. Burl, Assistant Professor (part-time), 1/1/88 through
        Moore, Escum L., Professor (part-time), 1/1/88 through 4/30/88.
        Perlman, Peter, Professor (part-time), 1/1!88 through 4/30/88.

        College of Social Work

        Day, Anna Grace, Associate Professor (part-time), 1/11/88 through


        Graduate School

        Rosenthal, Gerald A., Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
           College of Arts and Sciences, appointed Acting Director,
           Toxicology, 1/28/88 through 6/30/88.

        Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

        Clay, Robert, Acting Director of Residence Life, appointed Director
           of Residence Life, effective 3/1/88.


        College of Agriculture

        Kovalic, Peter P., Instructor (part-time), Forestry, 1/1/88 through

        College of Arts and Sciences

        Adams, Todd L., Instructor (part-time), Philosophy, /l/88 through
        Ades, Harriet, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 1/1/88 through
        Faltus-Sih, Marie-Sylvie, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/88
            through 5/31/88.
        Bitetto, Vito, Instructor (part-time), Computer Science, ll/88
            through 5/31/88.
         Blythe, Marsha J., Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/88 through
         Brown, David M., Instructor (part-time), Computer Science, 1/1/88
            through 5/31/88.
         Calhoun, Rita Kay, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 1/1/88
            through 5/31/88.
         Campbell, F. Diane, Instructor (part-time), Fnglish, 1/1/88 through
         Carswell, Catherine N., Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 1/1/18
            through 5/31/88.

*Special Title Series



Carter, Michael, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
Coats, George W., Visiting Professor (part-time), Russian and
   Eastern Studies, 1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
Conway, Glenda, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
Cooper, John B., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
Coz, Sigrid L., Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/88 through
Crawley, Bryan S., Instructor (part-time), Computer Science,
   1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
DeSimone, Shirley, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
Duncan, Charles E., Instructor (part-time), Physics and Astronomy,
   1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
Fazey, Mark T., Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 1/1/88 through
Feinberg, David L., Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Finch, Patricia S., Instructor (part-time), Office of the Dean,
   1/1/88 through 5/31/88.
Foreman, Nancy K., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/88 through
Francis, Melanie M., Instructor (part-time), Fnglish, 1/1/88
   through 5/31/88.
Fulmer, Constance M., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/l/88
   through 5/31/88.
Gregory, Howa